Today’s Hunchback Horoscope from my Barnes and Noble version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame is;
“Now, I wanted to speak with him; but I could not get him on account of the crowd, which annoys me mightily, for I am in need of money” (Book VIII Chapter I, The Crowned Piece changed to a Dry Leaf pg 291)
Ah, the book doesn’t lie, proceed with caution
Who doesn’t need money in this economy?
True Story. The Book never lies.
I know…That’s why I use it and not my actual horoscope. You should have characters corresponding to the zodiac signs and do horoscopes based on the characters.
According to Hugo Esmeralda is a Aquarius (born on St Paula’s day ) and Quasimodo is Scorpio (St Martin’s). Though looking at the traits of a Scorpio Frollo fit it pretty well