Sabina Babayeva picture image

Sabina Babayeva

Eurovision 2012 is in Baku, Azerbaijan, Sabina Babayeva will be representing Azerbaijan. In 2010, Babayeva played Fleur de Lys in an Azerbaijani version of Notre Dame de Paris.

Sabina Babayeva as Fleur de Lys  2010 Azerbajani  Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Sabina Babayeva as Fleur de Lys 2010 Azerbajani Notre Dame de Paris

I hate to say this but I had no idea this version existed and I would also add that I’m very fixated  on the costumes. The production opts for Renaissance costumes, different staging, and different musical arrangement. It seem that production lacked budget of the other version so there is less spectacle. Honestly, I have no idea what I think of it.  I don’t hate it but I don’t really like it either. I’m incline to thinking it’ not that good. Though I think Babayeva is a decent singer.

Sabina Babayeva as Fleur de Lys
La Monture

Ces Diamants-la


For those interested, the first half an hour of the show. ( They cut the La  Fete de Fous and Le Cour des Miracles, not if show did this or just the video (I think it’s the show))

One Thought on “Eurovision 2012 and Notre Dame de Paris

  1. Antonietta on 03/08/2014 at 8:03 pm said:

    This is a show made on the same license Russia, Lithuania, Poland and Albania did(yes, Russia has at least two versions of the show). It follows the original show with almost every song(it differs from version to version) but not the staging and costumes. But those are in all these countries pretty much the same. I collect excerpts from those shows at so you may want to look at it.

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