Tormented Frollo Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Tormented Frollo Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame

With exception of the happy ending where Esmeralda and Quasimodo runoff together the plot of the Jetlag version  adheres fairly close to the book. It has all the core components of the book, Gringoire, Frollo as a tormented priest, Phoebus is a cad with a fiancée, and Djali does her tricks.  Of course they are missing elements that make the story take a more an adult tone like anything dealing with architecture vs the written words, Jehan’s debauchery, Gudule and Ananke to name  a few.


Esmeralda's (not) trial Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda’s (not) trial Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame

All the major  parts are streamlined. The movie doesn’t spend much time developing anything and with a narrator major parts are  just example and not shown. Esmeralda’s trial and torture for example are just mentioned and not shown.  The characters are flat representations of the book.  The Jetlag version has the bones of the story but it lacks finer details and the execution doesn’t help it much however with all the other different version messing the story up it’s refreshing to see an adaptation that follow the book.


Quasimodo gives the bell a hug Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo gives the bell a hug Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame

Next Jetlag Article  – The Characters

Esmeralda and Phoebus Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Phoebus Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame

In addition to a novelist, poet, dramatist and writer Hugo was a a wonderful artist. Many of his works have survived. I really like his artwork. It has a whimsical fantasy aspect to it, at least from my point of view. I love have he used colors, his quality of lines and his use of positive and negative space.

Here are a view examples of his work but you can see more HERE

Victor Hugo The Snake c1866 picture image

Victor Hugo The Snake c1866

Victor Hugo Octopus with the initials V.H picture image

Victor Hugo Octopus with the initials V.H


Victor Hugo Mushroom picture image

Victor Hugo Mushroom



Disney Esmerlada as the Sexy Librarian picture image

Disney Esmerlada as the Sexy Librarian

Romeo et Juliette 2012 Japan Tour promotion image picture

Romeo et Juliette 2012 Japan Tour promotion

The very Popular French Musical Romeo et Juliette is touring is Japan. And guess which two Notre Dame de Paris alumni are in it? The answer is Cyril Niccolai and Candice Parise.


Cyril Niccolai as Romeo picture image

Cyril Niccolai as Romeo

Niccolai who is playing Romeo played Gringoire in the 2001 Morgdor cast. He has also been Benvolio in a previous Romeo et Juliette cast.


Candice Parise image picture

Candice Parise

Parise  who played Esmeralda in the 2011-2012 Asian Tour cast is the understudy for Juliette. Juliette is played by Joy Esther who was married to Damien Sargue who played Romeo in the original cast and also was the understudy for Gringoire and Phoebus in the original cast of Notre Dame de Paris.

Takarazuka version Romeo et Juliette picture image

Takarazuka version Romeo et Juliette


Also this isn’t the first the version of Romeo et Juliette has been performed in Japan. The did a 2010 version  and  The world famous Takarazuka troupe did a version of it. The Takarazua is an all female  musical troupe. It probadly won’t happen but I can’t help but to hope that they will perform a version of Notre Dame de Paris.

Today’s Fan-art is a bit different, I used the Tudor Scene marker from Azalea Dolls and made a Esmeralda and a Fleur de Lys. I have a bunch of these Hunchback related Paper images so this won’t be the last.

 Esmeralda and  Fleur de Lys The Tudors Scene picture image

Esmeralda and Fleur de Lys done with The Tudors Scene Maker

What can I say I’m a fan of Florence + the Machine. It’s a good music video too. It has nice beat and lyric sync. The song, Drumming Song, work really well with Hunchback as well.

Helene Segara performing Bohemienne as Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Helene Segara performing Bohemienne as Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris

Do you remember those Facbook games where you had to pick an artist and using their song titles you had to answer questions. Well I found an old file of one of those that I did using songs from Notre Dame de Paris.

Pick Your Artist: NDdP

Are you a boy or a girl:
Ou est-elle? ( where is she)

Describe yourself:

How do you feel:
a boire ( a drink)

Describe where you currently live:
ma maison c’est ta maison

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:

Your favorite form of transportation:
les oiseaux qu’on met en cage

Your best friend is:
le pape des fous

What’s the weather like:
Tu vas me detruire

Your favorite time of day:
un matin tu dansais

If your life was a tv show, what would it be called:
le Proces

What is life to you:
Le fete des fous

Your last relationship was:
La torture

Your current relationship:

Your biggest fear:

What is the best advice you have to give:
Dieu  que le monde est injuste

If you could change your name, you would change it to:

How I would like to die:

My soul’s present condition:

My motto:

So questions work better than others

Notre Dame of Paris Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Notre Dame of Paris

For the most part the Jetlag Version follows the book pretty well but a few things have been change so that it has a happy-child-friendly ending.


Frollo adopting Baby Quasimodo Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo adopting Baby Quasimodo

The movie opens with Quasimodo being left at Notre Dame by his young widow mother and Frollo adopting him. They then explain some basic details of Quasimodo by way of narration. Like Quasimodo lives in Notre Dame, he loves the bells and he is deaf. He the subject of ridicule and fascination among the common people, who in this tend to gawk at Quasimodo while he rings the bells.


Esmeralda and Gringoire Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Gringoire

The film then moves into the Feast of Fools where we meet Gringoire who is trying to get his play some viewers but the crowd in more interested in the Pope of Fool contest. After Quasimodo is crowned the Pope of Fools we meet Esmeralda, who charms the masses with her dancing. As she dances she captures the attentions of Gringoire and Frollo. Esmeralda then showcases Djali time telling trick. As Djali finishes the trick the procession of the Pope of Fool comes by and Frollo reprimands Quasimodo for his blasphemy. Quasimodo not recognizing his master attacks but after Frollo is revealed Quasimodo begs forgiveness.


Quasimodo being arrested Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo being arrested

As the Festival ends Esmeralda walks home. Gringoire follows her and so does Frollo and Quasimodo. They attempt to kidnap her. Gringoire tries to help but fails. As Esmeralda screams Phoebus and his guard come and arrests Quasimodo.


Gringoire tries to score a kiss Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Gringoire tries to score a kiss

After that Gringoire is bought before the Duke of Egypt. Since Gringoire is an outsider he must pass a test so that he can join the Gypsies or  he will die. He has to steal the purse from a dummy with bells attach to it while walking a plank standing on one leg. However he fails but instead of dying he put up for marriage. Esmeralda accepts him but only to save him.


Esmeralda giving Quasimodo water Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda giving Quasimodo water

Quasimodo then stands trial. His judge is deaf so Quasimodo is unfairly sentenced to be kept in the stocks for an extra hour. As Quasimodo is punished he ask for water but the crown throws rocks at him. Esmeralda takes pity on him and gives him water and he weeps.


Djali spelling Phoebus Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Djali spelling Phoebus

The following day, Esmeralda  dances while Gringoire balances a chair with a cat on it on his nose.  As they perform Quasimodo looks down from a top the Cathedral and watches Esmeralda. Also watching is a nobel women, Fleur de Lys,who is Phoebus’ fiancee.  Esmeralda notices Phoebus and show them that Djali can spell his name. Fleur de Lys finds this charming and wants to meet Esmeralda but Phobus dismisses the request and calls Esmeralda ordinary.


Gringoire balancing a chair Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Gringoire balancing a chair Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame

As Esmeralda walk off dejected, Frollo appears and speaks to Gringoire. Frollo wants to know  why he is dressed the way he is. Gringoire tells him that he is married to Esmeralda in name only and a member of the Gypsies.


Esmeralda & Phoebus Kiss while Frollo attacks Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda & Phoebus Kiss while Frollo attacks

That night Frollo torments himself with thoughts of Esmeralda.  He then see her outside and follows her.  He follows her to the docks where she is meets Phoebus. She tells Phoebus that she has dreamed of a knight that would save her and she loves him. Phoebus tells her that he loves her too.  As they embrace Frollo stabs Phobus.  Esmeralda tells Frollo to kill her too but he walk alway and leaves her to take the blame.


Esmeralda being lead to the gallows Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda being lead to the gallows

The narration then tells us that Esmerlada has a brief trial and confessed to stabbing Phobus to death and witchcraft and for this she is sentence to death. We are then told she did that after days questioning without food or water. As she is lead to gallows she sees Phoebus. Fleur de Lys asks why the sight of Esmeralda seems to trouble him but he tells her he is fine. Fleur de Lys then asks if he loves her which say that she is the only one he has ever loved. Esmeralda hearing this cries.


Quasimod claiming Sanctuary for Esmeralda Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimod claiming Sanctuary for Esmeralda

Quasimodo then sweeps done, grabs Esmeralda and runs into Notre Dame and claims Sanctuary for her.


Esmeralda in Sanctuary Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda in Sanctuary

Quasimodo takes care of Esmeralda in Notre Dame. He provides her with a bed and food. Esmeralda wants to see Quasimodo in the light but Quasimodo refuses to have her look at him. He then tells her not to leave the cathedral or they will kill her and that would kill him.


Esmeralda and Frollo Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame image picture

Esmeralda and Frollo

The next day Esmeralda gets a knock on the door and thinks it’s Quasimodo but it’s Frollo. Frollo tells her of his romantic obsession.  Esmeralda recognizes him as the one who stabbed Phoebus and threaten to tell on him. Frollo tells her to go ahead as no one will believe her. She tells Quasimodo but he doesn’t want to believe that his master would do such a thing.


Frollo gives an evil smile Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo gives an evil smile

Frollo  finds Gringoire and tells him that Esmeralda can not stay in Notre Dame indefinitely. Frollo suggests that since Esmeralda saved  Gringoire’s life that he should be the one to take her place.  Gringoire tells Frollo that he is too attach to life to save her in that fashion. Frollo flashes an evil smile and tells him he has another plan.


Esmeralda gives Quasimodo a kiss Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda gives Quasimodo a kiss

As Quasimodo locks the Cathedral for the evening Frollo unlocks it. Quasimodo then take Esmeralda her dinner with some flowers in a clay vase. Esmeralda thanks him for the flowers and tell him that there is no need to hide his face from her. She tells him that she has forgotten Phoebus and she knows that he never loved her. Quasimodo starts to tell her that he loves her but  falters. Esmeralda tells him that she know he loves her as he has proven he it to her and she know that he won’t let Frollo harm her.  She then gives him a peck on the cheek.


Sneaking into Notre Dame Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Sneaking into Notre Dame

As Esmeralda sleeps Gringoire and the Gypsies sneak  through the unlock door of Notre Dame. As they sneak in Frollo sneaks out. They find Esmeralda and try to escape with her. Quasimodo begs her not to go but the Gypsies knock Quasimodo out.  Esmeralda doesn’t want to leave but Gringoire forces her out of Notre Dame.


Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge

As the groups leaves Notre Dame Frollo alerts the guards of Esmeralda exodus.   As the fight ensues Frollo convinces Esmeralda to follow him as she has no choice.  He leads her to a bridge where tells her to be his or die. Esmeralda tells him no and as he is about to stab her Quasimodo stops him. Quasimodo then tells him he saw Frollo stab the Phoebus (Plothole). As Frollo tries to stab Quasimodo, Quasimodo lifts Frollo up and throws him off the bridge and in to the water.


Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace Esmeralda in Sanctuary Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace Esmeralda in Sanctuary

Quasimodo then tells Esmeralda that he loves her and she tells him she loves him too. They then run off together  and live happily ever after  in the country.


Next Jetlag Review Post – Plot Review

Phoebus Face Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame

Phoebus Face


Hunchback of Notre Dame Character Illustration by Francois Joseph Aime De Lemud

Hunchback of Notre Dame Character Illustration by Francois Joseph Aime De Lemud

Hugo’s first  novel major was successful Notre Dame de Paris (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame), which was published in 1831 and was very successful. The novel  shamed Paris into restoring the then neglected Cathedral which was attaching many tourist because of the Book. It also inspired a renewed appreciation for pre-Renaissance buildings, which began to be actively preserved.  So Notre Dame as tourist attraction is largely due to Hugo and the book

Builded you own 3D Puzzle of Notre Dame of Paris


Coach Phoebus de Chateaupers picture image

Coach Phoebus de Chateaupers