In an interview with Josh Brolin (click here to watch), he said that Tim Burton will be involved in the project in some way (either directly or indirectly). This just means that Burton hasn’t sign a contract yet. No doubt he is holding out for more money. In any case Tim Burton involvement means that Johnny Depp has to be in this movie in some way.

Johnny Depp image picture

Johnny Depp

He’ll probably end up playing Gringoire. Given that this version is going to focus more on Gringoire and Burton is involved it seems very likely that Depp would be cast in role. Personally I think he would be fine in the role but Depp maybe to mature for Gringoire. Then again I think the book’s plot was thrown out the window ever since Brolin called this version “jazzy.” So perhaps so Depp can make Gringoire into what ever he wants.

But tell me what do you think……

Who Should Johnny Depp play in the 2013 Hunchback movie?

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Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 Lon Chaney picture image

Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 Lon Chaney

The 1923 version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame is fondly remember for launching Lon Chaney’s career and for helping to change the way films were made but the movie is viewed with rose-colored glasses. Viewers often watch this movie as the First major Hunchback movie, as a classic universal monster movie or as Lon Chaney’s star vehicle. Judging by the audio commentator of the DVD this film gets critical pass but the movie is on the boring side and none of the character are fleshed out. It’s just dull on the story front. Speaking on the DVD commentary or in this case the Audio Essay (*cough* Pretentious *cough*), while there is a lot of good information the guy (Michael F. Blake) can not pronounce Quasimodo, Esmeralda or Phoebus. He says Quasimodo like Qua-SAY-Mo-do and Esmeralda like Esme-RAUL-da and really murders Phoebus’ name.

The Hunchback of Notre dame 1923 version Ultimate Edition Stuff picture image

The Hunchback of Notre dame 1923 version Ultimate Edition Stuff

If your interested the DVD comes with ;
– Optional audio essay by Michael F. Blake
– Lon Chaney on the set
– Alias and Alack (excerpt)
– Gallery of promotional shots and advertising material
– 20-page liner notes booklet with images featuring essay and reproduction of original souvenir program.
– And 3-D Glasses with no earpiece so you can’t keep it on. It’s for the Gallery of 3-D stills.They 3d enough just to make you feel slightly dizzy.

Click here to get the DVD along with all these features

Now let’s move anyway from the super remembered 1923 version to the not at all remember Jetlag version. With a studio name like that they have to put out high quality cartoons that are exciting, right?

Jetlag Cover picture image

Jetlag Cover

Oh….. well Next time the Jetlag version (which was selected by a vote)

Victor Hugo's Daughter, Adèle picture image

Victor Hugo’s Daughter, Adèle

Did you know that Victor Hugo youngest child, Adele developed a romantic obsession a British military officer  who rejected and nearly destroyed her. Kind of sounds like  an mash-up of Frollo and Esmeralda. Adele’s love-life allludes to Notre Dame but it was by no means inspired it. Adele was born one year before Notre Dame’s publication.

There have been several biographies published on Adele Hugo but I really enjoyed the 1975 movie directed by François Truffaut and  starring Isabelle Adjani called The Story of Adele H.


Note- For the Month of Setember every Monday I’m going to try post a Victor Hugo trivia that relates to Notre Dame.


Disney Esmeralda and Quasimodo on the Phantom's Boat picture image

Disney Esmeralda and Quasimodo on the Phantom’s Boat

Atop the Cathedral, He’s always there
And rings the Large Big Bells that go Ding-Dong
And do I Dance again for now I find
The Hunchback of the Notre Dame is quite Ugly

Dance once again with me our Strange Chasse
My Tower is quite  nice in the Summer Time
And though you’re quite Shallow to see Beyond
The Hunchback of the Notre Dame is Lovely Inside

Those who have seen your Face draw back in Fear
I’m one of those People

It’s me they Fear

Your Face and my Dance in one combine
The Hunchback of the Notre Dame is quite ugly

{Background Vocals}
He’s ugly,  The Hunchback of the Notre Dame

In all you Fantasies, you always knew
You like Men on Horseback

Like my Phoebus

And in this Cathedral
That Scraps the Sky
The Hunchback of the Notre Dame is quite ugly

Dance my Lady of Paris

He’s ugly,  The Hunchback of the Notre Dame


Dance, Dance
Dance for me
Dance, My lady of Paris
Dance for me


Revised Lyrics by Me,
I used the book as a basis for this but there is a Notre Dame de Paris reference in there, see if you can find it. Also it’s not perfect but try singing these lyrics with the tune of The Phantom Of The Opera.


Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 Lon Chaney picture image

Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 Lon Chaney

Is the highly regarded 1923 version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame a good version and a good movie? I think it’s an admirable version but I don’t think it’s a  good movie.


Quasimodo (Lon Chaney), Esmeralda (Patsy Ruth Miller) and Gudule (Gladya Brockwell) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 picture image

Quasimodo (Lon Chaney), Esmeralda (Patsy Ruth Miller) and Gudule (Gladya Brockwell) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923

It’s an admirable version because it’s one of the few versions where we see a somewhat moody Quasimodo. Quasimodo has a edge to him in the book and this version showcases that aspect. It also has an Esmeralda who is winsome and innocent. She is  not really concerned for blight of the gyspy  but she does has a does have a concern for social justice but not to the same extent that the Disney version or the 1939 version have.  But despite her more care-free attitude she is still likable. I also appreciate that they tried to do something with Esmeralda’s mother even if it was very little.   I also enjoy the Clopin in this version.


Jehan Frollo (Brandon Hurst) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 picture image

Jehan Frollo (Brandon Hurst) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923


I don’t find it a great version because the characters lack any depth or complexity they  had in the book especially with depiction of Frollo. Frollo in the book is fueled by sexual impulse but he  had had an internal conflict that made him interesting.  This Frollo, who  is more charateristically Jehan than Claude with the Esmeralda obsession tacked on, is just a old pervert who lacks any internal struggle. Since Frollo’s obession is core of story and fuels the plot  having Frollo who not interesting makes the story less interesting.


Esmeralda Rejecting Phoebus Hunchback of Notre Dame Patsy Ruth Miller 1923 picture Image

Esmeralda Rejecting Phoebus Hunchback of Notre Dame Patsy Ruth Miller 1923

So because the story lacks interest the film suffers. There is nothing to really to pull the viewer into the world and since the characters lack complexity and depth there is nothing to make us really care about the characters. But what really kills this movie is the pacing. The pacing of this movie is terrible, it’s slow and very boring. It just lacks any substance that the book has. I found watching this movie a chore.


Notre Dame de Paris set from the 1923 version of Hunchback picture image

Notre Dame de Paris Set from the 1923 version of Hunchback

This movie gets a pass for being good for a few reasons. Number one it launched Lon Chaney’s career as one of the most famous actors of the silent era. Number two the production values. The production was well done. Number three, the movie was a big deal in 1923. Back in the 20’s movies were created quickly and were made to make a quick buck. The 1923 version was created with care and it did pave the for bigger movies.  But despite these reasons it’s not a very enjoyable to sit through.


Patsy Ruth Miller as Esmeralda 1923 Hunchback of Notre Dame

Patsy Ruth Miller as Esmeralda 1923 Hunchback of Notre Dame

Next -Conclusion

Patsy Ruth Miller as Esmeralda 1923 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Patsy Ruth Miller as Esmeralda 1923 Hunchback of Notre Dame