More Pictures from the Asian Tour Cast;


So today marks the three year anniversary of my discovery of Notre Dame de Paris . So here is a work by floriaiglenoir. what can I say it’s Gorgeous!

Notre Dame de Paris by Floriaiglenoir

Notre Dame de Paris by Floriaiglenoir

I’ve been a fan of  Animaniacs since the begining, but like some many children a lot of the joke went right over my head. I was watching Volume 2 recently and I notice a wonderful little refernce to the 1923 version.

Ok, so the opening has a line that is varied, this line has to end with an “Y” sound and one of these lines is “Where Lon Chaney” and the visual is  Wakko is dressed as Quasimodo and not as Phantom of the Opera which is probably Chaney’s most well-known role. So point for the Hunchback.

Wakko as Quasimodo Animaniacs picture image

Wakko as Quasimodo Animaniacs

Isn’t he cute?

Quasimodo clapping Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Quasimodo Clapping

I don’t think Disney denies knowledge of Hunchback like they do with the Black Cauldron it’s just very clear that from a  business stand point that Hunchback didn’t make the money that Disney was used to after the Renaissance and so it gets looked over in favor of the cash-cows. But why did Hunchback fail to garner the reviews and money and is hence ignored?  Well that is actually an easy question to answer, and it not so much the title translation it’s actually film history. You see the oldest surviving movies of Hunchback (the 1923 version and the 39 version) were both star vehicles for the actors who played Quasimodo. As a result Quasimodo has been the coveted role in Hunchback, it something I like to call “The Quasimodo Factor©” (more on this later) . (Why do you think Josh Brolin is playing Quasimodo, it’s because he a producer and chose to play him.) So as a Quasimodo has been pushed to the main character role even though he is not in the book.

Frollo and Quasimodo during Out There Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo and Quasimodo during Out There Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame


I think this was Disney’s problem from the onset, they thought this film demanded Quasimodo and it didn’t matter how he was depicted. So Quasimodo with his sweet/bland personality was favored over the more interesting characters like Frollo, Clopin and Esmeralda.

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame


I have to wonder that if Disney had made Frollo and Esmeralda the focus and put Quasimodo in a role where he was a minion and through some kind of exposure to Esmeralda is turned good if the movie who have done better. Was Disney too blindsided by Chaney and Laughton to see that it might have the Hunchback that bought down Notre Dame. I mean don’t get me wrong Disney was in a hard position with his one making an adult classic into a children-friendly film and I think for they did it worked, and I’m not bashing on Quasimodo but here is a challenge, list your favorite character from this movie and then list your favorite character from other Disney movies and see how  often did you site the protagonist as being one of your top. I bet comparatively people like other disney protagonists over Quasimodo.  So I think Quasimodo and the film revolving around him is the down fall and you can thank the 1939 version and the 1923 version for this.


Next Movie to be Reviewed – The 1923 Version Starring Lon Chaney….. oh….


Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 Lon Chaney picture image

Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 Lon Chaney










*I’ll tell you what I’ll rank Disney characters too,  leave a comment with  5-7 disney movies, can be any movie (not Oliver I haven’t seen it but anything else is fair game (I think)) if I don’t hear from people by the  April 23th I’ll just choose at random. If  in the event I get more comments  I’ll pick the top 5-7 Disney movies that people picked Got it?

Here is an article posted back in January that I have been meaning to post

Cast Poster of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Cast Poster of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

It’s a bit of an inside look of what happened behind the scenes on the Disney version. Though in truth, most of this information was discussed on the DVD commentary, but it’s still a good read.


Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame


It seems that from the onset, this movie lived and could have died from how Hellfire was received from the higher-ups. The studio seemed to love the fact that the film was darkest and they had this complex villain and yet Disney just doesn’t real seem to care that much about this one. But why? I think the closing statement of this article puts it best “Although we may not have matched the numbers and reviews received by “The Lion King”, we created a darn good movie.” (i.e accolades and money).


money and accolades = The Lion King

Cynical take at what Disney Values in the Movies

Next Time – The Conclusion of the Conclusion of the Disney (although I’ll probably never be truly done with it… )

Djali, Esmeralda, and Phoebus Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Djali, Esmeralda, and Phoebus Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Quasimode Sounds of Peace 2008 album

Quasimode Sounds of Peace 2008 album

I randomly discovered a Japanese Jazz group that calls themselves “Quasimode”. Doesn’t that sound very similar to our hunchback pal ‘Quasimodo”? Turns out that the name isn’t a reference, the name came from their pianist who says that the name means “mix, blend” (interview link) but I can’t seem to separate out the connection between the names. So I’m sorry to say that for me Quasimode will alway seem like a secret Hunchback reference.

Quasimodo Illustrtion Francois flameng

Illustration of Quasimodo


As for their music, I like it, I think out of what I heard I like Last Nine Days the best, it’s off the The Land Of Freedom album. It would be so cool if they did a Hunchback/Notre Dame de Paris inspired album ^^…… mmm Notre Dame and Jazz, seems like an odd and cool combo.

I mentioned last week that I went to Anime Boston(4/6-4/9) and I had a great time, I got sick but I had a great time. But one of the best parts was that me and my sister’s AMV (Anime Music Video) won Best Comedy. Now since I shamelessly self-promote I wanted to post it here but since it has nothing to with Hunchback I decided to show it to the  characters of the Hunchback and asked them what they thought.

The Video


Their Reactions

Quaismodo –  It lacked soul and depth but I liked, will you be my friend now?
Esmeralda –  They look like princes who ride white horses, I loved it
Frollo– Such an empty hollow video that turns my eyes from god (Maybe if I join a Boy band she’ll love me)
Phoebus – I found my purpose, I going to join a  Boy Band
Gringoire – I suppose it was amusing but I could write a much more amusing song and edit a better AMV.
Clopin –  That would provide the perfect distraction for pick-pocketing
Fleur de Lys –  I really didn’t care for it.
Jehan–  I love it, can you loan me 5 bucks?

Man, there is no pleasing some people.

Anime- Ouran High School Host Club
Song – Pop song by Jon Lajoie [Explicit]
Edited by the Warlike Swans (Me and my Sister)

I rather like it.


An Esmeralda a la Notre Dame de Paris  version of a Pony from  My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic

Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris My Little Pony picture image

Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris My Little Pony by Me

Made by me.

New regular posting series. Basically I’m going to tap to my inner pyschic power and use my special scrying tool to a give a horoscope to everyone. The scrying tool will be a Hunchback of Notre Dame Book and I will open it and record what the book tells me. To be  clear, I basically open the book and pick a random sentence.

Today’s book is The Barnes and Nobel version of Hunchback  which is my go-to version but I have other copies.

Ok, Today’s Hunchback Horoscope is;

It was on a certain evening.” (Book V Chapter 1 Abbas Beati Martini page 159).
Think about….

-(Not the best sentence for the first one on this series but that was the first one I picked and I have a no do over policy for this )