There one big major glaring plot-hole in the Jetlag version of the Hunhcback of Notre Dame .

Frollo attack while Esmeralda and Phoebus embrace, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo attack while Esmeralda and Phoebus embrace, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame

During the ill-fate meeting of Esmeralda and Phoebus, after Phoebus is stab by Frollo, Frollo rips Esmeralda’s necklace off and throws it in the river where it drift down to Quasimodo who seems to be in the general area during the stabbing.

Quasimodo holding Esmeralda's Necklace, Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo holding Esmeralda’s Necklace, Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame

Why was he there? The film makes no indication of him following either Esmeralda or Frollo. Was he out taking a midnight scroll?  In the words of the Nostalia Critc  “Explain Movie, Explain.”

Esmeralda tells Quasimodo about Frollo Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda tells Quasimodo about Frollo

Now when Esmeralda realizes that Frollo is the one who stabbed Phoebus she runs to tell Quasimodo who doesn’t believe her. But When Quasimodo confronts Frollo at the end on bridge he says that he saw him stab the captain.

Frollo threatening Esmeralda, Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo threatening Esmeralda, Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame

So Quasimodo saw Frollo stab Phoebus but didn’t believe it? Or he saw it but didn’t know it was Frollo but we never see him come to the realization that Frollo did it? In fact, we never see Quasimodo realize that Frollo is no longer a nice person and inflicting pain on Esmeralda, the woman he loves.

Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge

In the book Quasimodo sees Frollo laughing at a dying Esmeralda and throws him off Notre Dame but he does it in a fit of rage but never quite understood why he did it. In the Jetlag version he sees Frollo trying to kill Esmeralda and he all like ‘yeah I saw you stab that guy even though I never really thought about it or seemed to even care about that incident, so you’re bad guy now it’s time to get wet and inconvenienced’ and over the bridge he goes. Got to wonder how high that bridge was, I mean Frollo’s comeuppance is getting wet whereas Quasimodo and Esmeralda may get to live happy ever after but they are chased out Paris and are basically criminals. But then again searching for logic or a deeper meaning to things in the Jetlag version is pointless as it was rushed, not thought out and lazy.

Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace Esmeralda in Sanctuary Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace Esmeralda in Sanctuary

Next Jetlag Article – The Epic Conclusion

Gringoire balancing a chair Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Gringoire balancing a chair Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame

Today’s Horoscope was  prophesied by the magical and mystical English version of Notre Dame de Paris, now playing in Wuhan till the 16th.

Ave maria, please pardon me.
If in your house I come stealing.”

Alessandra Ferrari as Esmeralda, World Tour Cast Notre Dame de Paris, Crocus City picture image

Alessandra Ferrari as Esmeralda, World Tour Cast Notre Dame de Paris, Crocus City

The prediction is clear, you shall have an unexpected visitor today who may will want a favor. Beware!

Original Cast of Notre Dame de Paris wearing Silly Hats picture image

Original Cast of Notre Dame de Paris wearing Silly Hats

Fun Fact- The hat Julie Zenatti is wearing is a Notre Dame hat and Helene Segara is wearing the My Fair Lady hat

More Happy Fun Picture of the World Tour Cast ay Crocus City

Today Fan-art is by Maevachan. It’s a lovely rendering of Esmeralda with an anime vibe and painter’s touch. I think it’s so pretty. She has lot more like this but with other Disney characters/princesses, so check them out.

Esmeralda by Maevachan

Esmeralda by Maevachan

For more by Maevachan

Here’s a question, why hasn’t there been a well executed and accurate version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame outside of France? Is it because it just a hard book to adapted into a film? The answer is yes and no. First, the book doesn’t have a traditional happy ending. It ends with pretty much everyone either dead or unhappy in some capacity.

Louis Boulanger's Illustration of Frollo, Esmeralda and Sachette picture image

Louis Boulanger’s Illustration of Frollo, Esmeralda and Sachette

Typically when characters die in movie it’s for one of two reasons, either they die for someone’s else sake like Jack in Titanic or they get punished for for being bad like any number of movie villains. In Hunchback we have these death with Frollo and Quasimodo but Esmeralda’s death is the tricky one. She is neither punished nor scarified for anything. She dies because she didn’t want Frollo and no one was capable of saving her. Her death is very hard to accept which is why typically she lives in film versions. There have only been two movies where she dies, neither of them are American. However if a movie did want to be true to the book and have the same ending the audience could get over it and if the movie was well executed the audience might enjoy it as well.

Gina Lollobrigida 1956 as Esmeralda picture image

Gina Lollobrigida as Esmeralda (1956)

But there is more to it than filmmakers not wanting to deal with the death of the leading lady as the reason. Classic literature has often been tweaked by screenwriters since it allows for them to use established characters and plots but their is no pressure from the filmgoers to make the movie in line with book. Perhaps if the Hunchback of Notre Dame had the same die-hard fan-base as Twilight The Hunger Games or even Gone with the Wind maybe we would get an accurate version.

Twilight picture image


The Hunger Games picture image

The Hunger Games

Gone with the Wind picture image

Gone with the Wind






These three movies based on popular literature more or less capture the original book or series of books whereas Hunchback movies never do. Although Hunchback does have more complexity to plot and tone than Twilight, The Hunger Games and Gone with the Wind. But if Hunchback did have the same levels of popularity within popular culture as a book screenwriters would be less compelled to be creative with the story like making Esmeralda a champion for equality, have her pray, Frollo as a judge and a cat lover, singing semi-imaginary gargoyles who tell fart jokes etc.

The Gargoyles; Hugo Laverne, Victor Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney

The Gargoyles; Hugo Laverne, Victor Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney

Perhaps one day there will be a version that is well executed and accurate or at the very least captures the original mood of the book. Till then we have the “jazzy” Brolin movie to look forward to.

Josh Brolin picture image

Josh Brolin

This is Benjamin Lacombe’s drawing of Frollo’s lab.

Frollo's Lab, Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Frollo’s Lab, Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

Despite all of its negatives, the Jetlag version has one major positive that seems to eclipse the all negatives and that its adherence to the original plot of the book albeit with a happy ending and no deaths.

Frollo attack while Esmeralda and Phoebus embrace, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo attack while Esmeralda and Phoebus embrace, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame

A lot of the plot point from the original book are let in tact. Like Frollo as Priest and he starts off kind, there is the kidnapped attempt, Phoebus is a cad who tries to seduce Esmeralda even though he has a fiancée, Fleur de Lys, and does get stab by Frollo, Gringoire’s character is large let intact, Quasimodo is deaf etc.

Esmeralda, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Coming off the heels of the Disney movie which is very different than the book, to watch this version despite its lazy execution is very refreshing. However since Disney is a big company they couldn’t make Hunchback accurate to the book without offending people whereas Jetlag is a smaller company so they don’t have that concern. But more that Jetlag is a American-Japanese company so a lot the hang ups on making Frollo a lusty priest didn’t really apply. This also explain why Esmeralda has an anime look to her.

Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge

Hunchback was Jetlag’s last production under the name GoodTimes before GoodTimes turned in a new company. This version of Hunchback came out on April 30th 1996. So it beat the Disney version but it’s release was meant to capitalize off of it. However, in direct competition to Disney movie the Jetlag version’s saving grace is that it maintain the plot whereas Disney didn’t and most people seem to forgive the laziness and the slow pacing of the Jetlag version because of this. If there was a film version that had good execution and maintain the plot of book than this version would fade into more obscurity. There are some version that come close but there is also something missing.

Next Jetlag article (almost done) – a major Plot hole

Esmeralda tells Quasimodo about Frollo Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda tells Quasimodo about Frollo

These gifts are perfect for anyone, because everyone is a fan of the Hunchback of Notre Dame it’s just some people are either repressing it or the just don’t know it yet. So this Holiday season get them the gift of fandom.

Quasimodo is the new PAC-MAN.

Quasimodo as Pac-Man picture image

Quasimodo as Pac-Man