Esmeralda and Clopin Notre Dame de Paris

Esmeralda and Clopin Notre Dame de Paris

I have created a new Notre Dame de Paris Lens,  “The Top Ten Worst Song of Notre Dame de Paris“. As much as I love NDdP I know not every song is that great or even good. I started this Lens a few weeks ago and finally decided to finish a few days ago. It was actually hard to come up with ten but I did, so find out which song are the worst of the show.

And feel free to disagree with me. So click the link to find out what they are and why……..Enjoy

Link has been removed

2019 update- if you’re reading this in 2019, Squidoo no longer exists and this post will be removed at some point.

2022-  I can’t remember why this one didn’t transfer to  Hubpages like that other one did way back when hubpages took over squidoo’s content. I could have just deleted this it though. I could just a post on it. But It’s unlikely that I will remove this post.

Esmeralda dancin' in the club (Candice Parise)

Esmeralda dancin' in the club (Candice Parise)

So I was on Notre Dame de Paris fans on tumblr and saw that there is a Trance/Dance Remix of Belle  (From Notre Dame de Paris). Yeah….. it’s not half bad…. I’m sure it could have been worse……. Okay I like it, I confess it’s exactly what I didn’t know I always wanted… Belle with the space sounds mixed with electric sounding violins… and you can deny it all you want but you know it awesome.

Go Here to have a listen,

Appartently it’s by Life Sentence, it’s Russian and it’s from 2003.
(Silly Photo-manipulation of Candice Parise as Esmeralda created by me)


Today’s Wonderful Hunchback Fan-Art is by saxitlurg. It’s original characters concept of the character as kids because it more fun. It was actually painted which also makes it fun. So the overall effect is a cute and fun painting.

Notre Dame de Paris by saxitlurg

Notre Dame de Paris by saxitlurg

From left to right: Quasimodo, Pierre (kneeling), Frollo, Esmerelda, and Pheobus

Frollo and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Frollo and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

The Hunchback of Notre Dame has a long film history of being a big grand production and Der Glöckner von Notre Dame of does a good job of capturing a grand scope on stage.

Esmeralda singing Helf den Verstoß'nen Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda singing Helf den Verstoß'nen Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

The Stage Design uses a lot of tricks to simulate heights and locations. They way the show does this is by using hydraulic to raise portions of the stages and they also use projections to show various locations. The Lighting also work well to capture the mood of the scene by also lets the projections shine.  For example, a Rose Window Projection with columns on stage and soft dark lighting to indicate the nave of Notre Dame or Clouds and Stone Carving with bright lights to show the top of the tower of Notre Dame. There are also a lot of moving pieces which add to the spectacle.


Esmeralda saving Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda saving Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

The overall effect looks well integrated and rich and less cheesy than standard sets. You can tell that this where the budget was mostly spent but I think it was worth it The Stage design combine the sets, lighting and projection to give Der Glöckner von Notre Dame a grand majestic style.

Molten Lead Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Molten Lead Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Set Design by Heidi Ettinger, Projections by Jerome Sirlin, and Lighting by Rick Fisher

Watch a video the sets in action here

Next Time – Costumes

Esmeralda dancing Der Glöckner von Notre Dame Picture Image

Esmeralda Dancing Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

In Season 4 episode 8 of The Nanny there is a reference to Hunchback of Notre Dame. It’s pretty obvious that they are refering to the Disney since it was topical at the time.

It starts with the Nanny, Fran Fine (Fran Drescher) complaining that her employer Maxwell Sheffield (Charles Shaughnessy ) isn’t taking her and his daughter Grace (Madeline Zima) to the movies. Maxwell’s buiness partner, C.C. (Lauren Lane)  chimes in by saying that Maxwell will go insane if he has to see “The Hunchback” agian and then the butler Niles (Daniel Davis) who hates C.C. retorts with “Well why don’t you quit”. If you watch the show you’d know that C.C and Niles are always insulting each other, so it’s a “cute” topical reference.

Reference starts at about 2:52


The Nanny has at least one more Hunchback reference but that is for another post

In honor of my 200th post I decided to do something special. So I made a Comic entitled Quasimodo’s Date. Enjoy.

Quasimodo's Date Comic Made by The Hunchblog

Comic made by me, if you wish to post it somewhere else, please give the Hunchblog credit.

Another round of picture from the  Asian Tour Cast of Notre Dame de Paris. Enjoy the pictures

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Gringoire during the Court of Miracles Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture

Gringoire during the Court of Miracles Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

The Cast of the Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

The Cast of the Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris




Today’s Fan Art is by DarthxErik and it’s anadorable drawing of Quasimodo from Notre Dame de Paris from the Les Oiseaux Qu’on Met En Cage (The Birds they put in Cages). I saw this on and I fell in love with it, it’s just so cute.

Where Are You My Esmeralda by DarthxErik

Where Are You My Esmeralda by DarthxErik

Der Glockner von notre Dame German Musical of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Der Glockner von notre Dame German Musical of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame


I’d say that the songs  in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame are good. Sure there are some weak songs but they’re thoughtful and the either drive the plot forward or develop a character. However the music is not without problems.


Ann Christin Elverum as Esmeralda Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Ann Christin Elverum as Esmeralda Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


First off, I HATE, hate that Esmeralda doesn’t get a solo in this. With exception of the Archdeacon, Clopin and the gargoyles she the only character not get one. Now you maybe thinking “But Hunchblog  the majority of the characters in this didn’t have their own songs. ” Well that  is true but let’s face, each of the gargoyles couldn’t get their own song they’re a trio and as a trio they almost get a single song, Clopin may not a single song but he sings a lot as the narrator and the archdeacon is hardly  even a character so he doesn’t count. Beside the plot pretty much revolves around her you’d think she’d get one but her only big songs has Quasimodo in it. I mean in Notre Dame de Paris every character got one even Fleur de Lys (Phoebus’ Fiancee) got one (La monture) and she is seldom even in the adaptations. So that was a BIG negative.


Esmeralda and Antoine Der Glöckner von Notre Dame pictureimage

Esmeralda and Antoine Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

I also got bit tired of the gargoyles singing over people. I do think it was a great way to show that gargoyles are 100% in Quasimodo’s head but it’s gets a bit old after a while. I think the show kept putting the gargoyles in songs so that A Guy Like you wouldn’t feel out of place.  Another thing that gets old is hearing Draußen (Out There) over and over again. Anytime the play wants to reenforce Quasimodo to the audience Draußen is played. Admittedly this maybe unfair because Die Glocken Notre Dames is the most overused as in the play this how Clopin does most of his narrating but since I’ve been judging off the CD it’s Draußen that got old.


Esmeralda and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame image picture

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


So yeah the songs are good for the most part but what I think really helps a lot of these songs is that singing quality is better. Though I’ve picked on Draußen in this review,   I much prefer it in this musical than in the Disney movie along with Ein Mann wie du (A Man like you). The singers are just much better  and that helps the enjoyment of the songs. Conversely, Hellfire suffers for this and it’s not because the is bad, I mean he put emotionally intensity into the next song Esmeralda, but maybe Hellfire is Tony Jay’s  and no one else compares. Esmeralda and Clopin are one the level though the cresendo at the end of Bell isn’t as powerful as Kendal but he does a great job otherwise.


Esmeralda and Clopin during Drunter Drüber" (Topsy Turvy) Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Clopin during Drunter Drüber” (Topsy Turvy) Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

The musical does make the recycled Disney movie songs feel like it’s own which is nice, you don’t feel like their just simply lifted from the movie and put in to a musical. And while I do prefer Notre Dame de Paris Der Glöckner von Notre Dame has wonderful music. Just wish Esmeralda got one song to herself.


Next Time – The Production; Sets

Frollo and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Frollo and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Every now and again I get hits from people searching odd questions. So I’m going to start answering your searched questions. I’m going to answer these questions with the all the academic-ness/pedantic-ness I can muster (it’s more fun that way)

Today’s Question: Why is Esmeralda so stupid?

This isn’t actually a “stupid” question like the Big Bird Question but let’s answer it.

19th Century Illustration of Esmeralda with Dj

19th Century Illustration of Esmeralda with Dj


So to answer this question we have decided which Esmeralda is the question referring to. I doubt it’s Disney’s as she is considered to be “Street smart”, my guess this question is refering to the book.

Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wiertz

Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wiertz


Is Esmeralda stupid in the book? Well she is and she isn’t, first let’s explain why she is  not stupid. Esmeralda is smart enough to know that dancing in front of  Notre Dame is profitable. She also knew enough that doing things like fortuning telling would get her into trouble so she never did it.   She also is smart enough to know that people are amused by novel tricks and teaches a few to her goat Djali. I’m not sure how easy it to train a Goat to do tricks but if it’s not smart than it’s talented. She also taught Djali how to spell “Phoebus” which means she need to know how to read at least somewhat and in the 15th the literacy rate was significantly lower. So she at least a smart performer and had some practicality even if these trick are her undoing.

Painting of Esmeralda and Sachette by Nicolas-Eustache Maurin

Painting of Esmeralda and Sachette by Nicolas-Eustache Maurin


Now here is the real question, are her actions that are considered  stupid actually naivety? The answer is yes, she is “worldly” as she traveled around Europe but she was sheltered by her group. As result she is very naive. She truly believed Phoebus’ lies because she never dealt with men and she believed it at the end when she mistakingly reveled herself to the soldiers that were sent to arrest her, that Phoebus would help. Arguably this is her stupidest move as it results in not just her death, but her mother’s, Frollo’s and Quasimodo’s deaths as well.


Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wilhelm Marstrand

Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wilhelm Marstrand


So while Esmeralda isn’t exactly the brightest bulb in the package she’s not exactly “so stupid” just a bit of a “Dum Dum”. Her stupidity is the result of being young and immature. Can you really say you did nothing stupid at 16?


If you search an odd question and find the Hunchblog (and I notice it) I’ll answer it or better yet leave a comment with your weird/odd questions and I’ll answer them in a post. The weirder the better. Normal questions  are welcome too.