This was made by me using a picture of Candice Parise who played Esmeralda in the 2011-2012 Asian Tour of Notre Dame de Paris. It’s a parody of iPod commercials.
On April 4th 2013, Roger Ebert passed away. He was the one of the most famous movie critics in world. And whether you agreed or disagree with him, people always wanted to know his opinions on a movie. So What did Roger Ebert think of Disney’s Hunchback? He really liked it. He gave it four stars. He liked it better than Aladdin and Pocahontas. He thought it was Disney’s best since Beauty and the Beast. He said “It blends Menken’s songs, glorious animation, boundless energy and the real substance of the story into a movie of heart and joy.”
I, for my part am jaded. When I look at a hunchback movie I judge it on how it compares to the novel and the Disney version falls short as it’s not like the novel at all but from someone who is looking at the movie as stand alone story, I agree with him. It’s an enjoyable movie that does have heart and substance and most of animation still looks really good after 17 years.
You can read this review here;
Or you can watch his review with Gene Siskel;
Warning – This is an off-the-Cuff Rant

Elicia MacKenzie as Fleur de Lys, Matt Laurent as Quasimodo & Alessandra Ferrari as Esmeralda, Notre Dame de Paris World Tour Cast
Have you been looking forward to World Tour cast of Notre Dame de Paris coming to location relatively close to you? Too bad, it’s over. Their last performance was April 7th in Japan. Apparently the “World” is Asia. And not even all of Asia only Moscow, China, Taipei and Japan. Now had I read this,
“29 septembre 2012
Matt will be on the new Notre-Dame de Paris Tour!
Matt will join the new 2012-2013 tour of Notre-Dame de Paris and will go to Moscow, China, Taiwan and Japan. It’s gonna he english version just like last year.
After more than 550 shows playing Quasimodo, the Huntchback and since 1999, Matt is always very excited to be part of this great musical and is ready to rock it again!
The tour will be held from end of october 2012 until early april 2013.”
back in September I would have been angry sooner and would have ranted about it then. I just thought this Tour was just a little disorganized since there was no website or even announcement of dates except for Elicia MacKenzie’s site. I thought tour dates were being delayed as her site because it only went up to the Japan perfomance dates (of which was wrong on the length the production was in Tokyo). I was wrong in my assumption but then again I thought this tour WAS TOURING THE WORLD, not a portion of a Continent.
The fact is after the Asian Tour they turned around and went to more or less the same places. How can they call it a World Tour when they pretty much only went 4645.96 miles/7476.74 KM? Why did they bother at all when they only really added was Moscow and Japan to the mix? And Russia has been getting the Original troupe concerts since 2010, so they are not hurting to Notre Dame de Paris attention.
I find it odd that for both the Asian Tour and the World Tour rehearsed in Paris but no performances occurred or even was planned there. But I also find it insulting that most of the principle cast is Canadian and yet there hasn’t been a performance in Canada (or North American) since 2005.
Quite honestly why would you have two Tour Casts less than a year apart tour in same relative locations and one under a name that denotes more places? I mean, did they try for performances in more locations and fail? I admit, I have no idea how musical tours operate.
Wait I’m going to find out……………one sec………. Ok, so whoever the tour manger and the booking agents were are to blame. I have to guess that in utter laziness they just went to same places in China and Taipei. Moscow is easy since they already love the show the only risk was Japan.
The time between the Asian Tour and “World Tour” was so on top of each other that I didn’t even know they were separate tours. Originally, I thought the Asian Tour was the World Tour, and it confused me. And now I know I was not really wrong the World Tour was just the Asian Tour 2.0.
I just wish they had called a spade a spade and didn’t call it a “World Tour” when they never left a continent. Perhaps there will be another tour cast that will leave the Asian Continent. Or maybe I should start my own tour cast of the show with sock puppets.
Last Month Disney had a vote for people to vote for which characters the would like to see at the Disney land park. One of the options was Esmeralda, Clopin and Frollo and I’m happy to say that they won.
The other winners were;
-From “Pocahontas” – Pocahontas, John Smith, Meeko and Governor Ratcliffe
-From “Robin Hood” – Robin Hood, Friar Tuck, Prince John and Sheriff of Nottingham
– And Scrooge McDuck and Ludwig Von Drake
They will only be there til April 14th so if you go see them,
Quasimodo – One of the Hallmarks of any good Hunchback of Notre Dame version is how Quasimodo’s look. It’s important to his character. The 1956 version tried to humanize his looks and it didn’t work, at all.
He hardly has any deformity and he’s not a hunchback, Quinn just slouches, so he’s a slouch-back. Did they forget his hunch? Anyway. His over-all costume is tan and green. It fits in with scope of the other designs of the movie but it’s too neat and clean for a recluse bell-ringer.
Frollo – Frollo’s costume from a design stand point is simple, he wears black, the end. Mess that up and you have an very incompetent costume designer.Of course ideally he wears a back hooded robe.
And this version got all those elements. There is some more design inserted into the costume but it doesn’t distract. He has wide sleeves typically called “poet sleeves.” He also has seams that give his robe a padded look. He also sports a cape which gives a dramatic flair.
Gringoire – Gringoire, like Quasimodo wears green and tan. His doublet has puffed sleeves that extend into a false sleeve which gives of top-heaviness which was fashionable at the time. He also has the same padding like seams that Frollo has on his costume.
Phoebus– Since Phoebus is rich and a soldier he get a few costume changes. He gets soldier suit and two civilian looks. However these looks are quite similar. All of his looks have sparkles which I’m sure is an anachronism. His costume also use richer fabrics than the other characters but the cut is identical to Gringoire’s costume.
Fleur de Lys– Fleur wears a light blue gown with a veiled hennin (the princess pointy hat), which was the fashion in the 15th century. Her style of dress is very on point with what women wore then, it has a high waistline and a v-neckline. Her gown is detailed with fur and appliques. Though appliques are yet an anachronism.
Clopin – Being as he poses a beggar, Clopin wears tan and rougher fabrics. Unlike Quasimodo and Gringoire, his clothing are ragged. He also is typically seen wearing a cloth cap that matches his tan tunic.

Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) giving flowers to Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Overall, while the costumes in this movie are not to exciting they more or less work within the scope of a medieval movie. However they don’t stand out as being amazing. The worse thing about the costumes in this movie is the lack of effort on Quasimodo’s make-up. Even if you are going to humanize Quasimodo’s looks, he still NEEDS A HUNCH!
Next 1956 Article – The Sets
Quasimodo Sunday is the Sunday after Easter, transnational called “Low Sunday.” In The Hunchback of Notre Dame this is the day in which Frollo finds Quasimodo as a baby and adopts. He calls him Quasimodo because of the day and his deformities. So to celebrate Quasimodo’s name day this;
Image parodies Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
Today’s Fan-art was composed by me using the Heroine Creator on Azalea Dolls
It was inspired by Maureen OHara’s Esmeralda in the 1939 version.
I’m doing these for all the different version’s Esmeralda.
There have been a lot of reviews published on the new Hunchback of Notre Dame show “Quasimodo!” by Lionel Bart. The reviews have been mixed. The show was written in 1963 and only performed in workshops. However the show was never actually finished by Bart. The result of this the the show despite being polished and tweaked still feels unfinished. From reading the reviews it seems like only Quasimodo and Esmeralda get any sense of character develop. Frollo seems to suffer the most as he is given no scenes or solo to make him the key antagonist. However the review really focus on Esmeralda and Quasimodo as the heart of the show. The review also praise the cast for their enthusiasms and passion for the show. Perhaps the show needs another round of revisions before it’s given a second round on stage because it seems to have good bones.
The song of the show seems to Abracadabra (which is duet between Esmeralda and Gringoire )
(This is the Hunchblog’s 60oth post)