Lea Salonga sang Out There at a Broadway event in 2010.

Why is Grumpy Cat really Grumpy?

Grumpy Cat picture image

Grumpy Cat

Because Frollo is cheating on her!

See more on Know Your Meme

This video is from the Victor Hugo Musical Gala.

It features Nadia Bel, Matt Laurent, Robert Marien, Bruno Pelletier, Richard Charest, Sophie Tremblay all singing Le Temps des Cathédrales.

Today’s Fan-art is by Lady-A-94 and it’s of Esmeralda. I just love the delicacy of this. It makes Esmeralda look so sweet .


Esmeralda by Lady-A-94

Esmeralda by Lady-A-94

Click here to see it on the Devianart page 

Check more of Lady-A-94 by clicking the link. 

Julie Delpy pixture image

Julie Delpy

Julie Delpy maybe a little old to play Fleur de Lys but I think she has the right look for her.

Julie Delpy, picture image

Julie Delpy

She has very classic features and I admit I tend to think of Fleur as a blond as she is meant to be the foil to Esmeralda’s dark and sensual look. So the Blond hair lighter eye is my preference for Fleur.

Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke  in Before Midnight  picture image

Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke in Before Midnight

Delpy is a French who best known for “Before Sunrise.” The third is this series of movie “Before Midnight” was just released. She was also in the 1993 Disney version of “The Three Musketeers” but only briefly.

Julie Delpy in Before Sunrise picture image

Julie Delpy in Before Sunrise

She a good actress and I think she do the role justice however she is a bit old to play her . However if Quasimodo can get away with 40 year olds playing him all the time why not the other characters?

Is the Wishbone version of The Hunchback good? Well it’s not bad, I would rather watch it than some of the other versions but that could be because it’s ten minutes and for that reason its flaws has to be forgiven. There is only so much you can do with ten minutes in a story.

Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame, picture image

Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame

For a version that is  ten minutes and only has three characters, it’s good. You can tell that that the production cared about the work and the story. Like when Frollo is talking about Esmeralda all his dialogue is taken from the book. Also given that there in only like five scenes Quasimodo does have an arch. He realizes he isn’t powerless and saves Esmeralda. I also don’t mind Quasimodo silly quips, they make it fun for kids.  Also Esmeralda gets a bit of character arch as she learns that about inner beauty  but that is a bit of a stretch.

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Frollo (Sean Hennigan), Wishbone, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame, picture image

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Frollo (Sean Hennigan), The Hunchdog of Notre Dame

However there are some issues with it. For a ten minute version we’re not going to get rich detailed characters of the novel instead we sort of get them. At least by focusing the narrative to three characters at least they’re not completely devoid of personality but they are shades of their book counterparts.

Frollo (Sean Hennigan), The Hunchdog of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo (Sean Hennigan), The Hunchdog of Notre Dame

The introduction of Frollo is clumsy. Frollo  ends Quasimodo’s being the “Prince of Fools”  however Quasimodo doesn’t recognize him so Frollo has to explains who he is to both the audience and Quasimodo. It doesn’t feel natural and how would Quasimodo forget Frollo?  Also the way the pronounce Frollo’s name is awful. They pronounce it like Dom “Fro-yo”  which sound like a specialty Frozen Yogurt (I bet it would be chocolaty).

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame

I do miss the devotion that Quasimodo has for Esmeralda. In this version he seem like yeah he likes her but he is not love with her.

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame, ;icture image

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame

It is a bit disappointing that it ends with Quasimodo saving Esmeralda but at least it feels like an ending to the version of the story they were telling so it’s not that bad. After-all that is pretty much where the Disney version ended and this came out first.

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame, picture image

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame

For a ten minutes version with three characters and 5 scenes it’s is good. Wishbone’s  erm…. Quasimodo’s silly lines keeps it lighthearted . I like part where Quasimodo in fear of Frollo compliments him. Plus Quasimodo is played by  a dog, how is that not awesome?

Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame, picture image

Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame

Next Article – The Production

Puppy Gargoyle, Wishbone, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame picture image

Puppy Gargoyle, Wishbone, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame

Disney characters Cosplay  is a major presence at Fan Conventions (Anime, Gaming, Video Game, Comic etc). Groups of with these classic characters are big attention grabber but a group can deviate from it the characters traditional to make their both fun and a stand-out.

Here are some Ideas of what you can  do to jazz up any Disney Princess/Heroine group. Some have been done before and some haven’t.

Princesses to Extreme

Yaya Han as Mulan

Yaya Han as Mulan

Basically, you take basic design of the Disney Princesses & Heroines  dresses and make them even more opulent. You can use beading, fancy fabric anything you want to push it in to super ultra fancy.

Rework the  costumes into a chiffon sari. Don’t forget the bangles, tika and lots of kohl.

Put a Victorian spin of the costumes and then add a leather corset and googles.


Zombie Disney Princesses

Zombie Disney Princesses

Shred the costumes, add blood and ghoulish make up.


Hipster Jasmine, Ariel, Alice and Snow White ComicCon2012

Hipster Jasmine, Ariel, Alice and Snow White ComicCon2012

Modernize the costumes, add big black framed glasses and a clever phase about how you were ahead of the mainstream or just cooler in general.

Can Can

Can-Can dancers’ costume are all about the skirt that is covered with colorful ruffles on the inside. It’s a costume that is both fun and sexy.
FFX-2 Dress Sphere

Disney in Final Fantasy X-2 Dress Sphere inspired costume

Disney in Final Fantasy X-2 Dress Sphere inspired costume

The Dress Sphere was the Battle System in Final Fanatsy X-2. Basically the main characters change their clothes and they have a different set of abilities. The group was based of Fan-art by  Skirtzzz but given the variety of Disney Characters and Dress spheres the options are endless. What would a songstress Esmeralda look like?


Rework the Disney Princesses & Heroines costumes into mermaids like Ariel. Tails would match skirts, So, for explain, Esmeralda would have a purple skirt (if based on her normal look) and a white top. But how would you add her corset? There is a lot of creativity  with the details with this idea.


Instead of dainty and pretty costume toughen up the Disney Princesses & Heroines into ass-kicking ladies.


Superhero Disney Princesses by Heykannaya

Superhero Disney Princesses by Heykannaya

Like the Warriors idea the Disney Princesses & Heroines would be more Kick ass looking but with capes and masks.


Sexy Disney Princesses

Sexy Disney Princesses

Shorten the hems and drop the neckline and you can sex up the Disney Princesses & Heroines costumes.

Haute Couture

Designer Disney Princess Cosplay Collection by Street Angel

Designer Disney Princess Cosplay Collection by Street Angel

Instead of big poofy gowns rework the costume is sleek and elegant fashion inspired creations. http://street-angel.deviantart.com/art/Designer-Disney-Princess-Cosplay-Collection-335017438
Gender benders

Tinkerbell in more boyish clothes

Tinkerbell in more boyish clothes

Rework the Disney Princesses & Heroines costumes into male-ish costumes.

Magic Girls/ Sailor Scouts

Manon Yapari did a Fan-art of the Disney Princesses & Heroines as Sailor Scouts (from Sailor Moon), this would be an attention grabber at any Anime Con but you could take the classic Magic Girl Costume tropes and apply them to Disney Princesses & Heroines costumes.


Rework the Disney Princesses & Heroines costumes into wedding gowns. I know Disney has  dolls of the Disney Princesses in wedding gowns but pending of you own style you can make an amazing gown for the princesses and/or the heroines What would Esmeralda wedding gown look like?

Rework the Disney Princesses & Heroines costumes into Ballerinas.  You can design wo get a pancake tutu, a classic or a bell. This would a great group for those who can stand on pointe or just fans of ballet.

If you do any of these ideas with or without Esmeralda send them to me ^^.

This is a very interesting short view of Disney’s Hunchback by Charity Bishop. It is done from the religious symbolism perspective. In the review she  draws parallels between the characters and Bible, like Quasimodo to Moses and Frollo to Satan.  Her correlation between Notre Dame and God and how the characters interact with  Notre Dame  represents how they interact with God.  It is a very interesting review that is well thought out and entertaining.


Hipster Quasi Meme Hunchback of Notre Dame, picture image

Hipster Quasi Meme

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