I’m very sorry to have to postpone another review post again. I hate doing postponing the post but I’m sick again and I tried to push through but spent hours trying to write and I got like four sentence in and it was crap, utter crap, worse that usual. So instead here a paper doll of Esmeralda using  the  Azalea Heroine  Doll Game in the style of  Benjamin Lacombe’s version of Esmeralda.

Benjamin Lacombe's version of Esmeralda using Azalea Heroine Doll Game picture image

Benjamin Lacombe’s version of Esmeralda using Azalea Heroine Doll Game

I do like Lacombe cute yet gothic style.


Esmeralda by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Esmeralda by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

I do like Lacombe cute yet gothic style.

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