The final random pick is To and From New York. Its runtime of 80 minutes gives me pause but it’s at least short.

To and From New York
Of all the movies I could have randomly gotten, I got this, a low budget independent movie that is not as bad as The Room but not as enjoyable either.
The plot is an engaged woman named Lydia, goes to New York City for an article. One night she goes with a college friend to speed dating. She meets a guy who works in a museum and through some series of events she become friends with him. However the plot is she finds a lead between two missing woman and using her new artist friend and another friend who is a matchmarker/ hosted the speed date, she finds out what happen to these two women and it’s really anticlimactic. But the good news is that Lydia breaks up with her fiancee and moves to New York. Though we never meet her fiancee or see the break-up.
That is pretty much the movie.
To and From New York is not good by any means. In an objective grading score it would get no high marks. The most you can say is that at least the person who wrote, directed and produced the movie, tried to bring his dream to life and that is worth something. Though it was misguided with too many weird chocker shots and odd edits.
It’s just better to go after a soulless studio cash grabs than a low budget independent movie where art and dating try and save the day in the end. It’s the difference between going after an establish author versus someone who self-publishes on kindle or a fanfic writer. Some people are just better but you can’t be too harsh on the work for being amateurish and unpolished.
If you truly have nothing better to do with your 80 minutes sure you could watch it but there is no reason to seek this movie out unless you want to watch every movie that The Cures’ music has been in because this movie has a The Cure song.