And now a background on this little guy. So this little figurine was hand-painted by a family member way before the Disney version happened. I don’t think they knew it was Quasimodo but I’m 99% sure it the bellringer himself. I suppose it could be Igor but I doubt it given the clothing and stone floor.
Anyway he was part of a set of other classic monsters to be painted and used as decor. He’s seen better days but after living in my attic for a while, because I’m too lazy to decorate, he and his pals now live with my sister who loves to decorate for holidays.
I gotta say he kinda looks like Jerry Lewis a bit.
I also used Photopea to make the picture more “spooky” but I’m out of practice with photo editing. I tried to try.
Anyway Happy Halloween!!!
:0 skill definitely runs in the family