
Esmeralda & Djali, Dingo Pictures, The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Esmeralda & Djali, Dingo Pictures, The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Unequivocally Dingo Pictures made a fairly faithful adaptation of Hunchback that was very badly executed.  It’s only enjoyable in an ironic way. 

If Ickert and Haas’ intentions were that they wanted to created animated works with limited resources and skill sets because they just wanted to create animated works with no intention of a global audience than whatever. It’s still doesn’t change the fact that work was poorly done but if they were doing to please themselves without any thought to monetary gain or fame than the Dingo Pictures’ filmography is inoffensive. It’s just a story creative people living out their dreams.   

On that Pesky Other Hand

Frollo, Dingo Pictures, The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Frollo, Dingo Pictures, The Hunchback of Notre Dame

One can not rule out the little fact that most of Dingo Pictures’ movies, Hunchback very much included, were mockbusters of Disney movies that were released the same year as the Disney movie.  So there is most likely was an element of monetary gains from their movies which were produced very cheaply and quickly to capitalize on name recognition.    

While it’s a romantic idea that Dingo Pictures were just a ragtag group of creative friends making animated movies for the sheer passion of the art form, I very much doubt it.  Plus there is all the weirdness surrounding the company and the shady yet humorous dubs in many languages.

Esmeralda and Quasimodo, Dingo Pictures, The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Esmeralda and Quasimodo

All in all Dingo’s Hunchback is bad, not fully devoid of enjoyment but not at all a rewatchable version of the work. Watch only if curiosity gets the better of you OR you’re a adaptation/Dingo completeionist   

To answer so the subject’s question about Dingo being the worst version? No, I’d still 2023 Quasi is worst but that one is also barely a version.

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