Let me start by saying that really I do not care about Snow White 2025. I have nothing but apathy for this movie at this point. It could be a critical box smash hit or tank I do not really care. However I still have thoughts on some the offering Disney has released so here is my tepid take.

First we have a song…

There is no denying that Rachel Zelger can sing. She sings very well. This song seems to be a replacement for “I’m Wishing” from the Original because wanting love is bad now and leadership good.

So it’s an “I Want song” as she wants to be different version of herself, like “her higher self” or “best version” BUT because there is that pesky wishing-well iconography that has to be in the song. So there are two things at play she is “waiting on a wish” so she can be herself or she can leave? I think it both sort of. It seems like the concepts go together because she is selling it well but the thesis is muddle if you paid any attention to lyrics. But it’s sung well so people seem to like it but in addition to be confusing on a central theme it’s banal and very similar to Encanto’s “Waiting on a Miracle.”

And then there is this clip

Why does it feel like these two feel like they’re different movies? I still maintain that I think the Queen’s costumes looks more like something in 1950s B Sci-fi movie but maybe it’s more the fabric choice and make-up than the actually design since the design lifted from the original movie. But hey at least we know how the apple iconography is going to worked in to this movie. It’s not just an apple it’s emblematic of Snow White’s charity and kindness. Because she made pies for the poor and this makes the Queen look even more evil because pies are traditional not a luxury food and she think pies are too much for their little minds.

I will also say that Gadot ‘s usual wooden acting actually kinda adds to the menace but we’ll see how the rest of the movie goes maybe it will be fine.

Weird thought, I know the “fairest’ line now refers to “justice” as in being fair and not being pretty but what Snow’s hair was intentional by the Queen to mar her beauty? Just a thought.

Also Disney is totally going to merch the heck out that necklace. You know it and I know!

I’m very likely will not going to go out my way to see this movie but I might watch it on a plane.

Side Note- I deleted the blog’s twitter account a while ago and migrated over to Bluesky. Also for now the blog’s Facebook page will remain up but will not be updated for the foreseeable future. It might be removed at some point just not now.

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At the risk of coming across as elitist, I don’t love Pandora jewelry. However I get the appeal they offer the experience of fine jewelry at accessible price points. And I probably would wear these for rings for fun (well except for one). 

So I’m a little late to the party as these Rings came out a while ago but I thought as someone who likes Disney (to a degree) and did at one point Jewelry/metalworking, I thought I would offer up my very own tepid take and maybe some design musings…..

Pandora Disney Princess Ring Collection

These are in order of my personal tastes and other thoughts

  • Rapunzel’s design is gold with pink cubic zirconias. The setting emulates the the shape of her tiara. This one is my favorite of the collection. I think it’s a good design that encapsulates Rapunzel well enough 8.5/10 
  • Tiana’s ring is silver with green and white stones. I think the setting is a lily pad which makes sense if it is. However this should be gold. 8/10
  • As an isolated ring design I really like Jasmine’s BUT as design for Princess Jasmine it misses the mark. The ring is silver with a starry motif and in my opinion the ring references “A Whole New World” or “Arabian Nights” rather than Jasmine. If was Jasmine inspired ring design it would be gold with a teal blue crystals.  I do like the idea of Pandora being inspired by the songs, that would unique idea but they are selling this as Jasmine so it’s bring it down. 7.5/10 for the design (4/10 for a Jasmine Ring)
  • What is up with Pandora picking the wrong metal? Belle’s rose ring should be gold. It’s pretty and it looks better on a human in picture. It’s quite on the nose for Beauty and the Beast but it stylized enough rose to get over that. 7.5/10 
  • This carriage design seems to be a default one for Cinderella and while this ring is very pretty again it should be a different metal. I think that they went with gold to shake it up since Cinderella inspired jewelry is silver but that the is the character. I will say I like flowing winding abstract wheel intercrossing the band, it’s a nice touch. This would be ranked high if was in silver though. 7/10
  • Ariel’s ring design silver with a treated white freshwater pearl set in open worked shell with iridescent teal crystals. While the design is conceptually good I would pass on this ring because pearls have mohs hardness of 2.5 which is very soft, diamonds are 10. This means they can be damaged very easily by bumping into something or even perfumes or sunscreen. This design would work fine for a pendant or earrings. So while it’s pretty, Pandora should have opted for another stone. But also this one doesn’t feel very Ariel aside from the sea motif and she wears a shell bra. 6.5 for design XX for wearability.   
  • Snow White’s design is silver with red and pink bow. The design is inspired but her hair bow but the pink crystal throws it off and makes it read more Minnie Mouse. I do like the bow design, I think it’s the colors throwing me off. A blue, yellow or even black center stone would have been better. Black would have been very interesting and unexpected but it would be for her coloration, silver for her skin, red lips and black her hair. But as it is it’s a little too juvenile for my taste.  4/10

Design Musings

So now for some musing what would Esmeralda’s design be? I could see a FEW design directions. 

Idea one would be inspired by her red dancing dress. So gold with a red stone and her tiara design could be used for the setting. 

Idea Two would gold with a emerald color stones. For a motif I think they should consult Romani communities. Doing a very basic image search coins and charka wheel come up but without knowing specifics into the meanings of those I wouldn’t firmly recommend a deign motif but consulting the Romani communities or having a Jewelry designer who is a member would be a great opinion. However I can’t really see Pandora doing this.  

Idea three a design inspired by Esmeralda’s celestial purple scarf. It would be gold, obviously, with a purple stones with a crescent moon setting and maybe more crystal surround the setting.

Which one of the Pandora ring designs is your favorite? And you wear an Esmeralda inspired ring? And do you have any design ideas for Esmeralda?

Alan Menken picture image
Alan Menken

On February 23rd 2025 we got a new “not really an update,” update on the state of the “Disney  Hunchback Live Action Remake” from Alan Menken. This article covers Menken’s interview from The Standard. 

Menken seems to be the only person left talking about this project. In a nutshell Menken said “wouldn’t bet against it happening at some point.” he went on to say “I wish it was [still happening]. I think it’s a property that’s challenged –  we won’t call it a problem” Menken continued saying “It gets a little complicated because it’s Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame and let’s face it, it’s a meaty material. It deals with very heavy and profound themes, but Disney they walk a line.” 

He went on to say, “The challenge is how can we deal with those themes of the inner obsession that Frollo has both as a man of the church and also obsession with this gy***. How do we deal with this sense of discrimination against the gy**** – Romani people? How do we deal with the revulsion that people feel towards this hunchback? If we’re going to soft pedal that then what’s the point? It’s hard, it is hard. But again, hope springs eternal.”  

Josh Gad for Quasimodo picture image
Josh Gad

For some context, this project was first announced in 2019 and with Josh Gad taking the helm with David Henry Hwang writing the screenplay.

In 2023 after that viral fancast made the rounds Josh Gad saidThe script is one of the best I have read and hopefully the powers that be will see this love and let us make the live action adaptation the original animated film deserves.” He ends by saying “Regardless of what stage this project is in, we are just happy to see is still alive – even if it is in the form of a promising script at this point.” 

This ultimately this tracks with what Menken is alluding to in this interview and what he has said a previous interview “I have no idea. It’s a tough one, because the Hunchback movie, Hunchback story involves a lot of real, real issues that are important issues and should be explored to be discussed. And there has to be an agreement about how we deal with those issues. You know, do we do a Hunchback without ‘Hellfire?’ I don’t think so … So it sits in this limbo right now, but the Hercules movie is apparently underway and I got some inklings of what’s going on, but just some, and I’ve been more involved with the Broadway show off of Hercules, which is coming, and it’s really exciting.” (https://screenrant.com/hunchback-notre-dame-remake-update-alan-menken-response/)

Quasimodo and Esmeralda on the pillory Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image
Quasimodo and Esmeralda on the pillory

Disney only wants to address “heavy themes” like racism in covert way, like mermaids and their dynamics with humans, and religions like Catholicism are off the table, so it stands to reason that the executives are interfering with the project. And since it sounds like the creatives involved are not motivated by money, they are not comprising on softening their vision for the project and because Disney is worried about alienating families, thus not making money, the creatives are at odds with executives who are risk adverse.  

The idea that Hunchback failing to make money or being unpopular is not enough of a reason that Disney would for-go a remake as and these remakes are to capsize on nostalgia. Case in point, Hercules made less at the Box-office than Hunchback and it’s getting the treatment (Hunchback made $325 million to Hercules’ $252.7 million.) But Hercules is lighter in themes and is easily to sell merch in a theme park. Disney doesn’t want to risk not making money to make a more thematic live action version of Hunchback. The current leadership simply won’t do it even if they could gain award accolades which is a gamble. Meanwhile the creatives are stuck as they can’t shop the project to different studios and it would unfair to for the creatives like Menken to start from starch with new unrelated Hunchback movie project, people love the songs and the score too much.

Quasimodo declares Sanctuary for Esmeralda Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image
Quasimodo declares Sanctuary for Esmeralda

So no new news, basically it might happen someday just not soon. However given the quality of the remakes I think that Disney’s Hunchback dodged a bullet. Maybe Hunchback could have been one the “good ones” that offered a new perceptive and expanded off the original animated movie instead of hollow lackluster shot-for-shot remake.

Ps- I do think that given how the story has evolved in the cultural landscape over time that it would be a very good time for a new version to come out for a new generation.

Or At Least 7 lower ranking Disney movies that I want to point out.

The Hunchblog's Most Hated Disney Movie

I’ve been too nice of late. Too much niceness with works, giving too much leeway to greedy CEOs who too often undercut the creatives and make a movie worse all in the name of making money for the executives.

Some of these movies were victims of development hell. Some had good ideas but for a myriad of reasons were a bad final product. Sometimes I think Disney just doesn’t know what the Hell they are doing and luck into a good movie. Or they are lucky with the creative team and the CEOs just leave the project alone.

If you LOVE or marginally like any of these more power to you.

These are in the order than I watch them.

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