Salma Hayek as Esmeralda, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Salma Hayek as Esmeralda,

The 1997 version of The Hunchback is in someways is very faithful to the book but in more ways it diverges so much. Overall, it has a great mood that feels like the original book. It knows when to be bright and knows when to be somber. But in what ways does the plot massively diverge, oh let me count the ways.


Richard Harris as Frollo and the Printing Press, 1997 The Hunchback  picture image

Richard Harris as Frollo and the Printing Press

First, the big one, The Printing Press. The Printing  Press was briefly discussed in the novel and was a major subplot in the 1939 version but the in 1997 version, it’s a big part of the plot, in fact it’s the first thing Frollo does. In the opening scene, Frollo commandeers a Printing Press and then find baby Quasimodo.


Salma Hayek as Esmeralda, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Salma Hayek as Esmeralda,

The Printing Press is also a big part in Esmeralda’s trial. Since Phoebus is not in this, he can’t get stab instead Frollo is at odds with a minster who wants to legalizes the printing press. Frollo isn’t against knowledge, he is against keeping it from being easy because if it easy to attain it’s worthless. So Frollo is at odds with this minster and his obsession for Esmeralda. After his run in with minster and getting turned down by the King, Frollo seeks out Esmeralda and confesses his obsession to her. She runs off but drops her knife which Frollo then uses to kill the minister and Esmeralda is blamed.

Mandy Patinkin as Quasimodo and Salma Hayek as Esmeralda, 1997 The Hunchback

Mandy Patinkin as Quasimodo and Salma Hayek as Esmeralda, 1997 The Hunchback

Quasimodo also uses the old commandeer Printing Press to make a pamphlet to help free Esmeralda which he gives to Gringoire to distribute. On the some note Quasimodo in this version love learning and books.


Salma Hayek as Esmeralda and Edward as Gringoire, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Salma Hayek as Esmeralda and Edward Atterton as Gringoire

Speaking of Gringoire and Esmeralda, unlike other versions where if the fall in love it’s over time usually at the point where Esmeralda gets in trouble. In this version it’s pretty quick.  She kisses him the scene after they get married. Not a big change just worth a mention.


Mandy Patinkin as Quasimodo and Richard harris as Frollo, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Mandy Patinkin as Quasimodo and Richard Harris as Frollo

A big change  that is worth mentioning is the attack on Notre Dame and and the climax. Much like the Disney movie the attack on Notre Dame occurs right after Quasimodo saves Esmeralda. Unlike the Disney movie it’s not at the end but like novel in the middle. So the climax is Quasimodo goes to the court of Miracles to give Gringoire the pamphlets and to get Djali for Esmeralda. He returns and finds Esmeralda gone. It turns out Frollo handed her back to executioner and she is going to be hanged. Frollo tells Quasimodo everything and as Esmeralda is about to be hanged the Court of Miracle show up and saves her. Quasimodo threaten to throw Frollo off Notre Dame until he confess before all of Paris that he is murder. As Frollo and Quasimodo walk off, Esmeralda runs into the Cathedral, Frollo in a rage tries to stab her but stabs Quasimodo by accident. In their fight they go over the edge of Notre Dame and Frollo dies. Quasimodo hangs on and Esmeralda and Gringoire save him from the ledge but dies of his wounds under his bells.


Richard Harris as Frollo hiring thugs, 1997 The Hunchback picture images

Richard Harris as Frollo hiring thugs

Another big change is Frollo doesn’t send Quasimodo to capture Esmeralda. Frollo hires some thugs and Quasimodo follows and tries to help but gets arrested.

A Gargoyle with molten Lead,1997 The Hunchback picture image

A Gargoyle with molten Lead


I won’t pretend that these big changes are not weird. It was practically jarring to see the attack on Notre Dame scene in the middle of the story. It really loses the drama. And Quasimodo not trying to capture Frollo lacks a punch too. The version makes up for these it other areas but still it’s a weird.


Next time Esmeralda

Salma Hayek as Esmeralda, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Salma Hayek as Esmeralda

Notre Dame of Paris Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Notre Dame of Paris

For the most part the Jetlag Version follows the book pretty well but a few things have been change so that it has a happy-child-friendly ending.


Frollo adopting Baby Quasimodo Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo adopting Baby Quasimodo

The movie opens with Quasimodo being left at Notre Dame by his young widow mother and Frollo adopting him. They then explain some basic details of Quasimodo by way of narration. Like Quasimodo lives in Notre Dame, he loves the bells and he is deaf. He the subject of ridicule and fascination among the common people, who in this tend to gawk at Quasimodo while he rings the bells.


Esmeralda and Gringoire Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Gringoire

The film then moves into the Feast of Fools where we meet Gringoire who is trying to get his play some viewers but the crowd in more interested in the Pope of Fool contest. After Quasimodo is crowned the Pope of Fools we meet Esmeralda, who charms the masses with her dancing. As she dances she captures the attentions of Gringoire and Frollo. Esmeralda then showcases Djali time telling trick. As Djali finishes the trick the procession of the Pope of Fool comes by and Frollo reprimands Quasimodo for his blasphemy. Quasimodo not recognizing his master attacks but after Frollo is revealed Quasimodo begs forgiveness.


Quasimodo being arrested Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo being arrested

As the Festival ends Esmeralda walks home. Gringoire follows her and so does Frollo and Quasimodo. They attempt to kidnap her. Gringoire tries to help but fails. As Esmeralda screams Phoebus and his guard come and arrests Quasimodo.


Gringoire tries to score a kiss Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Gringoire tries to score a kiss

After that Gringoire is bought before the Duke of Egypt. Since Gringoire is an outsider he must pass a test so that he can join the Gypsies or  he will die. He has to steal the purse from a dummy with bells attach to it while walking a plank standing on one leg. However he fails but instead of dying he put up for marriage. Esmeralda accepts him but only to save him.


Esmeralda giving Quasimodo water Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda giving Quasimodo water

Quasimodo then stands trial. His judge is deaf so Quasimodo is unfairly sentenced to be kept in the stocks for an extra hour. As Quasimodo is punished he ask for water but the crown throws rocks at him. Esmeralda takes pity on him and gives him water and he weeps.


Djali spelling Phoebus Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Djali spelling Phoebus

The following day, Esmeralda  dances while Gringoire balances a chair with a cat on it on his nose.  As they perform Quasimodo looks down from a top the Cathedral and watches Esmeralda. Also watching is a nobel women, Fleur de Lys,who is Phoebus’ fiancee.  Esmeralda notices Phoebus and show them that Djali can spell his name. Fleur de Lys finds this charming and wants to meet Esmeralda but Phobus dismisses the request and calls Esmeralda ordinary.


Gringoire balancing a chair Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Gringoire balancing a chair Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame

As Esmeralda walk off dejected, Frollo appears and speaks to Gringoire. Frollo wants to know  why he is dressed the way he is. Gringoire tells him that he is married to Esmeralda in name only and a member of the Gypsies.


Esmeralda & Phoebus Kiss while Frollo attacks Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda & Phoebus Kiss while Frollo attacks

That night Frollo torments himself with thoughts of Esmeralda.  He then see her outside and follows her.  He follows her to the docks where she is meets Phoebus. She tells Phoebus that she has dreamed of a knight that would save her and she loves him. Phoebus tells her that he loves her too.  As they embrace Frollo stabs Phobus.  Esmeralda tells Frollo to kill her too but he walk alway and leaves her to take the blame.


Esmeralda being lead to the gallows Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda being lead to the gallows

The narration then tells us that Esmerlada has a brief trial and confessed to stabbing Phobus to death and witchcraft and for this she is sentence to death. We are then told she did that after days questioning without food or water. As she is lead to gallows she sees Phoebus. Fleur de Lys asks why the sight of Esmeralda seems to trouble him but he tells her he is fine. Fleur de Lys then asks if he loves her which say that she is the only one he has ever loved. Esmeralda hearing this cries.


Quasimod claiming Sanctuary for Esmeralda Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimod claiming Sanctuary for Esmeralda

Quasimodo then sweeps done, grabs Esmeralda and runs into Notre Dame and claims Sanctuary for her.


Esmeralda in Sanctuary Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda in Sanctuary

Quasimodo takes care of Esmeralda in Notre Dame. He provides her with a bed and food. Esmeralda wants to see Quasimodo in the light but Quasimodo refuses to have her look at him. He then tells her not to leave the cathedral or they will kill her and that would kill him.


Esmeralda and Frollo Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame image picture

Esmeralda and Frollo

The next day Esmeralda gets a knock on the door and thinks it’s Quasimodo but it’s Frollo. Frollo tells her of his romantic obsession.  Esmeralda recognizes him as the one who stabbed Phoebus and threaten to tell on him. Frollo tells her to go ahead as no one will believe her. She tells Quasimodo but he doesn’t want to believe that his master would do such a thing.


Frollo gives an evil smile Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo gives an evil smile

Frollo  finds Gringoire and tells him that Esmeralda can not stay in Notre Dame indefinitely. Frollo suggests that since Esmeralda saved  Gringoire’s life that he should be the one to take her place.  Gringoire tells Frollo that he is too attach to life to save her in that fashion. Frollo flashes an evil smile and tells him he has another plan.


Esmeralda gives Quasimodo a kiss Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda gives Quasimodo a kiss

As Quasimodo locks the Cathedral for the evening Frollo unlocks it. Quasimodo then take Esmeralda her dinner with some flowers in a clay vase. Esmeralda thanks him for the flowers and tell him that there is no need to hide his face from her. She tells him that she has forgotten Phoebus and she knows that he never loved her. Quasimodo starts to tell her that he loves her but  falters. Esmeralda tells him that she know he loves her as he has proven he it to her and she know that he won’t let Frollo harm her.  She then gives him a peck on the cheek.


Sneaking into Notre Dame Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Sneaking into Notre Dame

As Esmeralda sleeps Gringoire and the Gypsies sneak  through the unlock door of Notre Dame. As they sneak in Frollo sneaks out. They find Esmeralda and try to escape with her. Quasimodo begs her not to go but the Gypsies knock Quasimodo out.  Esmeralda doesn’t want to leave but Gringoire forces her out of Notre Dame.


Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge

As the groups leaves Notre Dame Frollo alerts the guards of Esmeralda exodus.   As the fight ensues Frollo convinces Esmeralda to follow him as she has no choice.  He leads her to a bridge where tells her to be his or die. Esmeralda tells him no and as he is about to stab her Quasimodo stops him. Quasimodo then tells him he saw Frollo stab the Phoebus (Plothole). As Frollo tries to stab Quasimodo, Quasimodo lifts Frollo up and throws him off the bridge and in to the water.


Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace Esmeralda in Sanctuary Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace Esmeralda in Sanctuary

Quasimodo then tells Esmeralda that he loves her and she tells him she loves him too. They then run off together  and live happily ever after  in the country.


Next Jetlag Review Post – Plot Review

Phoebus Face Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame

Phoebus Face


There are three basic problems with the plot the 1923 version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame; its strong adherence to parts  that don’t make any sense in the scope of the movie, the changes that had to be made to appease the almighty censors, and Lon Chaney.

Quasimodo (Lon Chaney) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 picture image

Quasimodo (Lon Chaney) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923

The last problem really isn’t a problem but if you watch the opening scene you can see what I mean. The opening scene starts with the Feast of Fool and then it cuts away to Lon Chaney as Quasimodo basically mocking people from atop Notre Dame. I do appreciate that this is the only version to have Quasimodo that has a basic dislike for people like he does in the book which this scene shows nicely  but to just an awkward way to introduce Lon Chaney as Quasimodo to the viewers and it ruins the pacing and makes the beginning boring.

Jehan Frollo (Brandon Hurst) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 picture image

Jehan Frollo (Brandon Hurst) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923


The second issue has to do with censorship laws of the time. The law that pertains to Hunchback is a  movie couldn’t cast a priest in a negative light, meaning we can’t have a Priest lusting after a women. So much like the 1939 the role of the Frollo sinner is cast on the “Jehan” character the “Claude” character is the saintly priest. Unlike the 1939 version Jehan in this version has no reason why he can’t make a straight up move on Esmeralda. Nothing is stopping him; no conflict of her being a Gypsy or no implied religious morality getting in the way. He’s just a coward with no real personality or motivation.

Esmeralda (Pasty Ruth Miller) and Jehan Frollo (Brandon Hurst) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 picture image

Esmeralda (Pasty Ruth Miller) and Jehan Frollo (Brandon Hurst) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923

There is no confliction for this Jehan so there is no interest. The plot of the book is hinged on Frollo’s obsession with Esmeralda so if there is no torment where does the interest to the plot lie? Well in this case the interest to the plot is Lon Chaney’s Quasimodo, so back to that issue, remember this film started the “Quasimodo is main character” mentality that the many of the films buy in to .


Gudule (Gladya Brockwell) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 picture image

Gudule (Gladya Brockwell) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923

The finally issue is a weird one to be an issue because when we compare movies to book there is a part of us that wishes that the movie would follow the book perfectly and we get up annoy by what the movie misses or adds. However it is hard to make a movie follow the book perfectly as they are two different median for story telling. One aspect of the book that I wish made into more movies is the Sister Gudule sub-plot. Sister Gudule is Esmeralda’s mother. The 1923 version is one of the few version to have this sub-plot however it goes no where. We get the back story of how Esmeralda was taken and we see Gudule curse her and then as Esmeralda is about to die Gudule realizes Esmeralda is her child and then I guess she dies. So Esmeralda doesn’t learn this, it amounts to nothing. It was just there because it was in the book but if Esmeralda doesn’t learns this and where is the emotion in the end what was the point?


Esmeralda (Pasty Ruth Miller), Phoebus (Norman Kelly) and Clopin (Ernest Torrence) Ball Scene Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 picture image

Esmeralda (Pasty Ruth Miller), Phoebus (Norman Kelly) and Clopin (Ernest Torrence) Ball Scene Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923

Another sub-plot that was added was this division of the nobel and the poor. Now this was a bigger point in the 1939 version here’s it amount to one scene where Phoebus brings Esmeralda to a party and he dresses up and tries to pass her off as a Princess and the party is broken up by Clopin and Esmeralda sadly rejects Phoebus. Like Gudule, these scene that revolve around the classes don’t add to very much to the over all plot


Esmeralda (Pasty Ruth Miller) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 picture image

Esmeralda (Pasty Ruth Miller) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923

It’s not that entire plot and pacing of the 1923 version is bad it’s just following the book too closely wrecked the pacing and the removal of Frollo’s torment ruins the emotional intensity.  The “Chaney being forced” to the audiences was just the opening so it wasn’t  a major problem but  it’s the reason why the film doesn’t have a very strong opening scene.

Next Time-  Characters starting with Quasimodo

Quasimodo (Lon Chaney), Esmeralda (Patsy Ruth Miller) and Gudule (Gladys Brockwell) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 picture image

Quasimodo (Lon Chaney), Esmeralda (Patsy Ruth Miller) and Gudule (Gladys Brockwell) Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923


Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


In a nutshell Der Glöckner von Notre Dame follows the plot of the Disney movie.  So please forgive me for rehashing the Disney plot, more or less. Also please forgive me, it’s a little hard to review this as I can’t watch the show in it’s entirety.


Act 1

Frollo (Norbert Lamla) with Baby Quasimodo and the Archdeacon Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Frollo (Norbert Lamla) with Baby Quasimodo and the Archdeacon Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Der Glöckner von Notre Dame starts with Clopin dressed as an old Beggar, telling the origin tale of Frollo and Quasimodo, in which a group of Gypsies try to illegally enter Paris and are ambushed by the Minster of Justice, Claude Frollo. One of these gypsies is a mother who attempts to flee and tries to claim sanctuary in Notre Dame but Frollo accidently kills her.  The Archdeacon guilts Frollo in taking care of baby who is deformed, Frollo agrees to raise the baby, which he named Quasimodo and hopes he can raise him to think like him.



Quasimodo with Antoine, Charles and Loni Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo with Antoine, Charles and Loni Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Twenty years later Quasimodo is the bell ringer of Notre Dame. Quasimodo is shy, awkward, and is of few words. His only friends are imaginary Gargoyles, Antoine, Charles, and Loni. The gargoyles encourage Quasimodo to venture outside for the Festival of Fools. Frollo visits  Quasimodo and tells him that if Quasimodo were to leave he’ll only confront the cruelty of the world but the Gargoyles keep telling him to disobey Frollo. After Frollo leaves, Quasimodo’s desire to  spend one day outside wins over his loyalty to Frollo.


Esmeralda and Clopin Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Clopin Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

As the Parisians prepare for the Festival of Fools, Clopin, the King of Gypsies and leader of the Court of Miracles prepares the Gypsies for the festival. A newcomer to the Court of Miracle becomes the focus of their attention. This newcomer is a young dancer named Esmeralda. While this is occurring, Phoebus is returning to Paris and if excited about his new promotion and hoped to get to a little rest and relaxation in this new post. He also takes this time to flirt with a local girl.  His flirting is interrupted with a gypsy accused of theft is fleeing. the gypsy pleads their innocence  but Frollo arrives of the scene and orders the soldier to arrest the Gypsy. Frollo tells Phoebus he plans on finding the Court of Miracles eliminating the Gypsy.


Quasimodo and Clopin Der Glöckner von Notre Dame image picture

Quasimodo and Clopin Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

As the Festival begins Quasimodo dresses in a disguise to hide from Frollo’s gaze. However Frollo’s gaze follows to Esmeralda as she dances for the crowd. After her dance, the King of Fools contest starts. Thinking Quasimodo’s face is a mask, Esmeralda pulls him on stage where is he then crowned the King and then the crowd turns on him and he humiliated. Esmeralda helps Quasimodo and openly insults Frollo for his cruelty. Frollo orders Phoebus to arrest her but Esmeralda disappears. Frollo then scolds Quasimodo for disobedience and sends hims back to Notre Dame.


Esmeralda singing Helf den Verstoß'nen Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda singing Helf den Verstoß'nen Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Esmeralda follows Quasimodo into Notre Dame but Phoebus catches her in the cathedral and Frollo arrives to arrest her but the Archdeacon orders Frollo to leave because she is protected under sanctuary. Frollo orders guards at every door of the cathedral to ensure that Esmeralda can’t escape. Esmeralda then prays for her people and the down-trodden.




Esmeralda and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame image picture

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Esmeralda follows Quasimodo up to the bell tower. Once up there, Esmeralda becomes captivated by the view of Paris. The Gargoyles encourage Quasimodo to talk with Esmeralda. Quasimodo tries a little bit but then in order to repay her kindness he helps her escape. Before leaving Esmeralda gives Quasimodo an amulet which will lead him to the Court of Miracles should he ever need her and she give a kiss on the cheek. After she takes her leave, Quasimodo expresses his tender feelings of love for her while Frollo expresses the torment she brings him and feelings of lust.


Esmeralda saving Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda saving Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Frollo hears that Esmeralda has fled the cathedral. Frollo asks Quasimodo where she has gone and Quasimodo lies to Frollo by claiming her doesn’t know.  Phoebus then realizes Frollo is insane and defies him. Frollo orders Phoebus  to be executed but Esmeralda saves him while Frollo and his men begin the search for her by burning Paris to ground. As Phoebus is fleeing he is shot by an arrow and falls into a river.



Act 2

Mob Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Mob Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Frollo’s men continue their search while Esmeralda rescues Phoebus and tells him to seek sanctuary at Notre Dame while she returns to the Court of Miracles.  Meanwhile the Gargoyles convince Quasimodo that Esmeralda has romantic feeling towards him and is safe from Frollo’s madness. The Archdeacon then bring Phoebus up to the bell tower knowing that Esmeralda is friends with Quasimodo asks him to hide Phoebus.


Quasimodo, Phoebus and the Gargoyles Der Glöckner von Notre Dame image picture

Quasimodo, Phoebus and the Gargoyles Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Frollo then turns up at the Bell Tower and finds out that Quasimodo helped her escape. Frollo then tells Quasimodo that he knows the location of the Court of Miracles he plans on  attacking at dawn.  After Frollo leaves Phoebus asks Quasimodo to help him find the Court of Miracles and warn Esmeralda. Quasimodo refuses to leave the cathedral but Phoebus and the gargoyles tell him about the values of devotion and selflessness, and Quasimodo agrees.



Dance of the  Gypsies Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Dance of the Gypsies Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Quasimodo uses Esmeralda’s amulet to find the Court of Miracles. The Gypsies assume that that they are  Frollo’s spies but Esmeralda assures them that they are their friends. Phoebus tells them about Frollo’s plans. Clopin orders the Gypsies to leave. Esmeralda and Phoebus decide to leave the city together while Quasimodo watches them and is heartbroken as Esmeralda prepares to leave with the man she truly loves.  However before anyone can flee the Court of Miracles, Frollo’s men  show up and arrests everyone and reveals that he followed Quasimodo.



Ann Christin Elverum as Esmeralda singing Einmal Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Ann Christin Elverum as Esmeralda singing Einmal Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Quasimodo is taken back to Notre Dame where he is tied up. The Gargoyles implore him to help Esmeralda but Quasimodo tell them to leave him. Frollo visits Esmeralda in jail and offers her freedom by becoming his women. She tells Phoebus that she would except Frollo’s offer if only to save him but Phoebus tell her to do it for herself but she tells him that a life with Frollo doesn’t seem like living. As Esmeralda awaits her execution she hopes that humanity learns to live in peace.



Molten Lead Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Molten Lead Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Esmeralda is tied to the stake and she refuses Frollo and he lights the pyre. Quasimodo seeing Esmeralda in pain rescues her and takes her into the safety of Notre Dame. Frollo’s order an attack on Notre Dame and Phoebus and the other Parisian stand up against Frollo. Quasimodo defends the cathedral with molten lead and as he tells Esmeralda he has won he sees her die. As Esmeralda is dying she thanks Quasimodo for being an good friend.  Quasimodo mourns her as Frollo breaks into the room to try to kill him. In a fit of rage Quasimodo throws Frollo off of Notre Dame. The Gargoyles try to console Quasimodo by saying the world is full of good and evil. Quasimodo then carries Esmeralda’s body  though the Square with Phoebus by his side. Clopin appears and brings the show full circle and ask what makes a monster and what makes a man.


Quasimodo carry Esmeralda and Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo carry Esmeralda and Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


Next Time – Characters of Der Glöckner von Notre Dame Musical

Ann Christin Elverum as Esmeralda Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Ann Christin Elverum as Esmeralda Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Clopin Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Disney version starts off with Clopin (Paul Kandel) regaling small children with the tale of the mysterious bell ringer and how he came the position.  Though a song (The Bells of Notre Dame) and a flashback Clopin tells of a group of Gypsies entering Paris via the Seine, the notable Gypsy is a women with a child. After docking the Gypsies are caught by Judge Claude Frollo (Tony Jay). Frollo doesn’t care much for gypsies and orders their arrest but when he tries to take the baby from the women (he thinks it stolen goods) she runs toward Notre Dame. After the chase Frollo kills the women on the steps of Notre Dame and Frollo tries to drown the child who is deformed. Before Frollo can do it he’s stop by the Archdeacon (David Ogden Stiers) who guilts Frollo into taking care of child but Frollo  demands that the child must live in the bell-tower. Clopin then asks us to consider what the bells supposedly say “who is the monster and who is the man”

Frollo and Quasimodo Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image

Frollo and Quasimodo

After a lovely crescendo and the title screen featuring those crazy bells we’re introduced to Quasimodo (Tom Hulce) who is urging a baby bird to fly away as no one wants to be cooped up in Notre Dame forever. After the bird flies away Quasimodo’s gargoyles friends come to life. Victor (Charles Kimbrough), Hugo (Jason Alexander), and Laverne (Mary Wickes(and Jane Withers)). The three urge Quasimodo to go the Festival of Fools but Quasimodo says he forbidden to ever leave the cathedral by his master Frollo. After some a little encouragement he decides to go but Frollo shows up and tries to persuades him out of ever leaving because of his ugliness he’ll only meet with hate. Frollo does with via song (Out There). After Frollo is done singing and leaves Quasimodo takes over the song (Out There), and sings about  a desire to have one day out among normal people.

Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Disney Esmeralda Hunchback of Notre Dame dancing

The scene switches to Phoebus (Kevin Klein), Captain of the Guard, returning to Paris. He catches the eye of pretty Gypsy girl, Esmeralda (Demi Moore), dancing  for coins. After some other guards show up and accosted Esmeralda for stealing, Phoebus aids in her escape. Phoebus then makes the trouble-making, underling guards  guide him to  the Palace of Justice. He meets Frollo who explains that Paris must be rid of the Gypsies as they weaken the moral of the otherwise good Parisian and then they head out to the Festival of Fools.

Quasimodo Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image

Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Festival begins as a clocked Quasimodo swing down from Notre Dame and gets caught up in the festivity of the party as Clopin serves as the master of ceremonies  by singing Topsy Turvy . While Quasimodo is getting thrown about he crashes into a tent where Esmeralda is changing. She asks Quasimodo if he is injured and compliments his mask, Quasimodo is instantly smitten with her. Frollo, Phoebus, and guards arrive on the scene and Esmerlada dances  for crowd and gets the attention of Quasimodo, Frollo and Phoebus. After that the King of Fools contest starts, as the ugly masses came on to the stage, Esmeralda pulls Quasimodo up on stage. Once it is reveal that Quasimodo “mask” is really his face he is crowned king of fools, much to Frollo’s disapproval.

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda defying Frollo by helping Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

After the song ends, the underling guards, throws a tomato at Quasimodo causing the crowd to pelt him with foodstuff and tie him down to the pillory. Phoebus wants to intervene but Frollo insists Quasimodo is learning a lesson. The barrage of food ceases when Esmeralda ascends the pillory, and apologizes to Quasimodo. Frollo orders her down and not to help. After a quip about justice and mistreat of people (especially her people) she free Quasimodo. Frollo orders her arrest and a merry chase ensues.

Frollo Hunchback of Notre Dame with Esmeralda Disney picture image

Frollo gropes Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

After Esmerlada gives everyone the sip, Quasimodo apologizes to Frollo and returns to Notre dame. Phoebus sees an old man wander into Notre Dame and follows. The old man is Esmerlada who has chosen Notre Dame as hiding place. She senses a presence behind her (Phoebus) and she engages him in combat. As she fights, he flirts, which after a bit works but Frollo interferes demanding her arrest. Phoebus claims she claim sanctuary and he can’t do anything. Frollo demand that she be dragged out side but the good-old Archdeacon commands that Frollo can’t do anything. As Phoebus and the other guards leave, Frollo hides and grabs Esmeralda from the back and says he’ll wait for her to leave and then continues to grope her. He leaves and Esmeralda learns that guards are position all around the cathedral. Esmeralda sings a prayer for not just her people but for all outcast (Good help the Outcast {sung by Heidi Mollenhauer). As she sings Quasimodo hears it and follow it. When the song ends Quasimodo is told off and flee back up to the bell tower, as he flees Esmeralda pursues.

Frollo Hunchback of Notre Dame Hellfire Disney picture image

Frollo singing Hellfore Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

The two becomes friends and learn more about each and how Frollo can be wrong about people. Quasimodo then decide to help Esmeralda escape but climbing down the building. Esmeralda ask Quasimodo to comes with her to The Court of Miracles (the Gypsy haven), but he refuses and she gives him a woven band to help if he needs sanctuary. Quasimodo returns to the tower and his gargoyle tease him about having a girlfriend. He sings a song about his feelings for Esmeralda and hope for love (Heaven’s light). Meanwhile, Frollo is also singing about his lust and obsession for Esmeralda (Hellfire). During the course of the song he learns that Esmeralda has escaped.

Disney Phoebus Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image hit by arrow

Phoebus being hit by an arrow Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

The next day,  Frollo has order the capture of Esmeralda. He uses force, bribes, and attempted manslaughter. Frollo tries to kill an entire family for harboring Gypsies, he orders Phoebus to burn the house where the family is trap but Phoebus refuses and sentence to death, but a disguised Esmeralda intervenes via rock. Phoebus gets away but is shoot by an arrow and falls into river. Esmeralda saves him.

Phoebus and Esmeralda Kiss Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Phoebus and Esmeralda Kiss Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Meanwhile, Frollo has set Paris ablaze. Quasimodo is worried about Esmeralda’s safety  but the Gargoyle assure him that she’s fine and she’ll return to Quasimodo and convinces him that she is in love with (A Guy like you). The song ends with Esmeralda entering the tower and asks Quasimodo to hide Phoebus. As Esmeralda tends to Phoebus‘ wound it became clear that she not into Quasimodo in the romantic sense. Quasimodo hears Frollo coming and Quasimodo tries to cover. Frollo reveals that he knows where the Court of Miracles is and is going to attack. Quasimodo and Phoebus set out to warn the Gypsies. Quasimodo relies that the woven band is a map and they find the Court of Miracles. The pair is ambush by Clopin (Court of Miracles), since the Court of Miracles doesn’t like uninvited guest they going to hang them, but Esmeralda stops them. Phoebus warns them about the attack but Frollo followed them and arrest everyone.

Quasimodo declares Sanctuary for Esmeralda Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image

Quasimodo declares Sanctuary for Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre

As Frollo prepare to execute Esmeralda, he asks her to chose him or the fire, she choses the later and the pyre is set aflame.  Quasimodo then swings down from Notre Dame frees Esmeralda swing back up and yells sanctuary. Frollo the attacks Notre Dame and Quasimodo defends. Everyone get in on the battle, Phoebus, Clopin, the gargoyles, random extra and birds. Quasimodo uses molten lead but Frollo sneaks in.

Esmeralda, Phoebus, and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo accepts Esmeralda and Phoebus as a couple Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Quasimodo tells Esmeralda to come see his victory but it seems like she dies of asphyxiation. Quasimodo cries as Frollo slips into the room and tries to kill him but Quasimodo fights back and Esmeralda regains consciences, and Frollo goes on murderous offense. After a bit of fight Frollo is about to win as Esmeralda clings to Quasimodo who is dangling over the edge of Notre Dame but Frollo support gives out and he falls to his death. Esmerlada strength gives out and Quasimodo falls but he caught by Phoebus. Quasimodo then gives the couple his blessing. Esmeralda and Phoebus emerge from the cathedral and are met with cheers. Esmeralda offers Quasimodo her hand and leads him outside where he is finally  accepted by the people. Clopin reprise “The Bells of Notre Dame” and asks us “what makes a monster and what makes a man”.

Next time – A Plot Review of Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame

So after looking at the plot overview let’s review it. The first thing to look at is the script. The script  of 1939 version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame was written by Bruno Frank and Sonya Levien. Frank wrote an adaptation and Levien wrote a screenplay based off that adaptation. The thing to keep in mind about Frank’s adaptation is that he was a German author, poet, dramatist and humanist of Jewish descent. He fled Germany because he feared the Government  and lived in Austria and England before going to America in 1937. He then starting working in Hollywood as a writer. So given the political environment of the late 30’s along with Frank’s experience it’s no wonder that the Hunchback of Notre Dame parallels Europe of the late 30s. Considering Frank’s background as an author/poet/humanist it’s understandable why Gringoire is co-hero with Quasimodo.

Speaking of Quasimodo and scenes that feature him, most of his lines are  pretty much verbatim to what Victor Hugo wrote. The film also likes to insert him wherever it can: Louis commenting on the Bells and asking about the Bell ringer, the girl crying to grandmother about seeing him, scaring Esmeralda away from Notre Dame, confessing to Phoebus‘ murder, and him alone at the end. Clearly the film compensates for Quasimodo isn’t the main character in the book.

One of the major problems with the plot is that because there is this push towards modernity, which Louis and Gringoire represent, there are lot of scenes that are either completely added, like opening scene or added to much larger parts of the film so that Louis and Gringoire can be featured more. Quasimodo’s flogging and Esmeralda’s trial are good examples. The pillory scene cuts away to other characters and sometimes just random extras, but it mainly cuts to Gringoire and Clopin, who are talking about the truth about beggary and Gringoire wanting to help Quasimodo, so he prolonged in the scene further by seeing Claude. Esmeralda’s trial has interjects made by Gringoire pleading for common sense, Quasimodo confessing to the murder, and Louis giving Esmeralda a “Trial by Ordeal” the “ordeal” is more chance, basically she just has to touch the right dagger (Louis) to be freed but she fails. These add on don’t add much and if they accomplish anyway it weak character develop at best.

Quasimodo on the Pillory Charles Laughton  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image pillory cut 1 -Gringoire and Clopin Edmond O'brein Thomas Mitchell 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image pillory cut 2- extras   1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image pillory cut 3 -Quasimodo Charles Laughton  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image pillory cut 4 - whipper  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image pillory cut 5 - Gringoire and Clopin Edmond O'brein Thomas Mitchell 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image pillory 6 - more extras  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image pillory 7 - to Quasimodo Charles Laughton  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image pillory 8 -Frollo in a meeting Sir Cedric hardwicke 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image pillory 9 - Gringoire and Clopin Edmond O'brein Thomas Mitchell 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image Pillory 10 - Frollo on the scene Sir Cedric hardwicke 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image Pillory 11 - Gringoire and Claude Edmond O'brein Walter Hampden 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image pillory 12 -Gringoire and Esmealda  Edmond O'brein Maureen O'hara 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image Pillory 13 -Esmeralda and Quasimodo Charles Laughton Maureen O'hara   1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image


all these pictures are all from the “pillory scene” and now for the trial

Trial extras  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image Aristotle the Goat 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image Quasimodo confesses to the murder Charles Laughton  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image Extra leaving trial  extras  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image Frollo watches from a spy hole Sir cedric hardwicke 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image Frollo-vision of Esmeralda being tortured Maureen O'hara 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image Louis at the Trial Harry Davenport 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image Louis and Esmeralda Maureen O'hara Harry Davenport 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image Trial by ordeal/chance Maureen O'hara Harry Davenport 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image

this scene does not have as many ADD-ons as the pillory scene  but when Quasimodo comes in it just falls apart and having Louis there makes it worst.

Another  big problem is Frollo’s obsession/lust for Esmeralda comes off very contrived. He sees her dance, he stares but I don’t think he is  enchanted by her at that moment. Their discussion in Notre Dame is just there so he can talk to her. He starts by letting his prejudices and superstition about her and her people be known and thne he stares at her breasts for more than a few seconds. And while that part is quite amusing, it seems so forced, it almost like he bored of talking to her. After that the talk takes a dive because they strike an accord over a mutual love of animals, for no explain reason Frollo keeps a dozen cats in his office, I guess this would explain why he took in Quasimodo in the first place. Anyway it seemed that Frollo and Esmeralda could be have friends if Quasimodo haven’t scared her and he tried to kidnap  her. A side point about the kidnapping, at the point where Esmeralda fled from Notre Dame she apparently lived in sanctuary because she didn’t have a city permit and would be arrested for not having one, so seemed like the “kidnapping” was only to take her back to safety. It’s good thing the guard who recused her didn’t ask for her permit, actually the permit thing is never mention again, it completed its’ mission for the plot. Anyway back to the Frollo/Esmeralda dynamic, given his tepid feeling and her lacking of feeling anything towards him, this makes the confession scene odd. Esmeralda and Gringoire are performing and for some weird reason Frollo is hosting. He asks Gringoire if he is ready to perform. When Gringoire is out the way , Frollo makes his move and confesses his confused little feelings. Now prior to this scene Frollo tried exactly once to find Esmeralda, he had all the Gypsy girls in the Court of Miracle arrested and then released  because Esmeralda wasn’t there. So he didn’t  shown his powerful obsession/lust, so it hard to buy his torment. Prior to this we know that Esmeralda doesn’t have any strong dislike of Frollo, so I don’t buy her fear in this scene either. Then she goes off with Phoebus and Frollo kills him again I don’t believe he was pushed to murder. Since Frollo is the catalyst that causes the story to take motion, the Frollo/Esmeralda dynamic needs to strong, not there because the it was in the original.

I do like that the theme is old vs new and embraces the sprit of progress, it’s a nice change of pace for a Hunchback movie. The cliche theme for Hunchback films is “beauty is on the inside”. But the theme does tries to hard it assert itself and competes with original too much. I think the plot suffers because of this and ultimately the the plot and the screenplay are the weakest element of the film.

Next time we’ll look at the Mise-en-scene for the movie.  see ya then!

The 1939 version The Hunchback of Notre Dame opens with text about the current times and how Great Louis IX is. But there is superstition /prejudice that wants to “crush the adventurous spirit of man.“.

From the get go the film tells us that in addition to Qusiamodo being a prominent character,  Pierre Gringoire  and King Louis XI are very important characters as they represent modernity while Frollo provides the superstition/prejudice and Esmeralda works as something for the character to fight for or against. Gringoire is also who the author (in this case Frank) identified with which is why he get more scene time and importance in film’s events.

The over-all theme of the film is the changing world and this old vs new but the overt undertones are taken from political environment of the late 30’s, (i.e the opinion of the Romani and their need for city permits in late 15th century Paris)

King Louis XI  Harry Davenport 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

King Louis XI ( Harry Davenport)

Jehan Frollo Sir Cedric Hardwicke 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Jehan Frollo (Sir Cedric Hardwicke)

Despite the add-ons to the over-all story  the plot is the same. King Louis (Harry Davenport) Jehan Frollo (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) Chief Justice, are a sort of odd couple.

Esmeralda Maureen O'Hara 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Esmeralda (Maureen O’Hara)

They are forever talking of this old vs new, Louis loves it and Frollo hates it and in the opening scene they talk of the new invention, a printing press. Frollo wants to destroy it and Louis considers it a miracle. Frollo then vows he will protect France from the press as he protect it from witches, sorcerers and “Gypsies.” At that moment,  Esmeralda  (Maureen O’Hara) arrives in Paris so that she may speak to the king about the blight of her people.

She arrives during the Feast of Fools. At the feast a young idealist poet Pierre Gringoire (Edmond O’Brien) is performing a play that meets with harsh criticism.

Gringoire (Edmond O'Brien)  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame image picture

Gringoire (Edmond O’Brien)

Phoebus (Alan Marshal) 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Phoebus (Alan Marshal)

In addition to the general merriment, the highlight of the festival is the crowning of the King of Fools, which is reserved for the ugliest face in Paris.

Esmeralda spots an eye staring  maureen o'hara 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame

Esmeralda spots an eye staring

Quasimodo (Charles Laughton) 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Quasimodo (Charles Laughton)

Quasimodo King of Fools  charles laughton  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Quasimodo King of Fools

As Esmeralda dances she sees Quasimodo (Charles Laughton) the misshapen hunchback of Notre Dame staring at her, he is pulled out of hiding and  is crowned King of Fools. The Feast ends when Frollo, Quasimodo’s care taker, forces him back to Notre Dame.  Esmeralda is then forced to take refuge in Notre Dame because she Gypsy with out documentation.

Esmeralda looking at the Virgin Mary maureen o'hara 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Esmeralda looking at the Virgin Mary

Esmeralda and Frollo in Notre Dame Maureen O'hara Sir cedric hardwicke 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Esmeralda and Frollo in Notre Dame

Frollo stares Esmeralda's breasts for 15 seconds Maureen O'hara Sir cedric hardwicke 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Frollo stares for 15 seconds

She then encounters Frollo who find her while he is visiting his brother Claude (Walter Hampden) the Arch-Deacon of Notre dame. Frollo expresses  his  superstition & prejudice against the Gyspies and demand she leaves.  He also demonstrates also a growing fascination with her, After seeing the good in Frollo (he likes animals, especially cats).

Frollo iSir cedric hardwicke 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Frollo, 1939 version

She asks Mary to speak to the King, Louis as it happens in Notre Dame and agrees to review her request about her people.  Frollo takes Esmeralda to the bell tower because she now lives in sanctuary but flees from Notre Dame because Quasimodo frightened. She is pursued by Quasimodo while Frollo hides in the shadows, she is rescued by Gringoire and Phoebus. She is immediately smitten with Phoebus.


Clopin King of Beggars (Thomas Mitchell) 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Clopin King of Beggars (Thomas Mitchell)

Gringoire balancing a chair in his mouth Edmond O'brein 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Gringoire learns a life skill

Gringoire then stumbles into the Court of Miracles and after almost being  hanged by Clopin, (Thomas Mitchell)

Just then all the girls are arrested because of Frollo obsession with Esmeralda but just as the guards descend on the Court, Esmeralda sneaks out to see her people and tell them about the King.

Quasimodo on the Pillory chalres laughton 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Quasimodo on the Pillory

Esmeralda gives Quasimodo a drop of water charles Laughton Maureen O'hara 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

A drop of water

Quasimodo is sentenced to 50 lashes and public disgrace. Gringoire tries to help but can’t do anything and as Quasimodo begs for water Esmeralda gives him some water and a little pity. After that Quasimodo falls in love with her.

Frollo confesses to Esmeralda Sir cedric hardwicke Maureen O'hara 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Frollo confesses to Esmeralda

Phoebus and Esmeralda get comfortable  Maureen O'hara Alan Marshal  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Phoebus and Esmeralda get comfortable

Claude can't be brothers with a murder  Sir Cedric Hardwick Walter Hampden 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image

Claude can’t be brothers with a murder

During a party where Gringoire and Esmeralda are performing, Frollo confesses his obsession to her. She runs off  and finds Phoebus, who is later murder while with Esmeralda. Frollo confesses to the murder to his brother but Claude refuses to help him.

Esmeralda and Aristotle share a moment   maureen O'hara  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image

Esmeralda and Aristotle share a moment

Quasimodo confesses to the murder charles laughton 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image

Quasimodo confesses to the murder

Frollo watches from a spy hole Sir cedric hardwicke 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image

Frollo watches from a spy hole

Frollo-vision of Esmeralda being tortured Maureen O'hara 1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image

Esmeralda being tortured

Esmeralda is put on trial along side her goat. Gringoire tries to make the court see common sense and Quasimodo confesses to the murder. However she is tortured and despite her innocence she confesses and is sentenced to death. Louis tries to intervene on behalf of Claude but he can’t do much.

Quasimodo proclaiming  SANCTUARY for Esmeralda Charles Laughton  Maureen O'hara  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image


On the day her execution Quasimodo saves her and claim sanctuary.

Beggars are ready for the attack  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image

Beggars are ready for the attack

Enraged, the nobles try remove sanctuary as Esmeralda has killed “one of them”. Clopin and Gringoire debate on the best method of saving her; words or force. Both methods are tried. Louis reads Gringoire pamphet while Clopin attack Notre dame. As  Clopin attacks Notre Dame Louis discover that Frollo is the real murder.  Quasimodo defends Notre Dame and is sucessful, even if the people attacking were trying to protect Esmeralda.

Quaismodo throws Frollo out the window  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image

Quaismodo throws Frollo out the window

At his moment of  victory, he finds Frollo pursuing  Esmeralda and  Quasimodo throws Frollo from the cathedral.

Esmeralda and Gringoire leave Notre Dame maureen O'hara Edmond O'brein  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image

Esmeralda and Gringoire leaving together

Esmeralda is then pardon and the nomads are free to live in France. As Esmeralda and Gringoire go off together while Quasimodo ask why he wasn’t made of stone.

Quasimodo alone at the end  Charles Laughton  1939 Hunchback of Notre dame  picture image

Quasimodo alone at the end

That the plot of 1939 version of Hunchback of Notre Dame, next time plot review