Julie Zenatti as Fleur de Lys Notre Dame de Paris
Fleur de Lys; Costumes of Notre Dame de Paris
It’s still kind of a work in progress but it for the most part functionally done. the Lens is broken down for components instead of by casts.

Anne Menson as Fleur de Lys
Compared to Esmeralda’s costumes, I find Fleur de Lys’ costume a little plain. It’s a nice enough dress but a little lacklaster for the stage. I actully like it when she has a more intricate hairstyle and I like the romantic versions of the costume but with more vibrate saturated pink tone. In a way I prefer the concept design of Fleur de Lys better. I wonder how the different versions would have altered it. But then you have to wonder “what does the front look like?”

Fleur de Lys design for Notre Dame de Paris
Tell me what you think What do you think of Fleur de Lys’s costume from Notre Dame de Paris or the Notre Dame de Paris Costumes in general?
Hopefully I can do at least two more of these Notre Dame de Paris Costume lenses; one for the prison dress and one on Esmeralda’s bonus costumes. We’ll see about the male costumes.