Esmeralda,  Quasimodo, and Laverne King's  Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda, Quasimodo, and Laverne King’s Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame

At last we come to my favorite part of any Hunchback products, the costumes! Though to be honest wasn’t going to discuss the costumes but there are a few point I feel I need to mention about the King’s Academy production.  Now I was in a High School play once and I know they didn’t care about the costumes like at all and it was a fairly well regarded school for theater, though I’m not sure why. Anyway unlike my old middle/high school the King’s Academy did try in the costume area, it’s just some costumes are much better than others.

Let’s start with the negatives.

Frollo’s costume is boring. It’s just black vestments with a red stole. It’s not inherently bad, just dull. But it’s Quasimodo’s costume that leaves me  wondering. First off, he has no make-up for the facial deformities and I forgive that, I really do and I’m a heartless critical nitpicking monster but what I can not forgive or wrap my head around is the white label. Just why? It makes his costume looks so lazy.  Also I don’t really care for the costumes the dancers wear during Hellfire and yes this is a colossal nitpick. I mention it because I actually like the light up tutus the dancers wear in Heaven’s light. At first I thought they were cheesy but it works  with the song and the point of the dual songs is the light reference. I just wished the dancers looked more like fire in Hellfire. I think they were almost there but the pants should gave been red in tone and not black, though I suppose they could have been and the video just makes the look black.

Stuff I sort what like.

I like the tutus in Heaven‘s light, there are cheesy but I appreciate them.  Speaking of the dancers and the ensemble, I appreciate that they have the appreciate costumes for the roles they have.

Esmeralda’s costume is one of the few costume in the main cast that is pretty much a copy of the Disney costume but it’s done well and looks nice.

The gargoyles are the only costumes that look like they were made from starch for the production and in that sense they stand out in a good way.

Heaven's Light King's  Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Heaven’s Light King’s Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame

Next time Conclusion of the King’s Academy Production

Frollo, Quasimodo and Ensemble performing Esmeralda King's Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo, Quasimodo and Ensemble performing Esmeralda King’s Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame

QuasimodoLittle Big Planet 3

Gift for Quasimodo Little Big Planet 3 picture image

Little Big Planet 3

He would like this game but he just needs a Playstation 4.


EsmeraldaOroclone Gold Plated 8mm Emerald Swarovski Bangle Bracelet

Oroclone Gold Plated 8mm Emerald Swarovski Bangle Bracelet gift Esmeralda picture image

Oroclone Gold Plated 8mm Emerald Swarovski Bangle Bracelet


She likes to be pretty. Emeralds for her name and gold because it’s signature.

FrolloBushnell H2O Waterproof/Fogproof Roof Prism Binocular

Bushnell H2O Waterproof/Fogproof Roof Prism Binocular gift for frollo picture image

Bushnell H2O Waterproof/Fogproof Roof Prism Binocular

So he can stalk Esmeralda better, it’s very important.

PhoebusXbox 360 4GB

gift phoebus Xbox 360 4GB picture image

Xbox 360 4GB

He just seems liek an Xbox bro.

GringoireRustic Ridge Refillable Leather Travel Journal with Handmade Paper – 6″ x 8″ – Saddle Brown

Rustic Ridge Refillable Leather Travel Journal with Handmade Paper   gift for gringoire picture image

Rustic Ridge Refillable Leather Travel Journal with Handmade Paper

So he can write his genius, I can’t imgine Gringoire using a computer, he’s a hipster like that.

ClopinHydro Flask – Stainless Steel Growler Vacuum Insulated Wide Mouth Black Butte

Hydro Flask - Stainless Steel Growler Vacuum Insulated Wide Mouth Black Butte gift Clopin picture image

Hydro Flask – Stainless Steel Growler Vacuum Insulated Wide Mouth Black Butte

For booze on the go, it’s very important.

Fleur de LysBadgley Mischka Women’s Lacie Pump

gift Fleur de lys adgley Mischka Women's Lacie Pump picture image

Badgley Mischka Women’s Lacie Pump


Jehan – 192 Ways to Make Money Fast (Your Ultimate Resource of Online and Offline Money Making Ideas)

gift jehan 192 Ways to Make Money Fast  picture image

192 Ways to Make Money Fast

He won’t read it/

Gudule – Her baby back.

I mention that I would post some Christmas stuff I like. This by no mean everything just things I feel like mentioning quickly.

This is Eivør Pálsdóttir singing Dansaðu Vindur. It was adapted from the Swendish Eurovision song Den Vilda. This song was a hit in 2013 when it came out. And it’s on the Frostrósir album

Eivør is one of my favorite singers. Here she is singing in Icelandic but she in a lot of other languages including English. It’s just a pretty Christmas song.


Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas  picture image

Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas

For the month of December I’m going to take a break from the Non-Disney Princesses to view three direct to video Disney Movies, Gwahahahhaha, I hope they suck. I also may post a few Christmas related things that I like on the weekends but I’m not 100% on that.

Why am I doing this? Because Christmas! So I’m going to go watch our first offering, Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas

(an hour later…)

Ok, that was inane sappiness. The End. I kid, Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas was released as Direct to video in 1999 and tells three sepreate stories that feauture Donald Duck, Goofy and Mickey.

Mickey and Minnie opening their gifts Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas  picture image

Mickey and Minnie opening their gifts

Donald Duck story is called Donald Duck Stuck on Christmas. It’s basically Huey, Dewey and Louie wishing that Christmas was everyday. This causes a groundhog effect where the live the same Christmas off and over again till they learn that Christmas is about giving and love and not about presents.

Goofy’s story is called A Very Goofy Christmas, gee cleaver title. It’s about Max, at his youngest, losing his faith in Santa Clause and Goofy tring to regain it. In the end Max tries to regains Goofy’s faith in Santa and they wish for each other happiness.

The last story is Mickey’s and it’s called Mickey’s and Minnie’s The Gift of the Magi. It pays out like The gift of the Magic except with Mickey’s Harmonica instead of the watch and Minnie’s watch instead of hair. It’s pretty much just gift of the Magi which is another fine story about giving and the Christmas spirit. Though I would point out that Mickey and Minnie can still use their gift unlike the couple in the Gift of the Magi because Minnie gave Mickey a box for his harmonica and Mickey gave Minnie a necklace which was supposed to be for her watch but it’s still a necklace. Also what time period is this because it have like old fashion cars, and Mickey’s attire look like Victorian street urchin but there is a computer story, ah whatever.

The Story Gifts Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas picture image

The Story Gifts

Basically all three stories are the same thing, Christmas = Giving +Love. You have seen these stories over and over, there is nothing new to them. The only spin that they made is adding slapstick that gets rather old after a while. There are better way to get the Christmas spirit message to kids. Maybe this video thinks it will be the first but Mickey’s Christmas Carol does it better.

The cast Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas  picture image

The cast

There is not a lot to say on this video, it’s boring, sappy and inane but that is not a surprise. The most I can say is it’s harmless and the worst I can say is meh. I did chuckle a bit in the Goofy story when they think they see Santa and it’s just a Beagle robbing a house, that was funny. The sadest part was when Donald repeated dropped the pancakes on the floor, too sad.

Last week I posted the Promo video of the La Jolla production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame on the blog’s Facebook page, so some of you have seen this already.

These are my reaction to the video, what I like and what I dislike. This might be  my only chance to discuss this since it’s looking unlikely that I will make the Paper mills  prodution this spring and who really know if this show will get an audio recording, or go to Broadway or La Jolla will just magically send me a video recording of the show for christmas but anyway here we go.

Ciara Renee and Michael Arden in the Jolla Production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Ciara Renee and Michael Arden in the Jolla Production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame

What I liked:

No Gargoyles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! Yeah sure they have their place in a kids movie in a franchise that has character like this but in a musical that is boosting being closer to the original story, no, just no.

The Sets- the sets are lovely. As silly as this might sound, I really like the floor. It’s not only accurate to Notre Dame but ti’s a nice visual statement.

The cast looks like they are having fun – I know this a ploy, if the cast is having fun then I the audeince will have fun, take my nonexistent money, (I’m a broke blogger). But I do enjoy the fun the seem to be having.

The Costumes – Across the broad these costume look great.  A few of the ensemble‘ costume caught my eye one being yellow and having an  most painterly touch to it and the other had leather-like components which is great but the two costume I really want to take about are Esmeralda’s costume. The promo video doesn’t show her in the prisoner costumes so we can’t talk about that but it does show her casual and performance dress. Her performance dress reminds me of across between Bollywood and Ren-faire, I don’t mean that in a negative way. They is something about the fabric or the sparkles just reminds of costume I seen in Bollywood film specific movies that features courtesans who are performing a dance number.  However the neckline reads more medieval, I dunno I think it works and it’s pink though if it were red I don’t think I would have minded. That being said I’m sick of seeing Esmeralda in red or pink as her primary color and for that reason Esmeralda’s casual  costume here is a breathe of fresh air for  me. It’s mostly blue which is a color she does wear in the novel although I think turquoise was color to the novel. The costume is very similar to the Disney costume as it the same basic cut, she also wears a purple skirt and her corset had gold stripes. The hip scarf is devore blue velvet and ti reminds me a little bit of Esmeralda costume in Notre Dame de Paris, whether this was intentional or I’m just making a connection that is not there it’s still a nice touch that adds a bit of texture to her costume. I wished her sleeves had been more puffy, it would have made a nice visual for the audience but that is a nitpick. Also I like that her knife is back though now that I think about, Esmeralda must have had a knife in the Disney version so it’s a null point. I wouldn’t I love her costumes but I appreciate them.

What I didn’t like:

Quasimodo’s makeup – It just looks like two lines of his face, it’s lackluster. Considering the scope of this production it just very underwhelming. Now to be fair, the promo video make not have a good shot of it but it seems like the deformity is coming more from the actor making a face than makeup. In a show like Notre Dame de Paris where everything is minimal, they can get way this the deformity being implied rather than realized but here I don’t think they can. And considering Quasimodo’s characterization in any version is wrapped up in his deformities, it’s not a little thing.

Hmm, only one thing I didn’t really like, either the video was too short or I’m going soft.

What did you think of the promo video?

Full Stage view during the Bells of Notre Dame King's Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Full Stage view during the Bells of Notre Dame King’s Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame

The stage that the King Academy used for their production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame is divided into a few parts. The lowest level is used for dance number and one could say it represents the streets of Paris and a few of the principle cast use this level. Then there is a ramp to the next level with is sort of like Sanctuary of Notre Dame as well as other setting like Square of Notre Dame. Then you have the upper most level which is the Bell tower. There is also the sides which the ensemble uses but Esmeralda appears there during the Esmeralda song.

At first I thought the fact that most of the action takes place at the upper level would impede the viewing experience for an audience but I think I was wrong. From a video vantage point that could be true, if you are watching it from the camera’s angle but just in a wide shot the action in the bell tower would look remote. However from the audience they would be able to see the action clearer as they have to look up and there would nothing to block their view. I sort of recall seeing a play that had a similar height presentation and I’m pretty short so it worked out for me.

Otherwise the staging is fairly straightforward there are not too many surprises, a character sings and they pretty much stand still while the ensemble does a little choreography while singing and the dancers dance at the lowest level. Well, there was one surprise, the gargoyles are suspended and swing around a little bit but still pretty much in one spot but it was a nice touch.

Also before I end this, the Notre Dame set was really great.

Walt Disney Records The Legacy Collection: The Little Mermaid by Lorelay Bove picture image

Walt Disney Records The Legacy Collection: The Little Mermaid by Lorelay Bove


Because its Cyber Monday I thought I would post more terrible Disney Princess Products but in my search I found The Legacy of Collection of The Little Mermaid which featured the art of Lorelay Bove. For some reason this made look her up.  I really like the colors and texture of her work and I was curious  to see if she had done any Hunchback artwork but then I found this book.

LOVELY: LADIES OF ANIMATION: THE ART OF Lorelay Bove, Brittney Lee, Claire Keane, Lisa Keene, Victoria Ying and Helen Chen picture image

LOVELY: LADIES OF ANIMATION: THE ART OF Lorelay Bove, Brittney Lee, Claire Keane, Lisa Keene, Victoria Ying and Helen Chen

LOVELY: LADIES OF ANIMATION: THE ART OF Lorelay Bove, Brittney Lee, Claire Keane, Lisa Keene, Victoria Ying and Helen Chen. Lisa Keene worked The Hunchback of Notre Dame as the character designer but she also has done background work on a lot of other Disney movies. While I can’t  say for sure if it has any Hunchback art in it or no it os full of beautiful art work. So if you know someone who like me and loves art book and animation with would make a great gift.

The Art of the Disney Golden Books (Disney Editions Deluxe) picture image

The Art of the Disney Golden Books (Disney Editions Deluxe)


There is also this The Art of the Disney Golden Books (Disney Editions Deluxe). Again I’m not sure if does have Hunchback in it but it seems more likely.  Again would make a great gift for though who like art books and Disney movies.

Quasimodo Turkey  Thanksgiving 2014 hunchback notre dame picture image

What is Quasimodo thankful for?





Happy Thanksgiving 2014 or the fourth  thursday in November.

Way back in March 2013 I did a post of Jean de Florette, a famous movie from France and its similarities to the Hunchback of Notre Dame (you can read that post here).

Emmanuelle  Beart as Manon in Manon des Sources picture image

Emmanuelle Beart as Manon in Manon des Sources

In that post I mention it’s second part, a film called Manon des Sources which follows Jean’s daughter, Manon played by Emmanuelle Beart. It takes several years after Jean de Florette.

Manon (Emmanuelle  Beart) and Ugolin (Daniel Auteuil) Manon des Sorces picture image

Manon (Emmanuelle Beart) and Ugolin (Daniel Auteuil) Manon des Sorces

In this movie Ugolin sees Manon dancing naked and falls into a deep crazed infatuation with her. Manon has similar free-spirited innocence that Esmeralda had in the novel, she even has goats. Unlike Frollo’s obession with Esmeralda, Ugolin never tries to harm Manon but he does try to win her over but Manon despises him and his uncle for destroying her father. However like Frollo, Ugolin is undone by his love for Manon.

I highly recommend seeing these two movies, they are great.

Frollo, Quasimodo and Ensemble performing Esmeralda King's  Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame   picture image

Frollo, Quasimodo and Ensemble performing Esmeralda King’s Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame

The King’s Academy version of the Hunchback exist as step between Der Glockner von Notre Dame and the official American musical version of La Jolla and Papermills. The King’s version has some core differences of Glockner and even the Disney movie. Also Please note, I’m working off of memory, I had hope to re-watch it and make a list but I couldn’t do that so I probably will miss things.

So the big difference and something that I find a unforgivable is Phoebus or rather not Phoebus. This version calls him Edgrick, I’m not sure why they changed his name. The did change the gargoyle names back to there original Disney name of Victor, Hugo and Laverne instead of the Glockner names Charles, Loni and Antoine. Also in this production Phoebus does not sing. This Phoebus’ signature song of Ein bißchen Freude or Rest and Recreation does not occur. Also Out of Love is cut which is also cut from the La Jolla version. He also doesn’t sing in Esmeralda instead Frollo sings Phoebus’s part which doesn’t make that much sense as the Frollo asks why he hears her words inside his head I have no idea what he would be referring to, though the lyrics have been changed somewhat.

King’s version
Why do I long for Esmeralda?
Why do I hear her words inside my head?
Why do I think of Esmeralda?
With all the Gypsies Beggars left for Dead

Yes my Duty calls for
Paris is Burning
Lit to expose that furtive pair
Sneaking about
Out There

What have I done for Esmeralda?
Why do I hear her voice inside my head?
Why do I think of Esmeralda?
With my career and prospects left for dead?

Once more my Duty calls
Paris is Burning
Lit to expose that furtive pair
Sneaking about
Out There

I wish Phoebus or Edgrick had sung in Esmeralda be it harkens to the basis of the book three guys and how they hearts are made different with regard to one woman. Plus it adds rich to the big act ending song.

Another cut song from the Glockner version is Tanz auf dem Seil or Dance on the Rope which served as Esmeralda’s introduction. Instead she appears dancing before a crowd like in the movie. The La Jolla version also cut Dance of the Rope and opted for keeping the dance angle but added the song Rhythm of the Tambourine.

The King’s Academy also cut Tanz der Zigeuner, Dance of the Gypsies and reintroduced The Court of Miracle from the original. Minor change really.

Clopin doesn’t narrate the tale as a beggar which he does in Glockner. In the King’s versions he is in his jester costume at the start. Minor change.

However the big change is at the end, no one dies and I mean no one, well except Quasimodo’s mother. But Frollo lies, he is about to attack Quasimodo and Esmeralda but he just walks off. This could be because he said care for the child.

A curious addition and not really a change but it needs to be mention is Djali isn’t in this version but one of Hugo’s lines mention Djali not by name but he does say “the one in the dress ain’t bad either” referencing to the nonexistent Djali.

Again I’m probably missing other difference between the shows but those are the one I remember and can find

Next Time -Direction and Staging

Esmeralda, Quasimodo and Ensemble performing God help the Outcast King's  Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame   picture image

Esmeralda, Quasimodo and Ensemble performing God help the Outcast King’s Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame