Book 7, Chapter 4, Anakh

This chapter is a little important, as the word Anakh inscribed on a wall of Notre Dame is said to have inspired Frollo and the rest of book from there. The added word of impurity beneath was probably an add in.

Basically this chapter is Jehan wants money from Frollo. Frollo gives him some money and makes him hide in a stove while Frollo has a guest.

It’s kinda of silly little chapter as interactions with Jehan are mostly always humorous. This chapter also gave us the song Val de Amour from Notre Dame de Paris as that fine establishment is mention here. I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s the only time it’s mention but I not sure.
to spice up the post.


Book 7, Chapter 5, The Two Men Dressed in Black

In this chapter, while Jehan hides in the stove Frollo has his guest, Master Jacques, the King’s attorney. Jacques tells Frollo that  court is ready to arrest Esmeralda but Frollo tells him to wait till his approval.

It’s then that Frollo sees a fly caught in a spider web. Frollo likens the fly to both him and Esmeralda. That they both were in search of the sun, though with Esmeralda the metaphor is more literal as she loves the sun and freedom whereas with Frollo it’s more metaphoric as sun is learning and eternal truth. He is also the spider too. Both the spider and fly are caught in the wed of fate and Frollo really likes this metaphor for him and Esmeralda.

I wished film versions would use this scene as it would be cool to see, but to my knowledge not a single version has done this scene.  Then again, only two versions use the Anakh scene and  that inspired the book.


Book 7, Chapter 6, The Effect Produced by Seven Oaths in the Public Square

This is a set-up chapter! This chapter tells us and Frollo, that Phoebus has a hot date with Esmeralda that very night. Not much happens here but you got to love that Jehan messes up her name as Smeralda. Though Phoebus called her Similar in a later chapter is sillier.

Castle in the Sky picture image

Castle in the Sky

Of all the Studio Ghibli movies without a doubt, Castle in the Sky is my favorite. It was made in 1986.

Like with Nausicaa, I watched this in Japanese with subtitles.

Pazu seeing Sheeta floating down from the sky Castle in the Sky picture image

Pazu seeing Sheeta floating down from the sky

Castle in Sky tells the story of a girl named Sheeta who is being pursued by the army who is working with an ambitious government agent and Air-Pirates. They are all after her because her amulet which can lead them to a magical floating island, called Laputa, that hold not only great treasure by great power.

Sheeta meets and is aided by Pazu, a boy roughly Sheeta’s age who works for miners. Pazu also wants to find Laputa as his father saw it but was called a liar.

It is also reveled that Sheeta and the govenment agent, Muska, are descended from the Laputa’s royal family. Sheeta and Pazu have to stop Muska before he uses Laputa to take over the world.

Dola's Pirates with their booty Castle in the Sky picture image

Dola’s Pirates with their booty

This movie pretty much has something for every one; you have action, adventure, mysterious, humor, romance, pirates, airships, robots, yaks, you know everything you could ever want in a movie. It’s perfect!

Pazu and Sheeta seeing Laputa Castle in the Sky picture image

Pazu and Sheeta seeing Laputa

When it comes down it, very subjectively, I like the dynamic of the two main characters’ relationship, you know, the princess and the poor boy love story. Aladdin has it as well as my favorite video game, Final Fantasy IX, which also features a mysterious crystal that people are after, not lying Castle in Sky reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy IX which is one of the reasons I love it as much as I do.

And just for the record, I didn’t like The Notebook, which also has this type of romance. But even if you are not a fan of that type of romance, the movie just has a lot of great characters.

Dola, the leader of the Air-pirates Castle in the Sky picture image

Dola, the leader of the Air-pirates

Pazu is an honest, hardworking hero who is very genuine and resourceful. He is very devoted to Sheeta. The Pirates are a lot fun. Dola is awesome. Our villain, Muska is calm and elegant till he goes all power mad derstorying things because he just wants to take over the world as he think it’s befits his birthright. Clear motivations for the win.

Muska and Sheeta Castle in the Sky picture image

Muska and Sheeta

Though I will admit he is a be of a creeper toward Sheeta. It’s sort of implied that he means to use her to carry on the Laputa royal family. The pirates are also little infatuated with her too but more innocently. Still, she’s like 12.

Sheeta Castle in the Sky picture image


Speaking of Sheeta, our Princess in this semi-non-Disney Princess movie. Sheeta is sweet for the most part but she does knock out Muska out before she says anything, so she is active. She is also smart and resourceful.

Pazu and Sheeta seeing Laputa Castle in the Sky picture image

Pazu and Sheeta seeing Laputa

Even if you don’t like great characters in your movies, though I don’t why you wouldn’t, the animation is stunning. The flying scenes are great. And the glowing rocks in the cave were breathing-taking. And the scenes when Pazu and Sheeta first arrive on Laputa are too pretty.

The music is also lovely, I love the ending song. It’s wonderful!

Pazu and Sheeta escape from the pirates on a train Castle in the Sky picture image

Pazu and Sheeta escape from the pirates on a train

Castle in the Sky is a classic adventure tale with a lot great characters, charm and beautiful animation. I really do love this movie but it’s harder to gush about a movie than it is ripping it a new one. Then again, it’s way easier and a lot more fun to a watch good movies, I could get used to reviewing good movies! What’s the next movie I have to review?

Felix the Cat  picture image

Felix the Cat


Josh Brolin Interview for Men in Black picture image

Josh Brolin Interview for Men in Black

A little over a year ago, like in early August of 2013, we were given the last bit of information regarding the Josh Brolin version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Quasimodo. Which was that Hero director, Yimou Zhang was going to direct.

In 2012, we were told by Brolin, that the movie was going to be “jazzy,” as in fun.

And in 2011,  the movie was announced with Brolin starring as Quasimodo.

In three years, we know a mere three things about this movie and there doesn’t seem to be any new public developments on the horizon, at least at the time I’m posting this.

It drives me crazy, to tease the public especially when the information presented seems to a be clutter fuck of genres to a story that is considered a literally classic. I mean we have Brolin who is like a dramatic actor mixed with what seems to be a Jazzy action-adventure, with a director known for dramatic actions movies.

I mean is this even going to happen? Was Brolin announcing the project an attempt to drum up public interest? Or is this in development hell? Since Brolin announced this in 2011 he has worked on ten other movies, two are in post-production, one is filming and one is in pre-production.  Zhang has worked on one since his involvement was annouced in 2013.

I just find it so irritating, three years and he have one actor, a director and a jazzy script (never letting that go, ever). That 2007 Hunchback movie, that I wrote about a few weeks ago (read here), that one didn’t even happen and they at least had a full cast.

You know what Fuck it! I don’t think this movie going to happen. Brolin can prove me wrong but I’m tired of hoping for new information. Watch the next bit of information be from Brolin while promoting another movie saying it’s “edgy.”    I guess another actor can come along and  play Quasimodo, because Quasimodo is sweet, sweet Oscar bait.

Melody in pain Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame  picture image

Melody in pain, probably from the bad pacing of the movie she is trapped in forevermore

For a movie that is only 40 minutes in length, The Enchanted Tales Version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame feels so much longer. Is it because the animation, the characters, the songs, or the dialogue makes it feel 10X longer, well yeah all those this add up but the pacing of this is really bad in genreal. So bad, that it amps up all those factors to hand-banging affect on the viewer, that makes them beg for death before the 15 minute mark. And yet death will not come.

One Confused Dingbat Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame  picture image

One Confused Dingbat

The first aspects the kill the pacing are the songs. You know how song, sometimes, in better movies, have a build-up and the can either progress the plot of tells us something about the characters, not here, not in the Enchanted tales version. Here, they say, No. It could have been a bold and artistic move but all the songs really do is pad-out the running-time.

Melody sings Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Melody sings

The songs add about 10 minutes, they make up a 4th of this movie and yet they add nothing. The longest song, at about 3 minutes, is the last one that “Life will Arrive.” This song serve no purpose and if cut we would have lost nothing. It really just stops the story and towards the end of it no less.

Melody and Quasimodo Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Melody and Quasimodo

The shortest song is “The Bells All Ring, which does advance Melody and Quasimodo’s relationship. How fucking stupid is that, the one song that sort of progresses the story is shortest and the longest halts the story. The other too also just stall the movie.

Circle dance animation Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Circle dance animation

The animation also stalls things. When something repeats that much animation so unapologetically, you feel that time is being repeated over and over and over again, till a minute feels like ten minutes.

Jean-Claude Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame


The pacing in The Enchanted Tales Version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame is so uneven, silted and just makes for an unpleasant viewing experience. This version is not fun, it’s clutter-fuck that drags on to forever and beyond.

Next Time – The very worst thing about this Version, The fucking moral

Melody and a handome Quasimodo Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Melody and a “handome” Quasimodo







Book 7, Chapter 1, On the Danger of Confiding a Secret to a Goat

In this chapter we get a better look at Phoebus as a character and his attitude towards his fiancee, Fleur-de-Lys. Phoebus likes the crude world far too much to feel at ease with Fleur-de-Lys, so he is cold to her and she is sensitive to his aloofness.

THe scene shift as the crowd of women sees Esmeralda and Djali in the square below and ask her to come up. Esmeralda does and at once is berated because she is prettier than them, so they insult her dress and such.

We also find out the Esmeralda never intended to show off Djali spelling Phoebus‘ name, as it was her secret. This is different than how the 1956 and the jetlag verions present it, where she preforms the trick for the crowd. It doesn’t much matter because the important part is it makes Phoebus make his move on Esmeralda which sets up the tragic turn in the story.

Book 7, Chapter 2, Showing that a Priest and a Philosopher are two very different Persons

I have to love this chapter, it’s just banter between Frollo and Gringoire and it’s sort of silly. The juxtaposition of Frollo’s stern obsession that he is trying to conceal mixed with Gringoire’s odd combination of blasé and pathos for his circumstances. I do their exchanged about how Gringoire wouldn’t think of touching his wife.

Book 7, Chapter 3, The Bells

Huh, there was a bell named Guillaume after-all. I’m sorry 1939 version for saying you added it. (You can read that post HERE) Though, Guillame still maybe for when Quasimodo is feeling a little bi-curious.

Anyway, this chapter tells of that for the last two months Quasimodo hasn’t been into his bells. The book doesn’t make it clear if it’s because of the pillory or a new love. He start ringing them again but the he looks to the square and sees Esmeralda.

Quasimodo watching her was also seen the previous chapter as well as the ringing of the bells in the before that.

I suppose as chapter go, it’s ok, it defiantly a nice turing point for Quasimodo, to love outside Notre Dame.

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind picture image

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is a 1984 movie directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Just for the record, any film that falls under the Studio Ghibli banner is released and dubbed by Dinsey but I do not consider them “Disney movies” and Nausicaa is certainly not your typical princess movie. I watched this in Japanese with subtitles.

Nausicaa using an insect charm Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind picture image

Nausicaa using an insect charm

The movie tells the story of a Nausciaa, the Princess of the Valley of the Wind, a peaceful place that exists in the shadow of the Toxic Jungle, also called the Sea of Decay or Sea of Corruption. The Sea of Decay is lethal to humans but Nausicaa enjoy wandering inside with a mask on. She even loves the bugs that dwell and protect it.

Nausicaa and her people get mixed up in a confrontation when a Tolmekian airship crashes in the Valley, caring both the hostage Princess of Pejite and an ancient biological weapon. The Princess dies but she asks Nausicaa to burn the weapon which doesn’t burn. After that Tolmekia comes with their Princess Kushana. Kushana plans to use the biological weapon called a Giant Warrior to burn the Sea of Decay. She also plans to take over the valley and Nausicaa’s bed-ridden father is murdered which causes Nausicaa to go into a murderous rage.

As Nausicaa claims down, she submits to Kushana as she doesn’t want anymore deaths. Kushana makes Nausicaa and 5 hostages to go with her back Tolmekia. However as they are on route, they are attacked and Nausicaa, Kushana and the hostages crash land into the Sea of Decay and on an Ohmu nest. Ohmu are very large bugs that protect the Sea of Decay and attack when they are enraged. They do not attack Nausicaa instead they communicate with her via their gold tentacles that the one who attacked them is in danger. So she goes to help. She saves the him but they fall into quicksand.

Nausicaa wakes up under the Sea of Decay and meets Asbel of Pejite, brother of the princess who died in the crash. They learn that the Sea of Decay is actually purifying the polluted Earth. The two manage to make it out of the underground on Nausicaa glider and go to Pejite, which has been abandoned.

An airship that is carrying the survivors of Pejite comes down and Nausicaa learns that the Valley is in great danger as the Pejite plans to use the Ohmu to destroy the Tolmekians and the Valley will be  destroyed in the process. Nausicaa tries to get away but she is capture. Asbel’s mother has a girl switch places with Nausicaa so she can escape.

Nausicaa learns that Pejite are using a captured baby Ohmu to incite the large incets’ rage. Nausicaa stops the pilots and gets her dress stained in the blood of the little Ohmu as it tries to reach its kind across an acid lake.

As the Ohmu advance on the Tolmekia, Kushana uses the Gaint Warrior to attack but it not mature enough and rots away.

Nausicaa the faces the Ohmu herd with the baby Ohmu. But they are so blind by rage that she stains fatal injurgies. Her sacrifice sooth them. The Ohmu use their golden tentacles to give heal Nausicaa. As she stands on the golden tentacles in her deep blue dress that was dyed by the Ohmu’s blood she fulfills a prophesy. After that the Tolmekians and the Ohmu leave and the People of the Valley and Pejite rebuild. The film ends with a small tree growing under underground, showing the healing of the world.

Nausicaa not wearing a mask in the Sea of Decay Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind picture image

Nausicaa not wearing a mask in the Sea of Decay

The first time I saw this movie it was after  I read the Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Graphic novels. Now I loved the graphic novels, they are so rich and complex. Compared to the graphic novels, the movie version is simple. For instance, The Giant Warriors are a much bigger plot point and Kushana is way more fleshed out. But comics can do that and a single movie really can’t. So I will not discuss the movie against the comic but if you do like the movie but haven’t read graphic novel, I highly recommend them. They’re so good!


Old Giant Warrior Ruin   Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind picture image

Old Giant Warrior Ruin

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is a solid movie. It has a lot of great action moments, some beautiful shots and some lovely animation. One of its strenghts is the world building, you really come to understand this world however all the world building with the war, Prophesies, The Sea Decay, Bugs and an ancient doomsday weapons comes at a count.

Like I said, The Giant Warrior is established but didn’t really amount to much in the end aside from some neat animation and a looming threat. And because of  the focus on the world,  the only character that really gets developed is Nausicaa.

Nausicaa in the Sea of Decay Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind picture image

Nausicaa in the Sea of Decay

As far as princesses, go Nausicaa is very different. Nausicaa is a pacifist, warrior, naturalist princess. She shows empathy for all things and is a take charge sort but she is never demanding or pushy. She is active and has agency.  She is unconcerned about love or her appearance. She is however concerned with her people and the Earth. This makes her very refreshing and an all-around interesting character.

Princess Kushana Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind picture image

Princess Kushana

Nausicaa’s counterpart, Kushana is much like her but her methods are different. Kushana and Nausicaa are two sides the same coin. Kushana grew up in a milarty state so she is cold, hard and more demanding. However, like Nausicaa she cares for her people and thinks she is justified in her actions. She also doesn’t care about love or her appearance. She is also refreshing and had she is interesting even if her role is really just the antagonist.

Nausicaa on the golden field Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind picture image

Nausicaa on the golden field a.k.a Ohmu tentacles

Another aspect that is refreshing is the prophesy. Tons of movies have prophesies and chosen ones. This movie establishes that the Valley has this prophesy of one clad in blue descending from a golden field. It never points to anyone but of course Nausicaa fulfills it but it not a big deal to her it just is allowed to happen and it’s allowed to be a beautiful moment.

Nausicaa encounters  an Ohmu Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind picture image

Nausicaa encounters an Ohmu

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind adheres too much to one character and the world  which makes for an unsteady movie narrative. Is it a bad movie? No, not at all, it’s defiantly a solid, entertaining and lovely movie. Plus, the sitar sound when you see the Ohmu is so cool.

Damian Lewis  picture image

Damian Lewis

Recently I re-watched the 2002 The Forsyte Saga which starred Damian Lewis as the emotional repressed victorian gentleman Soames Forsyte.

Damian Lewis as Marine Sergeant Nicholas Brody  Homeland picture image

Damian Lewis as Marine Sergeant Nicholas Brody in Homeland

Aside from The Forsyte Saga, Lewis is best known for playing Marine Sergeant Nicholas Brody in Homeland .

Damian Lewis as Soames Forsyte from the 2002 version of The Forsyte picture image

Damian Lewis as Soames Forsyte from the 2002 version of The Forsyte

Soames is pretty much meant to be unlikable but Lewis brings so much pathos and sympathy to the role that I think he would make a great Frollo.

Damian Lewis as Soames Forsyte from the 2002 version of The Forsyte picture image

Damian Lewis as Soames Forsyte from the 2002 version of The Forsyte

He also excels at depicting a character whose repressed nature is in conflict with his internal passion.

Damian Lewis  picture image

Damian Lewis

As far as look goes, he seems like he could work for Frollo. Frollo seems to have an ever changing look where films are concerned but Lewis has angular face so I think he would work on that front.

Melody sings Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Melody sings

We have seen a lot of bad animation here on theHunchBlog. From the Disney sequel, to Jetlag, to even that episode of Madeline, we have seen some real examples of clunky, amateur animation but as far as awful, crapped-filled, poo animation goes, the Enchanted Tales Version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame takes the cake.

disappearing hinge Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Disappearing hinge, it also repeated twice

The animation is so bad but what makes it bad? I will tell you one thing, re-watching this while trying to pay extra close attention to the animation made my brain literally melt out of my eyes and ears. My still being alive is no doubt some sort a cruel miracle.

Melody dancing with the annoying is repeated at the beginning and end Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Melody dancing with the annoying is repeated at the beginning and end

Well the least offensive thing is the repeating animation. Repeating animation in it of itself isn’t the problem, many movies repeat animation, it’s money saving. The problem is the frequency and how blatant the repetitions are and this pile-of shit repeats animation like nobodies business.

Circle dance animation Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Circle dance animation

Those kids doing the circle dance is repeated back and forth, back and forth a total of 3 times in the first minute alone. Oh, it gets repeated more but 3 times in the first minute that is just insane and it wasn’t that great of animation to start, it’s just random people with their backs to camera kicking in a dance circle.

The background is being repeated endlessly Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

The background is being repeated endlessly

They also steamboat willy a lot.

Pierre is on and off the horse Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image picture image

Pierre is on and off the horse

At roughly the 5:10 mark, Pierre and Frollo are on horses trying to find Melody and they repeat animation from earlier of Pierre and Frollo saying “no” to each other. Problem is Pierre is clearly on the ground and not on the horse during the repeating animation. Such pain!

Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

is it day or night?

As if that was bad, the movie start off with huge night/day confusion. Frollo and Pierre at talking and it’s supposed to be night out I think because Frollo says “after dark” but it’s daylight in the scene. Then it’s night as Melody dances but at one point the scene shifts to the accursed Dingbats and it fucking daytime and then night again. Hey movie, ever hear the word, consistently? No? Didn’t think so. Argh this movie

Why are they made, the dialogue doesn't match Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Why are they mad, the dialogue doesn’t match

And then there is the lips sync. At point you kind of have to wonder, was this dubbed? Because it looks like it could have been. As at some points the animation doesn’t match the audio. Like for example the accordion is shown getting huffy but nothing is the dilouge would suggest reasons.

Melody's mouth is gone, This has not been altered, this native in the movie Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Melody’s mouth is gone, This has not been altered, this native in the movie

Even if the lip sync was originally for english Melody’s mouth disappearing for a frame is inexcusable because you might not have seen it but your brain did.

Melody's mouth looks weird here because it's moving oddly Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Melody’s mouth looks weird here because it’s moving oddly

Their mouths also jerk around like crazy here.

Random Mice Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Random Mice

Aside from just the overall crappiness of the execution with its repetitions and still frames and bad lip sync, the animation on the whole of the Enchanted Tales version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame is down right insulting. It’s just down-right dumb looking and it make you dumber just looking at it. F-, 1/4 a star rating, 100 thumbs down.

Next Time – The Pacing, it also sucks!

Jean-Claude capturing Melody Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Jean-Claude capturing Melody







Book 6 Chapter 5, A Tear for a Drop of Water

Arguably this is one of the most important chapters in the novel. This is where Quasimodo is whipped for Frollo’s crime as well as Quasimodo own affiliation of being deaf and having a deaf judge. After he is whipped to the delight of the crowd, he is the exposed for more humiliation. The crowd is without pity as he begs for water. Esmeralda at the end gives him pity and water. This. chapter starts Quasimodo’s love for Esmeralda. As of this point Quasimodo has only loved Frollo and Frollo failed to give him compassion at this moment.

It is important to note that as Esmeralda is approaching him, he wished that he could blast her to dust. It’s not because she was pretty as some movie would have it, Quasimodo only loves Esmeralda because of water and the kindness.

It is even implied that because of Esmeralda’s kindness, Quasimodo’s soul awakens from dormancy as indicated by the tear he sheds.

This scene is pretty much in every movie is someway. The Disney version had Esmeralda cleaning Quasimodo from the food that was thrown at him and freeing him from the pillory. This chapter inspired one of the most beloved songs from a musical, Belle. Even Secret of the Hunchback has this chapter played out, Enchanted Tales did not.

Book 6 Chapter 6, End of the Story of the Cake

Very little happens in this chapter. After Esmeralda is done giving Quasimodo water, Sister Gudule yells and scares her. Then the son of one the women from The story of the Wheaton cake, eats the cake.

It’s short. I will give it that but it does ends Book 6 off well as the kid really did want that cake before and against his mother’s wishes he got what he wanted. Dare I say, little Eustsche got a little character arc.

The Flight of Dragons picture image

The Flight of Dragons

When I was trying to come up with a list for these non-Disney Princess movie reviews, I was one short of having a nice schedule that would fill the last thursday in a month (exact month withheld) and after doing a little research I found The Flight Of Dragons.

Flight of Dragons was produced by my old nemesis Rankin/Bass Productions. It was first released as a direct-to-video in 1982 and then aired on ABC in 1986. As of 2009, it’s a made-to-order DVD. Now doesn’t that speak of quality? I’m not going sugar-coat this, The Flight of Dragons, despite its epic sounding title, is a boring turd of a movie.

Really, I can and should for the  limited amount of sanity I have left, stop the review here but here we go.

Gorbash, Peter Dickinson and Princess Milisande The Flight of Dragons picture image

Gorbash, Peter Dickinson and Princess Milisande

The plot is needless complex despite the fact that very little happens. The green wizard, Carolinius, sees that the world is losing magic because of science. He contacts the league of super losers, erm his wizard pals. He proposes that they should create a secret magic haven for all magical creatures, where science and logic can’t hurt them or something.

The evil red demonic one, Ommadon, thinks this idea stupid and decides that he should take over the world, he’s my favorite character so far. The other wizards decide that they need defeat him by taking his ugly crown as it’s the source of his power but they can’t fight directly because of wizard rules, seriously. Carolinus decides that his dragon Gorbash and some creepy knight will be in the quest to get the crown however the rules requires three people because of reasons. The two other wizards offer magic items that will be used later in the movie.

Carolinus asks Antiquity, which is some all knowing super thing for the third person. They get some science guy descendent from Boston Massachusetts, specifically from Beacon Street. Though, I’m not sure why that matters since we only see a pawn shop. His name is Peter Dickinson (giggles) and he is writing a book and made a game called Flight of Dragons, he is also some kind of science guy but prefers thinking about dragons. Anyway, he gets transported to the magic world and is happy to go on a quest, though he is happier to see dragons and to meet Carolinius’ pretty but oh so bland adopted daughter Princess Milisande.

Anyway, Ommadon attacks and Peter gets merged into Gorbash’s body. So Peter, who is now a dragon and creepy knight guy, Orrin, along with an older dragon named Smrgol, go off on their quest. We then get long dialogues about dragon flight mechanics. Melisande uses her powers to basically watch them for Carolinus. The gang is joined by a wolf, an elf and pretty lady. They get attack by an ogre and Smrgol dies.

They then get Ommadon’s domain and they use the magic items to defect Ommadon’s convoy of dragons a.k.a the Flight of Dragons. They do this by using a flute to put the dragons to sleep including Gorbash/Peter. The only dragon not affect is Ommadon’s evil dragon, Bryagh, who kills everyone. Peter escapes Gorbash’s body because of science and defeats Ommadon by rejecting magic and listing science disciplines. Everyone comes back to life but Peter is rejected from the magic world. Milisande decides to join Peter in un-magical Boston. The end.

Smrgol and Peter/Gorbash The Flight of Dragons picture image

Smrgol and Peter/Gorbash

A lot of this movie is explaining stuff. Movies are a visual medium, show, don’t tell. All the exposition bogs down the narrative and makes it boring and dull. By the 6 minute mark, I knew this was a snooze-fest. That shouldn’t happen. I shouldn’t feel like napping after less than 10 minutes.

Princess Milisande, Peter Dickinson, and Carolinius The Flight of Dragons picture image

Princess Milisande, Peter Dickinson, and Carolinius

Then we have the characters. Most of them are bland. I do not get Peter at all. At the start he seemed to enjoy magical stuff and was bored of science but then he loved science and is all smug about using it to Ommadon. Also, I’m not sure what discipline he studied. He mentions labs, grants and research, fuck about just telling us what specifically he actually studied. Bad writing! I suppose from context it would be chemistry.

Then we have the creepy knight, Orrin, who vowed to fall in love with Milisande when she was 5 years old, ewwww. Milisande herself is bland except for one outburst she has about Carolinius killing her parents and blaming it on demons. That was a wow moment that ended quickly.  After that Milisande spends the rest of the movie in bed and telling Carolinius how the quest is going. Worst Princess ever, wait how is she a Princess again? At least I get Ommadon, he’s evil.

Ommadon The Flight of Dragons picture image


Animation is crap in this movie. Like grade-C poo, it’s terrible. It’s not good enough to be Grade-A Poo. I have nothing else to add except that it looks dated even for the early 80s and I don’t even think they gave a shit because they spent more time writing about dragons flying then showing them fly.

Princess Milisande The Flight of Dragons picture image

Princess Milisande

The Flight of the Dragon is a boring movie that needless complicates a narrative with exposition at the cost of characters, animation and a visual style. There is a resonable story in here about magic vs science but the overall dulliness won and the film is crap. This movie was better when it was called How to Train Your Dragon.