Jim Dale as Clopin , 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Jim Dale as Clopin

The Clopin in the 1997 version of The Hunchback is very reminiscent of the Disney version. He is pragmatic and slightly cruel in his ruling approach but he is fun.


Jim Dale as Clopin , 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Jim Dale as Clopin


This Clopin is fairly standard as far of what is asked of Clopin. He is leader of the Court of Miracles and is cruel to outsiders except for Quasimodo. He uses Esmeralda for distractions but he also enjoy her dancing  over listening to Gringoire. Overall he is one of the more jovial Clopins.


Jim Dale as Clopin , 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Jim Dale as Clopin

Unlike other Clopins he doesn’t lead the attack to save Esmeralda. This is because the climax was changed and the assault of Notre Dame follows Quasimodo saving Esmeralda in the middle of the film.   Because he is not involved in attack on Notre Dame, he lives. He and Gringoire do lead a fairly peaceful protest to save Esmeralda and he gives a speech to Nobel’s king in her defense. Other than that he is pretty by the book


Jim Dale as Clopin , 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Jim Dale as Clopin


Is this a great memorable Clopin? No, can’t say he is.  Is it an identifiable and characteristic Clopin? Yes and that is really all one can really ask for in  an a Hunchback movie version.

Next time – Phoebus….. wait he’s not this movie…is he?

Benedick Blythe as Phoebus, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Benedick Blythe as Phoebus


Julie Zenatti as Fleur de Lys Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Julie Zenatti as Fleur de Lys, Notre Dame de Paris

Fleur de Lys de Gondelaurier is Phoebus’ fiancee. She is a young noblewoman.

Fleur de Lys means lily and is the symbol of France and part of the royal family heraldry.    Lilies denote  purity but a theory on her name indicates that it signifies how alike she is is to the rest of her social class. That she is a stereotype, a symbol of the greater populace.

Her surname is Gondelaurier and it doesn’t seem to be a real surname. It can be broken down to Gond meaning “hinge” or Hinge pin” as a  in a door and laurier meaning laurel tree. The Laurel  tree is her house sigil. One could surmises that the hinge means that she is the door to Phoebus’s social climbing and it “hinges” on her. The laurel imagery also reflects on Phoebus as it has connections to Apollo. Very simply, Apollo fell in love with a nymph named Daphne. Apollo pursued her. She begged her father to help and he turned her into a laurel tree. Apollo took the laurel leaves and made a crown. The connection is that when Fleur de Lys avoids Phoebus, he pursues but only to to get respectability, the crown of laurels.


Winnie the Pooh Springtime with Roo  picture image

Winnie the Pooh Springtime with Roo

Finally, A Winnie The Pooh video I didn’t hate. Winnie the Pooh Springtime with Roo takes a lot of issues that Winnie the Pooh has and turn the issues into something that is decently charming and not a pain to watch.

Roo, Tigger, Pooh, Eeyore, & Rabbit, Winnie the Pooh Springtime with Roo  picture image

Roo, Piglet Tigger, Pooh, Eeyore, & Rabbit

The story goes, the gang is getting ready for Easter. Rabbit hosts it every year and everyone is looking forward to especially little Roo. Rabbit however decides that instead of Easter they are going to clean his house. The others sad still go along with it but once they find the Easter decorations decide to decorate for the occasion. When Rabbit sees it he gets mad. Roo and Tigger try figure why Rabbit is angry and doesn’t want to celebrate Easter.

Rabbit thought Tigger was replacing him as Easter Bunny last year and he was mad that no one followed his strict rules. But Rabbit sees a vision of the future where everyone left him alone and he comes around and they celebrate Easter together without rules.

Piglet, Roo, Rabbit, & Pooh, Winnie the Pooh Springtime with Roo  picture image

Piglet, Roo, Rabbit, & Poohwith Roo

So why is this one more enjoyable than the others Pooh movies? The problem with Winnie the Pooh is that all the characters have their very extreme flaws, which are part of their charm but without a straight and even character to lead the audience through them they get overwhelming. Christopher Robin is, or should be the even-key one but his parts are minimal and sometimes non-existence.

In this one we have Roo. Compared to the others, Roo is an excitable child but it still normal. With a normal character the other’s flaws can’t be as extreme and the flaws can be more of a center point.

Pooh and Piglet, Winnie the Pooh Springtime with Roo  picture image

Pooh and Piglet

The plot isn’t as big as the Grand Adventure nor as confused as the Christmas/New Year, but it’s solid and focused. One criticism is that that plot is very focused on Roo, Tigger and Rabbit. Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore don’t have much to do within the narrative.

Piglet, Pooh, Roo, Rabbit, Eeyore & Tigger  Winnie the Pooh Springtime with Roo  picture image

Piglet, Pooh, Roo, Rabbit, Eeyore & Tigger

The plot is heavily influenced by Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. Now I’m not great fan of Dickens but Christmas Carol is the only story I like but it’s overdone in movies. However I don’t mind it here because at least the characters are at least Tigger know it’s being referenced which makes it fun.

Roo in a meta moment Winnie the Pooh Springtime with Roo  picture image

Roo in a meta moment

Winnie the Pooh Springtime With Roo isn’t the great story in the Winnie the Pooh universe but as story for an hour long video it’s not that bad dare I say fine.

It’s time to pick a bad version to destroy, I mean review.

Next Review???? They are both stupid versions

  • Enchanted Tales (54%, 13 Votes)
  • Secret of the Hunchback (46%, 11 Votes)

Total Voters: 24

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Gargoyles sing to Quasimodo,The Secret of the Hunchback picture image

Gargoyles sing to Quasimodo,The Secret of the Hunchback

Melody & Quasimodo, Enchanted Tales, Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Melody & Quasimodo, Enchanted Tales, Hunchback of Notre Dame








Poll ends April 2nd at 11:59PM EST.

Edward Atterton as Gringoire, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Edward Atterton as Gringoire

Like so many, many other Gringoires, the 1997 version of The Hunchback falls into the romantic guy category. However, unlike other Gringoires he doesn’t do anything, he’s kind of  just there to be Esmeralda’s love interest.


Edward Atterton as Gringoire, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Edward Atterton as Gringoire


Other Gringoires try and help save Esmeralda by means of the written word or a speech. In this version Quasimodo does the leg work and Gringoire just helps out in passing out Quasimodo’s pamphlet, leading the riot and getting the noose of Esmeralda’s neck.


Edward as Gringoire, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Edward as Gringoire

One could argue that Gringoire doesn’t do that much in the book but he does have a personality here is doesn’t really.


Edward Atterton as Gringoire, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Edward Atterton as Gringoire

I think he is sincere in his affections for Esmeralda but this Gringoire isn’t really allowed to do much except be nice and  follow Quasimodo’s plan.


Next time – Clopin

Jim Dale as Clopin , 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Jim Dale as Clopin


Clopin with Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin with Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Clopin Trouillfou is the king of beggars and in many versions he is the king of the entire Paris underworld.

Clopin is his given name. It comes from an expression that means to “to hobble along” or Marcher clopin-clopant.  Clopin itself comes from  the word clopiner meaning to limp. Unlike Frollo, whose given name also mean limp, here it reference the fact that Clopin is king of people who fake ailments for money as well as he himself who pretends not to have a leg.

Trouillfou is a compound of Trouille which means fear with a strong connotation, as in “scared to death,”  and fou which means fool. Basically it mean scared crazy.  This name suggests that he either is crazy or his presence makes people crazy, like Gringoire or his legion of beggars.

The Lion King 1 1/2

The Lion King 1 1/2

The Lion King 1 1/2 is a weird movie, as it’s part prequel, part midquel and part sequel. It tells the story that runs along side The Lion King, the story of Timon and Pumbaa.

Many people like this movie but this movie comes at the expense of the original. Nicely put, this movie is basically goofy cliff notes to the original but really it is a parody of the original made to get money without much effort on the writing front.

 Timon and Pumbaa stare at Pride Rock The Lion King 1 1/2  picture image

Timon and Pumbaa stare at Pride Rock

Story goes, Timon, in his Meeket colony, is a dreamer and a bit of an outcast. He doesn’t enjoy digging and hiding so he leaves. He meets Rafiki who tells him to look beyond what he sees. Timon not being one for metaphors decides to head to Pride Rock. He meets Pumbaa and decides to pair up with him since other animals leave him alone.

From that point the movie follows the original, they fart indued the bow, I can’t wait to be king wakes them up, the stampede is nothing really ect ect. Timon and Pumbaa find the jungle place and Simba joins them and Timon gets mad when Simba goes back. Then Timon learns that friends are awesome and helps wins the day with help of his mother and uncle.

Timon in drag with his mother and Uncle Max The Lion King 1 1/2  picture image

Timon in drag with his mother and Uncle Max

The movie is funny and delightfully meta but it’s just reference after reference. The parts that are the best are the prequel and sequel parts. Those parts are the plot, you have Timon’s dilemma and his resolution. The midquel parts which make up the most the movie just poops on The Lion King.


Timon and Pumbaa and the Stampede The Lion King 1 1/2  picture image

Timon and Pumbaa and the Stampede

The bow part and the stampede are particularity guilty of ruining the original. This movie indicates that bow for Simba was started by Pumbaa farting and animals passing out. One Zebra misconstrues it as a bow. Oh isn’t that gas (pun in intended), that glorious opening is ruined.

But the stampede part is by far worst. Timon and Pumbaa get caught up in it and dismiss it as nothing. This mocks Mufasa dying and makes it a farce.

Timon and his Mother The Lion King 1 1/2  picture image

Timon and his Mother

When they movie is doing it own thing, it’s great and enjoyable but every time a Lion King scene is lifted from the first movie, it’s annoying and desperate.

I wish the story was more Timon and Pumbaa’s tale of friendship and not Timon and Pumbaa were really in every single scene of the original just off frame.

The Finale of The Lion King 1 1/2  picture image

The Finale of The Lion King 1 1/2

The Lion King 1 1/2 would have been much better if it didn’t have the first movie shoehorned in the narrative. I get that they were trying to be cute and poking fun at the sequels with the 1 and 1/2 but it really ruined many beautiful and dramatic aspects of the original.

But then again Dumbo does have a cameo in the theatre at the end and Dumbo is the greatest, so I take it all back. Clearly, if Dumbo is in it, it must be a magnum opus of genius.

Disney's Descendants picture image

Disney’s Descendants

Disney is going to release an original Disney Channel movie in 2015 called Descendants. Now an original Disney Channel should indicate that one should either stop reading or turned their brain off, I did neither and regretted it.

Descendants is about  the children of the Disney characters going to a prep-school. Ben, the son of Belle and Beast who is set to take the throne, gives redemption to the villain’s children. These the villains children include Jafar, Cruella and Maleficent’s kids. This is the point where my brain collapse in on its self. Jafar, Cruella and Maleficent  occupy  the same time space. Jafar is from psudo-medieval Arabia, Cruella from 1960s London and Maleficent is from Renaissance Europe. I wrote a Fan-fiction when I was 9 with characters from different point in history and places and I deemed it too stupid but they made a movie on it.

Then there are the kid’s names. Maleficent’s daughter is Mal, Jafar’s kid is Jay, Cruella’s son is Carlos and The Evil Queen’s is, are  you ready, it’s pretty stupid, it is Evvie. Why not just go their and Evilette or something.


This project has stupid written all over it.

Richard Harris as Frollo, 1997 The Hunchback  picture image

Richard Harris as Frollo


The Frollo in the 1997 version of Hunchback is odd to say the least. He is a weird mash of the 1939 version’s obsession with fear of the modernity and vampire-monk. Really it’s hard to get over the look of him but that is the least of his problems.

Richard Harris as Frollo, 1997 The Hunchback  picture image

Richard Harris as Frollo


Let’s start with the root of Frollo, his obsession and this is the bad part of this depiction. Frollo in this version is struggling with getting rid of printing presses to keep the ease of access on acquiring knowledge down. Frollo is accused of trying to suppress knowledge but he loves knowledge. His feeling is that if knowledge is easy to get it, it cheapens it, so down with printed books. The one he is struggling against is the king’s minister whom Frollo kills instead of Phoebus.  Frollo’s obsession for Esmeralda seem to  spawn from his inability to get the king of his side about the printing press.

Richard Harris as Frollo, 1997 The Hunchback  picture image

Richard Harris as Frollo


Frollo’s obsession is split and this and this is the problem. Frollo in this version is way more into the printing press than getting Esmeralda. He only seem to press the issue with Esmeralda because his resolve is being tested and he  is weak. This robs everything from Frollo’s drama.  It not interesting to watch this split obsession, Frollo obsession should be all consuming. Perhaps weakness begets weakness but Frollo’s character suffers a lot for it. His obsession for Esmeralda feels like an afterthought  than a major plot point.


Richard Harris as Frollo, 1997 The Hunchback  picture image

Richard Harris as Frollo


I think Richard Harris does a fair job with the material but any passion or energy he could have given to Frollo is not there. It’s not like not there but the most I show was him taking baout knowledge. I think i idea was to keep Frollo repressed with Esmeralda but when he says he was mad and crazy for for her but we never seem those emotion it cheapens the performance, the dialogue and the story.


Richard Harris as Frollo, 1997 The Hunchback  picture image

Richard Harris as Frollo


Then we have his looks. This Frollo is very different, he looks like Nosferatu. It’s very austere even for Frollo. The look  is really distracting because he is suppose to look old, he is not suppose to look like a vampire from 1922.

Richard Harris as Frollo, 1997 The Hunchback  picture image

Richard Harris as Frollo


I know Richard Harris was a good actor and Frollo should be a great character to play but this depiction of Frollo has passion for the wrong aspect and the character is a confused mess.

Next Time Gringoire

Edward Atterton as Gringoire, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Edward Atterton as Gringoire

Bruno Pelletier as Gringoire in Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Bruno Pelletier as Gringoire in Notre Dame de Paris

Pierre Gringoire was based on a real person. The Real-life Gringoire was born in 1475 and died 1538 and was an accomplished playwright and writer.

Pierre is French for stone. It is derived from the Greek word Petros meaning stone or rock. It is a form of Peter. Pierre is a very very common French name. It’s interesting to note that towards the end of the novel Gringoire becomes interested in Architecture and  stone.

Then we have Gringoire. As  we know Gringoire was based on a real person, we also know that it is a real surname.  The meaning is a little hard to pin down. It would seem that the name Gringoire comes out of the ancient greek name Gregorein, which means watchful or awake.   The spelling variations are Gregoir, Gregoire, Greguer, Gregure, De Gregoire, Degregoire, De Gregoir, Degreoire and more. The name was first found in Guyenne. Their family seat is held in the village and estate of Gregoire in the department of Lot-et-Garonne in tarn in the South of France.

I think in giving Gringoire a normal name it significance him as the normal guy.