Episode 9: Trapped

Quasimodo and Esmeralda with an orphan, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 9
Quasimodo and Esmeralda with an orphan, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 9

This episode is about orphans and a one-starred reviewed inn.  

While hanging out with some orphans, the landlord comes to collect the rent which the lady in charge doesn’t have, because of course she doesn’t. Quasimodo informs the landlord that the chest is on its way by the way of Dennis and François. However the gold is stolen when the duo stopped to rest at a shady inn.

So it’s up to our Gang of Pals to get the gold and save the orphans from certain eviction. And they have to get it back before a notorious highwayman can find it at the same inn. 

Turns out the cruel inn keeper, Rasperin (I think that is his name) took it and is mean to orphans  AND his inn is booty-trapped and that is not even the biggest problem with this place either. I mean at least the trap doors function which is more than you can say for the bridge to get to the inn. Anyway, it turns out the highwayman has some morals and would never steal from orphans. However the orphans crew trapped Esmeralda and François along with the highwayman in some hold that is flooding and the innkeeper tells the orphans to let them die.  Remember he is a real meany. 

The orphans team up with Quasimodo to save them and then they get the gold and leave their bad overlord who is mean and we hate him and now they can be orphans somewhere nicer, hooray. 

The gold is then used to build a nicer orphanage because the landlord was mean and greedy and we hate him too.

All in all not the best episode but then again my boy Cartoonishly Evil Magician Frollo-type wasn’t in it. There seems to be three main types of episodes in this show one is Frollo magical shenanigans, the second is Quasimodo’s family quest and finally the greedy types steal which hurts the innocent. There are some overlaps like in episode 7 when the thieves threatens France by threatening France/the King seems another thing this show likes to do to up the stakes. But the common thread in every single episode is that Quasimodo is awesome. This time he is awesome to orphans.   

I do appreciate the Lon Chaney reference, Dennis says the highwayman is a man of a thousand faces.  It something so I will take it.

Also I think Esmeralda like-likes Quasimodo. Is very cute.   

Quasimodo, Esmeralda, François, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 10
Quasimodo, Esmeralda, François, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 10

Episode 10: Dragon Rock

Well, Cartoonishly Evil Magician Frollo-type is back. 

In this episode the Gang of Pals is doing some charity work for an impoverished village where Esmeralda used to live. Consequently, a guy from there named Carlos has a crush on her. When the gang gets there it seems that the village doesn’t need charity because of “The Generous one’ who lavishes gifts on the villagers and asks for nothing in return, yet.

Of course it’s Frollo who has a masterplan and part of it is to ensnare the village with stuff. Greed and being selfish is bad, that is the lesson of the day. 

So what is Frollo’s plan? His plan is to build a fortress that is hidden in the stony hills and arm it well enough to destroy all his enemies and to roll in gold from the royal treasury. However he is still at the groundbreaking stage so he needs his Mountain Smasher which is exactly what it sounds like. So he smashes the mountain causing water from an underground lake  to pour towards the village. 

Carlos learns that being a selfish underling is bad and helps the gang. They trick Frollo and get him to smash the mountain that causes the water to get redirected toward his lair. Frollo orders the water to stop but it doesn’t work. 

In the end the village uses the water for their farms thus solving their issues with being impoverished. 

Frollo is very confusing. He wants power and money and he wants  to get it through  strength of arms and yet he invented a machine better than dynamite.  A few episodes ago he had no issues with Da Vinci’s toy machine for this purpose but now he wants to get through a weird long game plan. Oh well, he does get some funny villain lines. 

It seems mean-spirited to make digs at all the weird little things so yeah they are there and shugs. I suppose cactuses in France and the superpowers of the Traveler’s horses and wagons are all part of the charm of the show.  

Also I kind of  wish Azarof’s name was Azaruff, bad joke sorry.

Frollo and Azarof, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 10
Frollo and Azarof, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 10
Notre Dame de Paris July 2022 New York City Lincoln Center picture image
Notre Dame de Paris July 2022 New York City Lincoln Center

As a Christmas present in 2020 I was given tickets to see Notre Dame de Paris in New York City July 2022. So I had a long time to get hyped. The tickets were for the Saturday afternoon show on the 16th. In theory I could have gone to Canada to see the show but New York City is closer to me despite the fact that I had only been once prior as child. So in the future if the show never returns to NYC I could go to a performance across the border but who knows maybe it will return someday. It’s so weird to me that this the only second time it’s been performed in the states. The Second and the first time in the Big Apple. Then again a lot of shows have never been performed in the States.

David Koch Theater Lobby before Notre Dame de Paris picture image
David Koch Theater Lobby before the show

So this was first my time seeing the show live. I had always thought that if I was going to see the show in the States that it would be in English and I was ok with that. So I was happy to learn back when it was first announced that it was going to be in French.

David Koch Theater Lobby before Notre Dame de Paris picture image
Photo-op in the David Koch Theater Lobby before Notre Dame de Paris

One thing that was a little weird/interesting was that in the lobby there was large photos from the show and mostly it was from the current revival cast, pretty sure, except there was one of Lola Ponce who played Esmeralda in the first Italian cast and is currently reprising her role. Not sure why they had that photo at Koch theatre unless they thought it was just a good photo op. It just stood out to me.

The stage at David Koch Theater before Notre Dame de Paris picture image
The stage at David Koch Theater before Notre Dame de Paris

So how was it? It was great. 10 out 10 I would see it live again. Was it so different seeing it live than seeing it in the pro-shot or recordings as I have for years? I’m not really sure. I did like that could look around the stage and see interactions that I would typically miss especially with the pro-shot. Like entrances and exits or what other performers are doing when the focus isn’t on them. I also just liked being in the space with a crowd watching the show.

Also I didn’t know the show used a haze effect so I learned something new. There were also changes to the show that didn’t know like that “Val de Amour” got toned down. I don’t typically rewatch that number so I didn’t know about the changes, it’s not as racy as the pro-shot or the Italian version pro-shot. There are also little things with blocking noticed but I won’t go into specifics.

This is not my recording. I’m miserable at getting pictures as I just never think to get them in the moment. But this recoding of the curtain call is from the performance I attended. Also my seat was up in the 4th ring so I was very high up so it might have been it might good have been a good shot any way but I did unobstructed view because I was in row 1 so I could see whole stage.

If I ever see show again I will try to get a picture from the curtain call. Also also at points in the show spotlights sweep over the audience and one at the end of “Vivre” went pretty much into my eyes and probably everyone else in my area too.

My Notre Dame de Paris haul picture image
My Notre Dame de Paris haul

Also of course there was merch. The merch included shirts, a mug, a tote, a poster, a keychain and a book. There could have been more but those items are what I remember.

At first I was like “Nah I don’t need stuff.” Then by intermission I decided to get the book and then like two minutes after that I impulsively got the Belle shirt. I sort of regret not getting the tote bag but I thought it was a little small for my purposes. Whatever. It’s fine.

Has seeing the show rekindled my interested in the show? A little bit yeah.

Hey all, I’m sorry I haven’t been updating and I’m sorry that I haven’t finished watching/reviewing The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo. I’m not going to go into reasons or excuses as to why as they pertain to matters of my personal life and I am not going there on this platform. All I really can say I’m not sure when I will get back to those review posts. Just know that I would like to at some point. For now posts will remain sporadic.

And now an unrelated story.

Helene Segara as Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris picture image
Helene Segara as Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris

So I also write Hunchback content on Hubpages. Way back in the before times of 2011 I did a page on Esmeralda’s green costume from Notre Dame de Paris. She wears this costume throughout the first act. You can see that hub here.

On this page I compare the different versions of the costume from production to production. Mostly the costume is fairly consist from cast to cast with minimum differences in the overall design. Basically aside from the Italian version, which deviated in design very early on from the Original French version and the Korean version being darker, the costume has remained mostly unchanged from the original 1998 design.

There some changes though. For instance the costume was getting tighter and shorter especially from 2012 to 2015. Good for sex appeal but not for dancing. In 2021 I decided to update all my hubpages which is still an ongoing thing since many require a lot more work. I should mention that prior to my update of the Esmeralda’s green costume page I hadn’t updated it since 2015, a year before the current World Tour production, can’t really say cast since the cast has changed since 2016.

In the 2015 update of my page, I added an observation which basically said that the costume needed a redesign because the newer iterations lacked movement. And in 2016 they did update the costume along with some others in the musical.

Hiba Tawaji as Esmeralda 2016/2017 Notre Dame de Paris picture image
Hiba Tawaji as Esmeralda

The new version of Esmeralda’s green costume has lots layers of lightweight fabric to show off the performer’s movement.


Maybe. It is suspect though given the timing. Perhaps my obsessive breakdown of the costume gave the production the idea to do a redesign. Perhaps it was parallel thought. Perhaps my page was one voice amongst many asking for a change. I do not know. More than likely it’s a case of parallel thought and the production and I had the idea independently of each other. The simplest explanations are typically the most likely.

Would I like to think I had something to do with it? Yes I would.

It is nice to see that the costume got more movement since that should add to the overall experience for the audience who is watching the musical live. And I guess I can comment on that further when I see it next month (July 2022) in New York City!

It’s Valentine’s Day. For many it’s a day about love. To celebrate love this year, we have a list of Disney romantic couples.

Not just any type of romantic couples however. That would be boring. These couples are ones that ranking lists forget about. The they underrated ones. The ones you would typically not see on a top ten list. Sorry Belle & Beast, Aladdin & Jasmine, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert, you guys are just too popular and beloved for this list.

For this list the couples had to be in some kind of romantic relationship whether it’s flirty, established or youthful. Some form of perceived romance or maybe just commitment is needed. Also this just theatrical animated Disney movies, no live-action, shows or Pixar.

The is no order to the ranking, there are just 10 couples. The numbers don’t matter there is no order.

10. Pacha and Chicha from The Emperor’s New Groove

Pacha and Chicha from Emperor New Groove picture image
Pacha & Chicha, “The Emperor New Groove

While the real highlight of The Emperor’s New Groove is Yzma and Kronk however Pacha and Chicha have a such great dynamic. Their love is wonderfully communicated in any second of screen time they have together, which is not a lot. I believe them as a married couple who loves and respect each other.

9. Roger and Anita from 101 Dalmatians

Roger and Anita from 101 Dalmatians picture image
Roger & Anita, “101 Dalmatians

While 101 Dalmatians is about the dogs it is undeniable that Roger and Anita are very cute very. They do fight a little but they never linger on it for long. Additionally their meeting in the park orchestrated by Pongo is iconic.

8. Mufasa and Sarabi from The Lion King

Mufasa and Sarabi from The Lion King picture image
Mufasa & Sarabi, “The Lion King

Another couple with a woefully low amount of screen time but you can feel the love. They also had cute banter when their son was trying to wake them up. Classic

7. The Pegasus from Fantasia

The Pegasi or Pegasus from Fantasia picture image
The Pegasus, “Fantasia

This is a cheat. These are not characters but child-me loved them and loved this part Fantasia. So what is so great about this duo with their babies? The Pegasus are cute family unit. Secondly, they are beautifully in-sync with each other as they soar through the clouds. Lastly, given how they fold their wings when they are in water, they resemble swans so they most likely mate for life which is very romantic.

Fun fact – Their son with the black and white coloration is named Peter.

6. Esmeralda and Phoebus from The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda and Phoebus from The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image
Esmeralda & Phoebus, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Let’s face in the Disney version of Hunchback Phoebus and Esmeralda were made for each. From their joint introductory scene there was an obvious flirtation that turned into mutual respect and love. Maybe if the film had given them their love song they would be more popular.

5. Jim Dear and Darling from Lady and the Tramp

Jim Dear and Darling from Lady and the Tramp picture image
Jim Dear & Darling, “Lady and the Tramp”

You’re not watching Lady and the Tramp for the humans, you’re watching for the dogs and that is fine. Dogs are better than people, it’s just a fact. As far as humans go howeverJim Dear and Darling are sweet together. I mean he gives her a cute little puppy which make him a good human right there.

4. Pepa and Felix from Encanto

Pepa and Felix from Encanto picture image
Pepa & Felix, “Encanto

Ok, ok, ok this is probably a cheat since I doubt these two are actually underrated even at this point. But they are not on any Buzzfeed top Disney couple lists, at this time, so it counts. Right?

Pepa and Felix are so great together. She is an emotional basket-case (relatable) and Felix is a calming influence without ever trying to tell her to calm down or dismiss her negative emotions. Which is very healthy for mental health. I love these two.

3. Robin and Maid Marian from Robin Hood

Robin Hood and Maid Marian picture image
Robin Hood & Maid Marian, “Robin Hood

Are these two not just the cutest? They were childhood sweethearts who are still into each other. They have great flirty banter during a fight with some pesky guards. Robin and Marian are just all around lovely together.

2. The Queen of Hearts and the King from Alice in Wonderland

The Queen of Heart & the King from Alice and Wonderland picture image
The Queen of Heart & the King, “Alice in Wonderland

The Queen of Hearts is mad like everyone else in Wonderland, it’s their thing. Yelling and demanding that heads will roll and yet The Queen is surprising chill with the King. And the King knows how to deal with her. All in all it’s a good working relationship though he does seems more like her puppy than her husband but he doesn’t seem to have much of an ego, so it’s all good.

1.Hyacinth Hippo and Ben Ali Gator from Fantasia

Hyacinth Hippo and Ben Ali Gator from Fantasia picture image
Hyacinth Hippo & Ben Ali Gator, “Fantasia

Did you know these two had names?

Their love story is more one of infatuation and unabashed flirtation. Hyacinth Hippo is coquettish while Ben Ali Gator is lovestruck. Together they are adorable and iconic as they bring down the house, to end that segment of the movie

Which one of these lovely couples is your personal favorite? Second favorite? Or even your third favorite?

My first banner circa 2010

I had thought my first post was December 10th 2010 but it was actually on the 20th. So this is the blog 11th year anniversary. That is INSANE!

Esmeralda looking at the Virgin Mary Maureen O'Hara 1939 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image
Esmeralda looking at the Virgin Mary, Maureen O’Hara 1939 Hunchback of Notre Dame

I suppose I should do some retrospective on the blog or Hunchback but I have no thoughts. Just a blank. Just “Shut-up! That’s crazy.” I feel it’s more crazy since I thought I had missed the actual date until I checked. Though to be fair the first post was just an introduction and it wasn’t till January 6th 2011 that I started reviewing the 1939 version.

Last year, I wasn’t really posting much but I did do a minor post to mark the occasion. You can read that post here if you wish.

I will say I do have more to say and more I want to do with the blog. I will say please keep reading if you are already reading this small yet old blog. And thank you for reading, skimming, lurking or just clicking a picture through google images. It all means a lot to me.

Also in that vein and the reason I’m writing right now is just to say that after the first of the year, so January, I do intend to return to reviewing The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo. That woefully just side-lined by real life stuff that I won’t get into. I will finish reviewing it because it’s too much not to get more attention.

Anyway Thank you so much for reading the blog no matter how long you it’s been for you. Though it’s very hard to fathom anyone still reading this blog after 5 years much less 10 or 11. It’s hard to believe I’m still writing.

Way back in early 2019, I did a post on the Hunchback movie/Tv versions that had been announced, The Tale of Six Hunchbacks, and for the record I did miss one, so there were actually seven versions until now. A new version has been announced.

Super Troopers

Broken Lizard, a comedy Troupe known for Super Troopers is making a satirical version of Hugo’s novel. This upcoming version is called Quasi.

According to deadline ‘The plot follows a hapless hunchback who only yearns for love, but finds himself in the middle of a murderous feud between the Pope and the King of France when each orders the hunchback to kill the other.’

This version is clearly not following the book by seemingly any means but who knows since that is a just the set-up.

Disney will release the film on Star+ in Latin America, and on Disney+ in all other territories. Star+ in Latin America, and on Disney+ in all other international territories. It will be a Hulu original in the States.

Patrick Timsit as Quasimodo & Melanie Thierry as Esmeralda Quasimodo d'El Paris picture image
Patrick Timsit as Quasimodo & Melanie Thierry as Esmeralda

I should make it very, very clear that this version is not the first time Hunchback has been made into a satirical or parody movie version. In fact the last movie version to be released was Quasimodo d’el Paris which was a modern parody version in 1999.

It does seem very, very odd that if Quasi next version to be released that there are two back to back spoof Hunchback versions to come out with over 20+ year gap in between.

Just a quick recap of the Hunchback movie/tv versions that have been announced since the formation of this blog, there was the Josh Brolin version, The Max Ryan version, Peter Chernin version, The Peter Dinklage/Charles Dance version, The Tom Hollander version, the Idris Elba version and the Disney live-action version being spearheaded by Josh Gad.

There has been no news other than Gad saying that Disney Live-action was still in the works as of January 2021. Which is fine, better the production don’t rush it.

Of course I would welcome any and all of these versions. No matter how Jazzy or if there was a character called “Figment” in it who was not the Epcot dragon, I think, I don’t actually know for sure.

I will withhold any opinion of this Broken Lizard’s version till a trailer or pictures are out, or at least I will try. But it will be great to get a new movie version.

What do you think? Excited for Quasi or just excited for a new version?

And now a background on this little guy. So this little figurine was hand-painted by a family member way before the Disney version happened. I don’t think they knew it was Quasimodo but I’m 99% sure it the bellringer himself. I suppose it could be Igor but I doubt it given the clothing and stone floor.

Anyway he was part of a set of other classic monsters to be painted and used as decor. He’s seen better days but after living in my attic for a while, because I’m too lazy to decorate, he and his pals now live with my sister who loves to decorate for holidays.

I gotta say he kinda looks like Jerry Lewis a bit.

I also used Photopea to make the picture more “spooky” but I’m out of practice with photo editing. I tried to try.

Anyway Happy Halloween!!!

A Were-Human/Mermaid, A Sea Witch in Disguise and a Prince

It’s a Little Mermaid DIY Costume Buying Guide! Because it’s a the spooky Halloween season there needs to be more costume content.

So it’s The Little Mermaid’s turn.

Ariel’s Human Costume

Ariel’s Blue Dress

Ariel, the titular Little Mermaid, as a plethora of costumes to wear for Halloween fun spooky times. They are great and super iconic. But oddly enough it’s the blue dress she wears on her outing with Prince Eric that is quite similar in type to Esmeralda’s costume which is why it’s the Ariel costume of this post. PLUS it’s good if you live in a cooler climate. What you will need. A light blue long blue shirt or Blouse, a long blue skirt, black corset, black kitten heels, a big blue hair bow and red wig

Ariel’s Top

You could also go for white or dye it if you feel like it. It’s not hard to dye things just can be hard to get the color right.

Ariel’s Top option #1: Hanes Women’s Sport Cool Dri Long Sleeve Crewneck T-Shirt, Moisture-Wicking Performance Tee

Ariel’s Top option #2: Ekouaer 2 Pack Women’s Scoop Neck Tops Long Sleeve Slim Fit T Shirt Thermal Shirts Basic Tight Tee XS-XXL

Ariel’s Top option #3: LYANER Women’s Casual Square Neck Long Sleeve Plain Blouse Shirt Top

Ariel’s Skirt

Ariel’s Skirt option #1: v28 Women Full/Ankle Length Elastic Pleated Retro Maxi Chiffon Long Skirt

Ariel’s Skirt option #2: Sinono Womens Chiffon Retro Maxi Skirt Vintage Ankle-Length Skirts

Ariel’s Skirt option #3: Ladies 20 Yard Elegant Satin Long Full Skirt for Ballroom Belly Dance Performance Costume Dress

Ariel’s Black Corset

A less expensive option could be a simple black tube top

Ariel’s Corset option #1: Daisy corsets womens Sleeveless

Ariel’s Corset option #2: MixMatchy Women’s Casual Strapless Basic Sexy Tube Top

Ariel’s Corset option #3: Women’s Vintage Strapless Open Back Boned Mesh Bustier Zip Back Corset Bodyshaper Crop Top

Ariel’s Black Heels

Any black shoes that you have should work. A low heel is more in line with Ariel’s outfit but it’s all good no matter what you have on hand.

Ariel’s Shoe option #1: Clarks Womens Linvale Jerica

Ariel’s Shoe option #2: DREAM PAIRS Women’s Luvly Bridal Wedding Party Low Heel Pump Shoes

Ariel’s Shoe option #3: JOY IN LOVE Women’s shoes Low Heels Pointy Toe Kitten Heel Daily Pumps

Ariel’s Hair Bow

Be sure it’s a large bow because it’s a statement piece in the look.

Ariel’s Hair Bow option #1: Sky Blue Jumbo Bow Clip with Tails

Ariel’s Hair Bow option #2: Hair Clips Boutique Hair Bows Alligator Clip for Women Girl Hairpin 6 Inch TSFJ02 (Light Blue)

Ariel’s Hair Bow option #3: Blue Hair Bows,2 PCS Satin Hair Bows Clip Big Blue Bow for Women Hair Ribbons Long Tail Hair Bow Hair Barrettes for Wedding Prom Party Charm (Light Blue,Royal Blue)

Ariel’s Wig

Normally I would say wigs are a fun add-on but Ariel’s vibrant red hair is so iconic, so if you can get a wig please do.

Red Wig option #1: Red Wig for Women Cosplay Costume Halloween Party Wigs Long Curly Wavy Wig

Red Wig option #2: LABEAUTÉ Max Beauty Red Mermaid Wigs with Starfish Hair Clips, Curly Long Hair Daily Wig Heat Resistant Synthetic Fiber for Halloween for Cosplay for Christmas (Red 1)

Red Wig option #3: Daenerys Targaryen Wig for Game of Thrones Khaleesi Long Curly Wavy Hair Wigs BU121B

Vanessa a.k.a The Sea Witch in Disguise

Vanessa, The Little Mermaid

In The Little Mermaid, Ursula disguises herself as a human and enchants Eric using Ariel’s voice. So it’s a double costume because you’re dressing up as someone in dress-up, costume inception.

Ursula as Vanessa has three looks but again this one has the elements of Esmeralda’s costume plus the other two looks are under-garments and a wedding gown but hey it’s Halloween so those looks would not be out of place.

Vanessa’s purple outfit consists of a dark purple corset, light purple skirt, and golden nautilus shell necklace. For shoes you could go for anything BUT she does where black flat and it does look like heels during the beach scene. You can get wig of you need one and a cloak since again she wears one on the beach when she enchants Eric. Girl is a siren.

Vanessa’s Top

Allow me to be real with you, it’s HARD to find something like Vanessa’s top on offer at Amazon. I tried. Also I’m ignoring the lace up detail.

Vanessa’s Top option #1: REORIA Butsmooth® Womens Basic Sexy Square Neck Sleeveless Tank Tops Bodysuits Clubwear

Vanessa’s Top option #2: Womens Square Neck Double Lined Tank Tops Low Back Fitted Sleeveless Tops

This one is lighter in color but the shape it right

Vanessa’s Top option #3: GRACE KARIN Bustier Corset Top for Women Sexy Slim Cami Tank Top Black White Summer Sleeveless Party

Vanessa’s Skirt

Vanessa’s skirt is lighter purple. Most likely it’s a dress with a corset-like thing over it hence the insert but separates are easier.

Vanessa’s Skirt option #1: ASHER FASHION Women’s Bohemian Style Elastic Waist Band Cotton Linen Long Maxi Skirt Dress

Vanessa’s Skirt option #2: Sinono Womens Chiffon Retro Maxi Skirt Vintage Ankle-Length Skirts

Vanessa’s Skirt option #3: Scarlet Darkness Maxi Long Skirt for Women Double Layered Renaissance Skirts

Nautilus/Conch Shell Necklace

This a must. It’s the piece that holds Ariel’s voice. Try to get some black cording or even shoe lace for a more accurate look.

Nautilus Shell Necklace option #1: Meiligo® Fashion Woman Conch,snail,shell Charm pendant necklace (Gold) 2

Nautilus Shell Necklace option #2: 18K Gold Stainless Steel Bee Honeycomb Necklace, Star Moon Necklace Dinosaur Necklace spider Necklace Adjustable Y Lariat Necklace for Women

Nautilus Shell Necklace option #3: CLASSYZINT Gold Choker Necklace For Women Sun Heart Flower Charms Pendant Necklace Chunky Gold Statement Necklace

Extra Touches

If you need a wig by all means get one. You can also get a dark purple cape for added warmth. For shoes, see the Ariel’s shoe recommendations as Vanessa is pretty much a villainous Ariel look-like. But for shoes you can get away with whatever you think suits.

Brown Wig option: MapofBeauty 40″ 100cm Anime Costume Long Straight Cosplay Wig Party Wig (Dark Brown)

Dark Purple Cloak option: Colorful House Unisex Full Length Velvet Hooded Cape Halloween Christmas Cloak

Prince Eric (for the guys)

Prince Eric

Prince Eric is Ariel’s main romantic interest.

Anyway, Eric’s outfit is fairly easy to acquire. White shirt, dark blue pants, red waistband, and boots. You can add a black wig if you want.

Eric’s White Shirt

Eric’s White Shirt option #1: Mens Medieval Pirate Shirt Viking Renaissance Lace up Mercenary Halloween Scottish Jacobite Ghillie Tops

Eric’s White Shirt option #2: Beninos Mens Long Sleeve Slim Fit Dress Shirts

Eric’s White Shirt option #3: NITAGUT Men Henley Neck Long Sleeve Daily Look Linen Shirts

Eric’s Pants

I’d say any blue pants you have. Eric’s pants are a slim fit but whatever you have should work. His pants do seems to be knee length with a cuffs but it’s not a deal breaker if your look lacks this detail.

Eric’s Pants option #1: Alamo Slim-Fit Chinos Pants Men – Classic Breathable Flat-Front Chino Pants for Men

Eric’s Pants option #2: mens 4-way Stretch Dress Casual Pants, Blue, 32W x 30L US

Eric’s Pants option #3: Perry Ellis Portfolio Very Slim Men’s Dress Pants, Stretch Non-iron Fabric, Flat Front, Soft and Durable Slacks for Men

Eric’s Red Waistband

Eric’s outfit has a pirate-ish look so the red waistband makes sense. Or a cummerbund would also work well.

Eric’s Red waistband option #1: ThePirateDressing Pirate Medieval Renaissance Halloween Costume Large Sash

Eric’s Red waistband option #2: Satin Pirate Sash Pirate Medieval Renaissance Large Sash Halloween Costume Waist Sash Belt

Eric’s Red waistband option #3: Alizeal Mens Paisley/Solid Pre-tied Party Adjustable Bow Tie, Cummerbund and Pocket Square Gift Set

Eric’s Boots

Should be black and knee high. If you got them, rock them

Eric’s boot option: Ellie Shoes Men’s 125-matey Knee High Boot

Black Wig

Again, a wig is not necessary for Eric’s costume but it’s still a fun addition.

Black Wig option: STfantasy Men Short Wigs Male Guy Layered Wavy Halloween Cosplay Anime Party for Dad Hair (Natural Black)

Episode 7: The Court of Miracles

François and some thieves, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 7, The Court of Miracles
François and some thieves, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 7

Props to the show for the Hunchback reference. It’s always appreciated. 

This episode is a François focused episode, Oh joy of joys…

See no one likes François’ poetry except a group of mean thieves who get in François’ good graces by praising his poetry. They only do this so they can rob Notre Dame. GASP!  Also in this alternative time-line the Magna Carta is at Notre Dame.  I have no words for this. I’m out of words.

The most important thing that the thieves steal is a book of the King’s memoirs which holds state secrets which means the state of France is in jeopardy. So at the near 15 minute mark Frollo’s villain senses tingle and he gets in on the plot.  Oh Cartoonishly Evil Magician Frollo-type, you never cease to disappoint. Never. 

Frollo, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo, Episode 7, The Court of Miracles
Frollo, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo, Episode 7

Anyway the book is retrieved and brought back to Notre Dame and François learns his lesson. Not a lesson in writing decent poetry but trusting people who praise you for nefarious reasons.  

A highlight of this episode was as François was returning the book to the office, Quasimodo does a swivel chair reveal this BUT since the show knows that swivel chairs were not a thing there is a chair scraping across the floor sound effect. It just made me smile. 

Also here is a handy formula for how an average episode goes,  Thieves + Frollo + France or the World in danger x Dennis + François’ bad poetry x Quasimodo is super awesome = An Average Episode of The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo

All in all not a fan of this episode but maybe François is better in smaller doses.

Episode 8: Witches’ Eve

Esmeralda and Quasimodo in costumes, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 8, Witches Eve
Esmeralda & Quasimodo, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 8

It’s Halloween. It’s pretty much Halloween and if you thought we would get some spooky magical adventures for this episode well then you’re a bigger Fool than the King/Pope of Fools. 

No, this episode is a backstory episode on Quasimodo and his super awesome noble parents who could be alive. GASP! And that is not all, Quasimodo’s real name is Jacques.  

You see at the Witches’ Eve party, The gang of pals meet a nice lady named Maria, who was Quasimodo’s nurse maid and is the one who saved him from his home burning down. She also left him at Notre Dame  but DIDN’T stick around to tell Dennis his real name or lineage out right. But then the plot wouldn’t happen so we can’t blame her for logic. So it’s fine. It’s fine. This is fine. Everything is fine.

She also tells Quasimodo that his parents could be still alive living amongst peasants. So then it’s a race between Frollo and Quasimodo along with the pals to get to the maybe awesome de Bernisacs. They alas get away. 

Also Esmeralda is proving really violent. Like she jumps on a guy’s back and later threatens him with a frying pan. No shade, it just an interesting new take on the character. Though Disney’s Esmeralda had her moments.    

And an important takeaway from this episode, Horses don’t like bad poetry. They just don’t. So always run a poem by a horse to assess a poem’s quality.  

While a spooky magical fun times episode would have been great, a backstory is not bad since the quest for Quasimodo’s origins and parents seems to be the running plot thread of the show. But did they have to lump it with medieval halloween time? It could have been that Art Festival they were planning back in episode 7 or some other festival that they always seems to be having that Dennis is somehow always in charge of organizing. We could have had it all.  

Esmeralda, François and Quasimodo in costumes, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 8, Witches Eve
Esmeralda, François & Quasimodo in costumes, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo Episode 8

Speaking of spooky fun times, as I watched this episode during the spooky season which is complete coincidence, I thought it would be fun to assign Hunchback costumes to the Magical Quasimodo versions of the characters;

Quasimodo is clearly Phoebus,

Esmeralda is Fleur de Lys

and François is Gringoire