Full Stage view during the Bells of Notre Dame King's Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Full Stage view during the Bells of Notre Dame King’s Academy Hunchback of Notre Dame

The stage that the King Academy used for their production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame is divided into a few parts. The lowest level is used for dance number and one could say it represents the streets of Paris and a few of the principle cast use this level. Then there is a ramp to the next level with is sort of like Sanctuary of Notre Dame as well as other setting like Square of Notre Dame. Then you have the upper most level which is the Bell tower. There is also the sides which the ensemble uses but Esmeralda appears there during the Esmeralda song.

At first I thought the fact that most of the action takes place at the upper level would impede the viewing experience for an audience but I think I was wrong. From a video vantage point that could be true, if you are watching it from the camera’s angle but just in a wide shot the action in the bell tower would look remote. However from the audience they would be able to see the action clearer as they have to look up and there would nothing to block their view. I sort of recall seeing a play that had a similar height presentation and I’m pretty short so it worked out for me.

Otherwise the staging is fairly straightforward there are not too many surprises, a character sings and they pretty much stand still while the ensemble does a little choreography while singing and the dancers dance at the lowest level. Well, there was one surprise, the gargoyles are suspended and swing around a little bit but still pretty much in one spot but it was a nice touch.

Also before I end this, the Notre Dame set was really great.

Being forced to watch very, very bad versions of Hunchback makes me more grateful to the Disney version. The Disney version is not perfect but they did at least put out a solid effort into their version and made a good movie. You can’t really say that for the Enchanted tales version. So I thought I would list of what I consider to be the Top Ten  Best Things about The Disney version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame



Clopin with Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin with Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

10. Clopin
Clopin is just such a fun and interesting character. He kinds neither good or bad. I guess he more of a light gray. I wish he was in more of the movie.


Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame singing "God Help the Outcast" picture image

Esmeralda singing “God Help the Outcast” Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

9. Animation
Gorgeous Animation is a Disney hallmark and the Hunchback is no exception. There are some gorgeous shots. Though the CG crowds didn’t age well but you seldom really notice them unless you’re looking.


Esmeralda and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Quaismodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

8.The Pacing
The pacing is great in this movie. There are no low points and the story moves from point to point really well.


Esmeralda singing God Help the Outcast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda singing God Help the Outcast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

7.  Accuracy to Notre Dame
The way they rendered the  Cathedral is lovely and you can see all the effort that went in to it. I mean they did make it larger but they did capture its Beauty and it intricate little details. They might have been to accurate since they included elements that were not present at the time of the story but that is a nitpick that you would have to be aware of.


Clopin Topsy Turvy Disney Hunchback Notre Dame picture image

Clopin Topsy Turvy Disney Hunchback Notre Dame

6. The Songs
With one exception, you know the one, the songs are really great. Some are better than others but on the whole they are great.


Frollo and Notre Dame Bells Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo stares at Notre Dame during the Bells of Notre Dame FDisney Hunchback of Notre Dame

5. The Music Score
The Score was inspired by Mozart’s Requiem Mass and it really is gorgeous especially Sanctuary. It really one the best Disney scores ever.

Frollo and Baby Quasimodo bells Disney Hunch back of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo and Baby Quasimodo during the Bells of Notre Dame Disney Hunch back of Notre Dame


4. Frollo
Frollo is one of the most complex Disney Villains. On one hand he is cool and cruel and the other he’s bat-shit crazy but he thinks he’s good and just even when trying to kill a baby he thinks he is in the right.


Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

3. Hellfire/Heaven’s Light


This is kind of like A Night on Bald Mountain/Ave Maria in reverse. A Lot of the drama comes from the duality of the Heaven and Hell. Though you would get little argument that Hellfire is the better song in both the visuals and the lyrics. It so dark and twisted but Heaven’s Light just elevates Hellfire crazed hellish tone. It’s kind ironic that Frollo is praying to Mary in this song.


A Puppet of Quasimodo bells Disney Hunchback of notre dame picture image

A Puppet of Quasimodo during the Bells of Notre Dame Disney Hunchback of notre dame

2. The Opening
The Opening is amazing. In 5 minutes we get some drama, some humor and all the backstory. The song and the visuals are wonderful.  I like how dark this gets and there is no denying that crescendo at the end. Flawless

Quaismodo Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quaismodo Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame


1. It introduced people to The Hunchback of Notre
While of course this is not true for everyone, The Disney version did introduced people to the characters and the ideas of the novel. Without it people may not be fans of original story today.


Honorable mention Djali

I love Djali to pieces

Djali Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Djali Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame


Quasimodo accepted by the people Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image

Quasimodo accepted by the people Disney Hunchback of Notre dame

After Frollo dies, the hellish lava goes away and the masses are happy.  This is when Quasimodo, the lovable abet not too pretty hero emerges from the darkness and silence of Notre Dame to be  greeted with the acceptance of the people. Why is he now welcome? I think for saving Esmeralda and saying  “No” to Frollo. It’s not for killing Frollo, Notre Dame and Frollo’s haste took care of that.

Clopin, Frollo Puppet, and Girl Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin, Frollo Puppet, and Girl Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Quaismodo Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quaismodo Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame








So as Quasimodo is being cheered, Clopin reprises the Bells of Notre Dame. Just in case you’re a complete moron the movie clearly shows the audience who the Monster was, the Frollo puppet. To think this whole time I just thought it was Frollo, Twist ending here; it was the Puppet! The man was Quasimodo, no surprise there.


Clopin Reprise of Bells of Notre Dame Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin Reprise of Bells of Notre Dame Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame


If you like Bells of Notre Dame, you’ll like the Reprise. It is sung well by Clopin (as to be expected now from Paul Kandal). It’s a bit repetitive though, not sure how times the word “Bells” is uttered but it’s a lot. The lyrics are also a little strange;

Whatever their pitch, you
Can Feel the bewitch you
The rich and ritual knell


The True Villain, The Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

The True Villain, The Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre dame

Big Marie, The Lead Bell Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Big Marie, The Lead Bell Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







He saying  that the Ringing Bells have an effect of people. So was it the bells that made Frollo crazy with lust? I mean it says the Bells bewitch. Quasimodo did ring the bells right before  Hellfire, and you only see him doing it once in the movie. So the Bells were the Frollo puppet accomplice.  Of course, it all makes sense. The Puppet couldn’t stand that Frollo had all the power, so he harnessed the ancient Deus ex Machina power of the Bells to make Frollo crazy which would led to his death  by Notre Dame, of course! I figured you out, movie. This makes the Bells and the Frollo Puppet the heroes and villains. Touché Disney, I didn’t know you were so complicated. Truly this twist rivals M. Night Shyamalan.


Quaismodo Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quaismodo Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Gargoyles - Victor, Hugo and Laverne at the end Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Gargoyles - Victor, Hugo and Laverne at the end Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Djali, Esmeralda, and Phoebus Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Djali, Esmeralda, and Phoebus Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame








On an unrelated note, the song is a good ending, you get a curtain call: Quasimodo is happy to be “out there” “in the sun” with the “ordinary men.”  The Gargoyles are happy that the people now love  “a guy like” Quasimodo.  Esmeralda is happy because Notre Dame (Mary) “helped the outcasts”. Phoebus is happy because his ex boss is dead and he has a hot new girlfriend. Djali and Clopin are happy because the sanction of street performers had lifted with Frollo’s death and now they don‘t have to pay the Busker Tax. The only person who isn’t happy in all this is the Old Heretic, he fell into a sewer and was never to heard from again. They say on quiet nights you can heard an old man saying “Dang it.”

The Old Heretic Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

The Old Heretic Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame



 Final Shot Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Final Shot Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Beauty and the Beast Ending Shot Stained Glass Disney picture image

Beauty and the Beast Ending Shot Stained Glass Disney

Genie page Peel, Final shot Aladdin Disney picture image

Genie page Peel, Final shot Aladdin Disney







Since the film ends with the same song as it began with, it’s only that it ends with a pull away though the sky above the Notre Dame.  It’s appropriate yet a little cheesy but it’s better that ending on a stain glass window that show all the main characters, a la Beauty and the Beast  or a stupid page peel by the Genie in Aladdin. Though it would be funny to have the Genie pop up in random Disney Movies saying “made you look” at the end.



Next Time – Someday, the Credit song and Delated Song.

A Picture from the demo reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame image

A Picture from the demo reel of Someday Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame