Astrological Zodiac with corresponding Hunchback character find which character you are. I’m Master Florain the deaf judge who is too vain to admit he’s deaf…… not sure how I feel about that. (For this I ignored the characters birthdays since two are mentioned in the book and I also based this off the book)

Aries – Phoebus (March 21-April 19)

Aries Phoebus hunchback of Notre Dame disney picture image

Aries Phoebus


Pros – Independent, Generous, Optimistic, Enthusiastic, Courageous
Cons – Moody, Short tempered, Self-involved, Impulsive, Impatient


Taurus -Jehan (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus Jehan 1923 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Taurus Jehan


Pros – Dependable, Persistent, Loyal, Patient, Generous
Cons – Stubborn, Laziness, Possessive, Materialistic, Self-indulging


Gemini -Esmeralda (May 21-June 20)


Gemini Esmeralda hunchback of Notre Dame disney picture image

Gemini Esmeralda


Pros- Energetic, Clever, Imaginative, Witty, Adaptable
Con- Superficial, Impulsive, Restless, Devious, Indecisive


Cancer -Quasimodo (June 21 -July 22)

Cancer Quasimodo hunchback of Notre Dame disney picture image

Cancer Quasimodo


Pros -Loyalty, Dependable, Caring, Adaptable, Responsive
Cons – Moody, Clingy, Self-pitying, Oversensitive, Self-absorbed


Leo -Fleur de Lys (July 23 -Aug 22)

Leo Fleur de Lys Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Leo Fleur de Lys


Pros – Confident, Ambitious, Generous, Loyal, Encouraging
Cons -Pretentious, Domineering, Melodramatic, Stubborn, Vain


Virgo -Clopin (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Virgo Clopin Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Virgo Clopin


Pros -Analytical, Observant, Helpful, Reliable, Precise
Cons -Skeptical, Fussy, Inflexible, Cold, Interfering


Libra – Master Florian (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

Libra Master Florian 1939 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Libra Master Florian


Pros – Diplomatic, Graceful, Peaceful, Idealistic, Hospitable
Cons – Superficial, Vain, Indecisive, Unreliable


Scorpio – Frollo (Oct 23 – Nov 21)


Scorpio Frollo hunchback of Notre Dame disney picture image

Scorpio Frollo


Pros -Loyal, Passionate, Resourceful, Observant, Dynamic
Cons -Jealous, Obsessive, Suspicious, Manipulative, Unyielding


Sagittarius -Djali (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Sagittarius Djali hunchback of Notre Dame disney picture image

Sagittarius Djali


Pros – Independence
Cons – Unemotional


Capricorn – Louis (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Capricorn King Louis 1939 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Capricorn King Louis



Pros – Responsible, Patient, Ambitious, Resourceful, Loyal
Cons -Dictatorial, Inhibited, Conceited, Distrusting, Unimaginative


Aquarius -Gringoire (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Aquarius Gringoire Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Aquarius Gringoire


Pros -Witty, Clever, Humanitarian, Inventive, Original
Cons -Stubborn, Unemotional, Sarcastic, Rebellious, Aloof


 Pieces -Sister Gudule (Feb 19 – March 20)


Pieces Sister Gudule 1923 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Pieces Sister Gudule


Pros – Compassionate, Adaptable, Accepting, Devoted, Imaginative
Cons – Oversensitive, Indecisive, Self-pitying, Lazy, Escapist

Which character is your Zodiac Sign?

Which Notre Dame Character would win  in race a la Mario Kart , car racing with random weapons and weird tracks. (based on book)

Hunchback of Notre dame meets Mario Kart Disney

Hunchback Kart


I would say that Quasimdo wouldn’t because of his vision. Frollo would just follow Esmeralda so he wouldn’t win. Sister Gudule won’t win either because she too busy looking for her baby. Jehan could win but he would try to aim for coins and prizes. Esmeralda could win as she quick but she is flighty too and might get distracted by Phoebus. Gringoire might do well but he also might get distracted. Phoebus could win because he’s a no-good cheater but he might let a lady win you know in order to sleep with them later. Clopin could win but like Jehan he might go after coins and prizes. Djali could do well as she a very talented goat but I would say Fleur de Lys would win most of the time because she is cold calculating bitch who always win, let’s not forget she’s the only character in the book to have a “happy ending.”


Which Hunchback do you think would win in a battle royale kart race? I chose the book but feel free to use Disney in your response ^^

This Post is result of Why did Hunchback Fail? The Conclusion of the conclusion of the Disney Version post where I asked people to choose some random Disney movie and pick you favorite character, to see if other protagonists are listed more favorable than Quasimodo. Anyway here are mine  (movies came from the list of movie people chose plus one)

HunchbackDjali or Clopin

Djali Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Djali about to enjoy a feast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Clopin Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







I don’t want to choose between them so I won’t. Both of these characters are fun and charming.



Carpet Aladdin picture image

Carpet Aladdin

Much like Djali and Clopin, carpet is fun and charming. Also carpet is smart, laid-back, loyal and handsome (as far a carpets go).


Beauty and the BeastLumiere

Lumiere Beauty and the Beast picture image

Lumiere Beauty and the Beast

I had a hard time choosing. I really enjoy Gaston and Le Fou but Lumiere is fun. I say he edges them out by a small margin though I’m not sure why, maybe I like over the top musical numbers.


The Lion KingRafiki

Rafiki The Lion King picture image

Rafiki The Lion King

Another Fun character, both smart and silly.  Plus I liked it when he hit Simba on the head.


The Emperor’s New Groove -Yzma

Yzma The Emperor's New Groove picture image

Yzma The Emperor’s New Groove

What’s not to love? She’s a great fun villain.  Gotta Love Eartha Kit in this. I also love Kronk, they play off each other well but Yzma edges out because she just reveals her schemes.


Bambi – Friend Owl

Friend Owl Bambi picture image

Friend Owl Bambi

He’s grumpy and smart ^^ . I also like Flower, he’s adorable, soft-spoken, endearing and innocent that is until he gets Twitterpated.



The Sword in the Stone – Mad Madam Mim

Mad Madam Mim The Sword in the Stone picture image

Mad Madam Mim The Sword in the Stone

She’s too delightful and Mad, and despite her limited screen time she’s the best part of this movie, that duel was awesome.



Hercules – Hades

Hades Hercules  picture image

Hades Hercules

I really like Hades as a villain, he cool and calulating, and that makes him fun as Hades ^_~ (bad joke).


101 Dalmatians – PUPPIES!

Puppies 101 Dalmatians picture image

Puppies 101 Dalmatians

Except for the “badun” (Jasper & Horace), I actually like all the characters, but I’m a dog person so I’m just going to say Puppies ^^ though as a kid Penny and Lucky were my favorites.


Sleeping Beauty – Maleficent

Maleficent Sleeping Beauty picture image

Maleficent Sleeping Beauty

She maybe not be a typical fun character but she is the one having fun being evil and I like that. Plus she’s super stylious.



Apparently I like the fun sidekicks and villains. Not a single protagonist. Perhaps Disney is better at creating villains and side-kicks. Maybe they try to hard to create likable protagoists that in the end they’re not really all that likable or interesting. Considering that people who responded didn’t list any protagonists either.

If you would like to list your Disney favorite characters from any Disney you want, please feel free, maybe you can defend the protagonists, I just ask that you please include the Hunchback.

Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image red dress

Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Today’s question is “How does Esmeralda have green eyes?” I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the Esmeralda in question is Disney Esmeralda, since she’s the only one with green eyes.

Also a Disclaimer, I have read the book, many many times. In the Book, Esmeralda has Black eyes. This question is about Disney Esmeralda, the book does not enter into this question except with regards to her name with her name.

Esmeralda and Djali Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Djail Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Since this question is “How” which means “by what means” and since she is a cartoon this question is very simple; it’s green ink. But allow me to make yet another massive assumption, this question is actually a “why” question meaning “what reason for.”  So let’s answer this new question, Why does Disney’s Esmeralda have green eyes?

Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

I think the reason was to link the character to the name. In the book Esmeralda got her name because of an amulet she wears which is a pouch that has a paste emerald on it. It’s worth mentioning that Esmeralda in the book is rarely called “Esmeralda” it’s either “La Esmeralda” or something linked to her being a gypsy or a dancer. So the name is a title in someway. Now the in the disney movie, Esmeralda is a proper name and was given to her based on her eye color.

Esmeralda singing God Help the Outcast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda singing God Help the Outcast Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Now let’s ask one more question, is it possible for Esmeralda to even have this eye color. Well yes and no. No is the sense that this shade of green is not a natural eye color but it’s a Disney film so to hell with logic and the law of nature. And yes, given that the Romani (Gypsies) came out of Northern India, it’s possible, albeit quite rare. After all some of India’s top actresses have green or blue eyes like Rani Mukherjee (Golden- green) and Aiswariya Rai (blue).*

Rani Mukherjee posingpicture image

Rani Mukherjee posing

Aishwarya Rai umrao jaan Blue eye

Aishwarya Rai as Umrao Jaan

I mean without getting to a whole anthropological, genealogical, and tracking human migration patterns over the centuries discussion, let’s just say that this type of color is possible for a Romani and therefore it’s not impossible for Esmeralda. Though it inaccurate to the book where she has dark brown eyes but creative license and what not.

Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Esmeralda reaching out to Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre dame

Please Note – This answer was not meant to be 100% serious, so relax. It was more about ink color and character design than about Genes and Hereditary patterns.

*Movie Recommendations with Rani Mukherjee and Aiswariya Rai (I’m a Bollywood fan ^_^)
Rani Mukherjee- Black, Paheli,Dil Bole Hadippa
Aiswariya Rai- Devdas , Umrao Jaan, Jodhaa Akbar
This movie has both actress through Rai is just a cameo. But It’s a funny movie.
Bunty Aur Babli

Frollo Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show picture image

Frollo Puppet

The stage show of  Hunchback of Notre Dame at the Disney Parks is like a high school production where the show has a high budget but the cast isn’t really that talented. Wait a second that’s pretty much what this is. Expect  they’re actually college students interning (slave labor) there for the summer. So what is the stage show about?  All  it is a rehashing of the movie. That’s it. I’m basing this review off these videos which you can watch it HERE.  (I’m sorry for the pictures)


Frollo interrupting the couple in Notre Dame a.k.a Not Grope Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show picture image

Frollo interrupting the couple a.k.a Not Grope

A Guy Like you Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show picture image

A Guy Like you

Frollo finding out Esmeralda escape a.k.a Not Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show picture image

Frollo finding out Esmeralda escape a.k.a Not Hellfire







But is the show bad? Yes, yes it. Everything that you love is gone, i.e Frollo. Well that’s not true Frollo is there and he gets line or two but there is not grope and no Hellfire basically what makes Frollo a character is gone. Frollo is just a plot point. Also they kept a guy like you over hellfire which seems like a big “Fuck-you” to audience.


Clopin's singnature pose Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show picture

Clopin's singnature pose

But how are the other actors? Umm, not so good. We’ll start with the best, Clopin at least he can sing well. Though he strikes the same pose and hand movements over and over.

Phoebus... that is all Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show picture image

Phoebus... that is all

Quasimodo with a plastic model Esmeralda Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show picture image

Quasimodo with a plastic model Esmeralda

The Gargoyles... they get more lines than Frollo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show picture image

The Gargoyles... they get more lines than Frollo







Phoebus is meh. Quasimodo is forgettable. The gargoyles are annoying.


Esmeralda from the Stage Show of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame at MGM Studios picture image


And then there is Esmeralda. First off I  say this with out trying to be offensive but she sounds like she from a 30’s movies. Other than that her acting is weak and over-the-top and she’s not a great singer. I think she was cast for the splits she does during the dance.

Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show Esmeralda's Kneepad image picture

Esmeralda's Kneepad

And she wears knee pads during the dance which I found hilarious.


Frollo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show picture image

Frollo he's too cool for this play


Frollo’s not even a character so he doesn’t count. But even still he’s WAY cooler even with no personality.

Djali as a Marionette Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show

Djali as a Marionette.... where can I get one?

So the setting and the plot were okay. The whole puppet thing for the backstory was weird and a little silly. I mean I get why the did, because it’s Clopin’s puppet show, but to see a big Frollo puppet was too funny for me. I have a bad habit of laughing at puppet play even when that are suppose to be serious. Also Djali as a marionette was unnecessary. Actually Djali was unnecessary and that pains me to say.


Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show Spire Turn during Out there picture

Spire Turn during Out there

Also I just want to mention that you know in “Out There” where the camera spins around Quasimodo while he’s on the spire yeah, they do that here except while the performer sings on a platform, two guys spin said platform around, it very silly and awkward.


More Puppets dolls Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show picture image

More Puppets erm I mean Dolls

Basically  the whole thing a very rushed feeling and it over superficial, I mean it’s a appropriate, given that it’s in a Disney park. It’s flash and no substance. It subtracts too much from the movie and if their intent was to take that film and make it even more “Kid Friendly” why not do an after-story or sequel. Frollo doesn’t do anything cool here so who cares if he’s in the show. It at least could have been more interesting than seeing a water-down version of a classic story that Disney already watered down.


Getting the Lead out Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Stage Show picture image

Getting the Lead out

On the plus side, I liked the extras and the lead pouring was cool.


Every now and again I get hits from people searching odd questions. So I’m going to start answering your searched questions. I’m going to answer these questions with the all the academic-ness/pedantic-ness I can muster (it’s more fun that way)

Today’s Question: Why is Esmeralda so stupid?

This isn’t actually a “stupid” question like the Big Bird Question but let’s answer it.

19th Century Illustration of Esmeralda with Dj

19th Century Illustration of Esmeralda with Dj


So to answer this question we have decided which Esmeralda is the question referring to. I doubt it’s Disney’s as she is considered to be “Street smart”, my guess this question is refering to the book.

Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wiertz

Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wiertz


Is Esmeralda stupid in the book? Well she is and she isn’t, first let’s explain why she is  not stupid. Esmeralda is smart enough to know that dancing in front of  Notre Dame is profitable. She also knew enough that doing things like fortuning telling would get her into trouble so she never did it.   She also is smart enough to know that people are amused by novel tricks and teaches a few to her goat Djali. I’m not sure how easy it to train a Goat to do tricks but if it’s not smart than it’s talented. She also taught Djali how to spell “Phoebus” which means she need to know how to read at least somewhat and in the 15th the literacy rate was significantly lower. So she at least a smart performer and had some practicality even if these trick are her undoing.

Painting of Esmeralda and Sachette by Nicolas-Eustache Maurin

Painting of Esmeralda and Sachette by Nicolas-Eustache Maurin


Now here is the real question, are her actions that are considered  stupid actually naivety? The answer is yes, she is “worldly” as she traveled around Europe but she was sheltered by her group. As result she is very naive. She truly believed Phoebus’ lies because she never dealt with men and she believed it at the end when she mistakingly reveled herself to the soldiers that were sent to arrest her, that Phoebus would help. Arguably this is her stupidest move as it results in not just her death, but her mother’s, Frollo’s and Quasimodo’s deaths as well.


Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wilhelm Marstrand

Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wilhelm Marstrand


So while Esmeralda isn’t exactly the brightest bulb in the package she’s not exactly “so stupid” just a bit of a “Dum Dum”. Her stupidity is the result of being young and immature. Can you really say you did nothing stupid at 16?


If you search an odd question and find the Hunchblog (and I notice it) I’ll answer it or better yet leave a comment with your weird/odd questions and I’ll answer them in a post. The weirder the better. Normal questions  are welcome too.

Benjamin Lacombe is a French artist who has illustrated several books his latest is Notre Dame de Paris which was released November 30th 2011. His work has a gothic anime feel  that I find appealing but I’m not sure why. I’ve seen stuff akin to it but there is something about his work that I find appealing maybe it’s the use of color or the composition. Currently the book is only available in French. Other work by Benjamin Lacombe

Click the link to buy  Benjamin Lacombe’s Notre-Dame de Paris Part 1 from Amazon France

And now some pictures;

Benjamin Lacombe' s Cover of Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Benjamin Lacombe' s Cover of Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame and Paris by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Notre Dame and Paris by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

Esmeralda by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Esmeralda by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

Quasimodo by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Quasimodo by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

Esmeralda and Djali by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Esmeralda and Djali by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

Esmeralda by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

I was doing some research at work a few days ago on Russian Animation and I found these pictures (which have nothing to do with Russian Animation.) In fact these pictures are concept art by Rowland B. Wilson. Wilson created production art for Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame as well as The Little Mermaid, Tarzan and Hercules.


Quasimodo by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda and Djali by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Djali by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Frollo by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Gargoyle by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Gargoyle by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Rats by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Rats by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Bats by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Bats by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Pigeons by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame pictures image

Pigeons by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Birds by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Birds by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame




So in December 2011 Doug walker  ( who plays the insanely Popular Internet Critic Character The Nostalgia Critic  on That Guy With the Glasses) reviewed all the Disney Featured Films. And Since I have a Blog about the Hunchback of Notre Dame this gives me the right to do a review of a review, clique I know. So Here we go.

Esmeralda in the dungeon of La Tournelle. Illustration by Burdet

Esmeralda in the dungeon of La Tournelle. Illustration by Burdet

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Louis Boulanger's Illustration of Frollo, Esmeralda and Sachette  picture image

Louis Boulanger's Illustration of Frollo, Esmeralda and Sachette







The first I noticed that either Walker hasn’t read the book or it’s been a while. First thing  he claims the book is “Dark and Twisted.”  Now I could I be the twisted one but I don’t find the book that dark or twisted. I mean I guess since main all the characters die and it has a tormented Priest as a main character this qualifies it as “dark” but there are darker books in the world. And dare I say there is a lot of humor. Maybe it’s because it a French story that the darker element stick out and it if were Russian it would fit in. Maybe it’s because people are inclined to thinking the book is of the Gothic Style, which it is not it’s actually Romantic. Anyway the Book will have it’s time here but I disagree with Walker, it’s comparatively darker than some Books but Twisted: No.


Aimé de Lemud Illustration of Phoebus Saving Esmeralda from Quasimodo picture image

Aimé de Lemud Illustration of Phoebus saving Esmeralda from Quasimodo

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda defying Frollo by helping Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda being Tortured  picture image

Esmeralda being Tortured







Another thing that made it clear he doesn’t recall the book is the mentioning of the crimes by Esmeralda and Quasimodo. He says that Quasimodo “accidently commits some sort of crime” and he claims that Esmeralda is not arrested for witchcraft. Quasimodo doesn’t accidently kidnapped Esmeralda, Frollo orders him to do it and he does no question. And Esmeralda 100% accused of witchcraft, there was a whole thing in the book where she accused of turning a coin in a dry leave and the tricks she taught Djali which are far more innocent than her trick in the Disney movie. Considering the Kidnapped attempt and Esmeralda’s trail are big portions of the plot I’m not going to let this generalization of Walker’s part go. But then again these scenes are not really in the Disney movie it’s a little forgivable.


Quasimodo as the King of Fools Topsy Turvy Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo as the King of Fools Topsy Turvy Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Illustration of Quasimodo as the Pope of Fools by Edouard de Beaumont 1844 picture image

Illustration of Quasimodo as the Pope of Fools by Edouard de Beaumont 1844

Shock the Priest Topsy Turvy Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Shock the Priest Topsy Turvy Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







Another slight problem with his fact checking is the Feast of Fools, Walker calls it a celebrations of Gypsy but the Feast of Fools was a Festival which akin to April’s Fool. Also he brings up some confusion on the way the Gypsy are portrayed. I think that in his thinking the Feast of Fool tripped him up in this explanation but when he says that Esmeralda say that they’re not all thieves but then there is the Court of Miracle where they keep there stolen stuff. However this a problem of making the Court of Miracles in a Gypsy haven which is not in either the book or actuality. In the book the Court of Miracles is where beggars and thieves lives and some Gypsy live there as well including Esmeralda. In actuality the Court of Miracles is the slums.


Gargoyles A Guy like you Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Gargoyles A Guy like you Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Walker is a fan of this movie however like me he did hate the Gargoyles. He bring up an interesting point about the Gargoyles being Judgmental and berating each others one looks, which goes against the point of the movie. Walker admits that he could have given the film credit if they were imaginary. The thing is they were supposed to be, if you listen to the commentary that’s what they strived for but they just forgot and there are too many inconsistencies. The film tried they just failed to make that aspect come out.


Molten Lead over Notre Dame Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Molten Lead over Notre Dame Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Frollo Hunchback of Notre Dame groping Esmeralda Disney picture image

Frollo groping Esmeralda

Notre Dame of Paris Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Notre Dame of Paris Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







Walker likes the look of the movie, how grand everything looks and the shear scope. He likes both Frollo and Quasimodo but really didn’t mention the other character except the Gargoyles. He did mention Esmeralda and Phoebus’ romance being boring. He like Hellfire and The Bells of Notre Dame. He like that the film tackles the issues of faith, Good, Evil, Heaven, Hell and Lust. Which if you’re going to do Hunchback of Notre Dame you need to handle the lust, I mean that drives the plot.


Frollo and Baby Quasimodo bells Disney Hunch back of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo and Baby Quasimodo during the Bells of Notre Dame Disney Hunch back of Notre Dame

Esmeralda as a fire demon dancing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Damepicture image

Esmeralda as a fire demon dancing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame








Walker admits the film is clunky but on the whole he loves it.  He can understand why it wasn’t a be hit and he admires it for the risks it took.

Djali licking Phoebus with Esmeralda Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image

Djali licking Phoebus with Esmeralda Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney

The Old Heretic Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

The Old Heretic Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Clopin, Phoebus and Quasimodo Court of Miracles Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin, Phoebus and Quasimodo Court of Miracles Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame








The thing about it is if you’re a fan of Hugo’s book, you can still like it, I think you just have to accept it as a different story, which it is. I’ve commented enough on this version   (6 months) but it’s not a bad movie for what it is: a children’s version of Hunchback of Notre Dame, it works, so I agree with Walker, just wished his fact checking had been better. (Though I’m not a big fan of Quasimodo)

Quasimodo reacting to the craziness Topsy Turvy Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo reacting to the craziness Topsy Turvy Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame