Episode 11: The Outsider

Emilie de Ravin as Belle
Or how Mulan met Phillip. Actually this episode centers around Belle. In the character’s past Belle goes a monster hunting. She is encouraged to go by Dreamy who gives her some Fairy Dust. Belle proves that books and knowledge are useful as she tracks down a fiery monster. Mulan is also tracking the monster but isn’t as good at tracking. Belle corners the monster but the monster asks Belle to save it so she uses the fairy dust to cure the monster who is really Philip. This is how Mulan meets Philip and at the end of the episode Regina captures Belle. It’s a good bridger episode as it showcases Belle as kick-ass yet compassion person of action and how she got captured by Regina.
There is a lot going on in Storybrooke in this episode. Rumpelstiltskin figures out a way for him to leave the town. All that is needed is an object of GREAT personal importance and a potion. However Hook steals Rumpelstiltskin’s object, a cloak of Baelfire’s and Belle tries to retrieve it and in the process frees Archie. Belle gets in a confrontation with Hook but Rumpelstiltskin comes and beats Hook up and Belle begs him to stop which he does.
Rumpelstiltskin is getting ready leave town at that cursed townline but as he says goodbye to Belle Hook shows up, shots Belle sending over the line making her forget everything. Rumpelstiltskin cures her wound with magic but as that is happening a car from Pennsylvania hits Hook and crashes. Also Archie tells Emma and Henry that Regina was framed by Cora.
The character past was alright. It was good showcasing of Belle that was good mirroring of her actions in Storybrooke and helped established Mulan and Phillip.
The Storybrooke stuff was alright till the end, then it blew up. The redemption arcs are all well and good but between Rumpelstiltskin and Regina it’s getting repetitive. Henry and Belle should hang out more. The end with Hook, Belle losing her memory and some outsider literally crashing into town made this episode way better. It will be interesting seeing Rumpelstiltskin move forward with Belle having so much amnesia.
Also Snow and Charming are having drama again. She wants to settle in Storybrooke and get a house and Charming wants to try and go back to their world because if something is worth it you have fight for it but Snow is tired of fighting. So much drama with these two.
Episode 12: In the Name of the Brother

Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin & Emilie de Ravin as Belle
Sigh, it’s another Frankenstein episode. This one takes place before and after the events of the first Frankenstein episode. It seems like Victor was the 2nd favorite child, out of two, and his dad doesn’t get his art erm science, so he is cutting him off. Rumpelstiltskin shows up and offers him money for learning about his science and sets him up with a heart. Victor tries get a body but his brother dies in the process and his brother becomes his monster.
In Storybrooke everyone is freaking out. Rumpelstiltskin is trying to get Belle to remember and also sets up a truce with Cora who wants her daughter’s love back. Cora also offers Rumpelstiltskin a globe thing that can locate his son. Cora sneaks around Regina’s house then disguises herself as Henry. The two do make up but who knows what Cora REALLY wants.
The Outsider is brought to the E.R and everyone is freaking out that a normal dude could have seen Rumpelstiltskin using magic. Dr.Whale is having issues dealing with being a monster but Ruby convinces him to live with his past and he saves the guy’s life. Emma questions him and he said he didn’t see anything because he was texting but at the end of the episode it’s revealed that he may have seen something.
Also Rumpelstiltskin is cashing in of the deal that Emma will do him a favor, it’s from the Cinderella episode. Wonder what she is up to? And what happened with Katherine and her love who is now the Gym teacher? Anyway Rumpelstiltskin wants Emma to go with him to find Baelfire. Does this mean a Roadtrip with Rumple???
DEAR GOD SHOW STOP IT! Emma’s lie detecting sucks. Stop making it a thing. Or Stop reminding me it’s a thing with it working sometime and not other. It’s such a plot crutch. Or did she not believe him? Who is this Greg Mendell guy? And who is “her”? The so-called lady who keeps calling him.
BUT wait there is more. So first thing, love that the Outsider’s ringtone was the Star Wars Theme. It was cute wink at Disney’s acquisition of Star Wars a few months before the episode aired.
Henry brings up a fair point that Frankenstein isn’t a Fairy tale character so they don’t know who else is in town, You know what else isn’t a Fairy Tale? Alice in Wonderland didn’t stop that one being in the book. Also where is Alice? So does this mean Frankenstein’s world is not the “real” but some book world? Do all books dwell in the same world like fairy tale world? But if the book doesn’t have magic is the same as the really world? I’m confused. Rumpelstiltskin has no issue going to the “book world of Frankenstein” but only the curse/bean can go to the real world? But also is Neverland is separate? Do all books have different worlds but Fairy Tales characters live together except Mulan who is originally for a poem? Hey Henry brought it up first? It just add so many more questions.
The episode was good for the most part. I’m not a fan of Frankenstein so Whale’s past and his conflict felt like filler. This episode seems to be trying to move the plot but it’s still setting itself up. It was good in parts, meh in parts and raised all sorts of confusion.