Federica Callori 2011-2012 Italian Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Federica Callori 2011-2012 Italian Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris










There is a Petition to get  a DVD made for the 2012 Italian cast of Notre Dame de Paris. While it’s not my favorite cast of Notre Dame de Paris a lot people love them I’m all in favor of more DVDs of Notre Dame de Paris which mean decent recording and footage.

If you would like to sign Click here, you need to registrar. I did,

I sign it with a “^^b”

Notre Dame Eye Shadow picture image

Notre Dame Eye Shadow

Sigma had youtube makeup gurus develop a make-up palette based on Paris called Sigma Paris Palette.  One of the shades was inspired by Notre Dame Cathedral and it’s a really pretty purple taupe with lots of glimmer. The Notre Dame was developed by  . I can’t help but to think how  cool would it be wear a shadow based on Notre Dame.

xteener has a great little Smoky Eye Turrial using the Notre Dame shadow along with others colors from the palette.

xteener complete Notre Dame de Paris look picture image

xteener's complete Notre Dame de Paris look

I think this look by xteener is a good one for the Notre Dame de Paris Esmeralda, albet a bit more theatrical for the stage   Wouldn’t it be cool if one of the Notre Dame de Paris Esmeraldas were to wear the Notre Dame shade, it would be such an inside joke for the Make-up department and the cast. But in all seriousness,  Esmeralda should get some more dramatic eye make-up, I mean Quaismodo, Frollo, Gringoire and Clopin all get drmatic make-up looks whearas Esmeralda gets a very basic smokey eye. It’s time for Esmeralda to get more dramatic eye make-up.

Federica Callori 2011-2012 Italian Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris  picture image

Federica Callori 2011-2012 Italian Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris


This video from the 10th anniversary Italian cast of Notre Dame de Paris from April 13th, 2012. I beilieve it’s Federica Callori as Esmeralda singing Zingara (Bohemienne).

I’m just going to say this I find a lot of casts of Notre Dame de Paris to have rather mechanical performances and it’s very noticeable in this song with Esmeralda.  You can see it in run toward up stage at 0:58 and her interaction with other people. It’s not just Callori many of the Esmeraldas don’t have that ease of motion that Esmeralda should have.

Helene Segara performing Bohemienne as Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Helene Segara performing Bohemienne as Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris

Say what you want about Helene Segara’s over-all performance, at least her movements felt natural and not forced.


Lola Ponce as Esmeralda Original Italian Cast Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Lola Ponce as Esmeralda Original Italian Cast Notre Dame de Paris

Lola Ponce was probadly one the best Esmeraldas to combine the choreography and her own natural moments.

What do you think? Do you find some of the Esmeralda’s moments mechanical and overly pre-planned, I mean I know they are but it shouldn’t feel that way. Or do you disagree with me and find the moments natural and fluid? Or do you have an opinion of Callori’s performance?  Your thoughts/opinions are very welcome ^_^