Djali Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Djali Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

I really can’t believe it’s been five years since this little blog  began.  Much like last year I want to express my thanks to everyone who reads, enjoys or just pass through here. Any interest means a lot to me.  I’m sorry I don’t have more for this post because five years deserves a little more but I have been a little burnt out of late I admit.  I do hope to continue the blog longer but I don’t know what the future holds but at least there will be TWO New Hunchback movie versions very soon, hopefully.

Sometimes it feels like ever since I started this blog there has been more Hunchback stuff around  but it’s probably because I’m just noticing it more but in my little vain heart I think it’s because of  me and this blog ^_~.


Anyway again thank you everyone for Five years. Maybe next year I can release a joke Hunchback E-book I have been wanting to write.


Disney Djali from Hunchback of Notre Dame

Disney Djali from Hunchback of Notre Dame

This blog started four years ago today. Two years ago I wrote a retrospective and last year released a Christmas e-book, this year I have nothing except to say thank you to all of you who read and enjoy this blog.

I had sort had intended to write my thoughts on where the blog is now and the future of it but I will hold off on that for now. Whatever happens in the future though I’m very grateful for the readership.

I try to get a post out everyday. Many times I schedule post a few days ahead of release however if posts become irregular or stop after Thursday it is because of a huge storm that   is predicted to hit the East Coast of the USA (Frankenstorm). The storm hits sunday but I’ve have post schedule till Thursday.  I’m not sure if the storm will hit or if I will loss power but I thought I would just leave a fair warning in case.

Patrick Fiori as Phoebus Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Patrick Fiori as Phoebus Notre Dame de Paris

July is over and so end  the Hunchblog’s first theme month. So did you enjoy it? Should I do more theme months?

Should I have more theme months?

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