Since it’s Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate 5 times Quasimodo and Esmeralda* actually got together at the end. And not in the tragic way like in the novel but in the happy romance kind. (* one of the “Esmeraldas” has a different name but she is essentially Esmeralda.)

Quasimodo d’El Paris 

Patrick Timsit as Quasimodo & Melanie Thierry as Esmeralda Quasimodo d'El Paris picture image
Patrick Timsit as Quasimodo & Melanie Thierry as Esmeralda

This odd modern comedic retelling does in fact have these getting together at the end. It’s a weird version to be sure but it does have it’s moments and it’s a nice change of pace for a live-action version having these two get together at the end.

The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo

Esmeralda & Quasimodo, The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo, Episode 10
Esmeralda give Quasimodo a little hug

While this Children’s TV Show version doesn’t in fact have Quasimodo and Esmeralda officially as couple, they are cute and flirty with each other and it was clear that was the direction for these two had the show gone on longer.

The Jetlag Version

Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image
Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace

The Jetlag version ends with them running off together after a very loving embrace.

Enchanted Tales

Melody and Quasimodo Enchanted Tales Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image
Melody and Quasimodo

Melody is essentially Esmeralda all except in name, so she counts. While the Enchanted Tales version is decidedly mediocre these two get married at the end and that is very romance.

And Last but not Least HUNCH!

Quasimodo and Esmeralda in Hunch, The Critic picture image
Quasimodo and Esmeralda in Hunch, The Critic

While this is a fake musical from the 90s show The Critic, it counts! In the show “Hunch” is an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical and it’s clear that Esmeralda and Quasimodo has a romantic attachment. (Put a pin in this one for now.)

Lon Chaney as Quasimodo 1923 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Lon Chaney as Quasimodo 1923 Hunchback of Notre Dame

Short answer, yes! As of now there have been two Hunchback movies that seemingly have never got their footing one being from Max Ryan that had a full cast list and the other was from Josh Brolin who just had the director attached. The real question is why should they make a new version?

Salma Hayek as Esmeralda & Mandy Patinkin as Quasimodo, 1997 The Hunchback picture image

Salma Hayek as Esmeralda & Mandy Patinkin as Quasimodo,

Hollywood technically hasn’t made a Hunchback movie since 1939. Disney of course made their version 1996, but Disney is a little separate from Hollywood. The other versions were from France, (1956, and 1999) and the other versions were TV movies (1977, 1982, and 1997.) So there has not been a designated Hollywood Hunchback in  nearly 80 years.

Quasimodo (Charles Laughton) alone at the end 1939 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo Charles Laughton, 1939 Hunchback of Notre Dame

So yeah there should a new adaptation for a more modern audience. But more than that, there are more reasons than just timeframe.  Pending on the type of the movie that the producers go for, Hunchback could be pure oscar bait. For instant it’s historical-based story with a high  pretension factor. Second make-up, one can get crazy with the Quasimodo’s make-up and people love the trope of the ugly dude with the beautiful soul and I think people on the internet eat that shit up. There also the real-life angle they could make with the Hunchback worker. Oscars LOVE movies based on true stories.

Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) dances, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) dances, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame

Also adding to the oscar bait factor, the academy loves itself and since it made up of mostly of actors they like movies about actors. Now there isn’t actors so much in Hunchback but Gringoire is a playwright and Esmeralda is a dancer so they are technically part of the larger industry.

Sets of the 1982 Version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Sets of the 1982 Version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame

They could also go other genre routes, like re-working the story to be like a super-hero movie. Super-hero movies are super popular though they have been waning in recent years. But Quasimodo fits a super-hero type, so it could work.

Esmeralda, Phoebus and Quaismodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda, Phoebus and Quaismodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

There is also the chance, albeit not a super strong one, of Disney doing a live-action adaptation of the Disney version.  This seems to a major trend with Disney right now.  I could see this happening more than an super-hero version or a pure oscar bait.

Josh Brolin Interview for Men in Black picture image

Josh Brolin Interview for Men in Black

I will say that I have no idea what Brolin version was trying to do but I would say given Brolin and the director it might have been a super-hero variety.  I couldn’t even guess on Max Ryan’s version.

But yeah, Hollywood make a new version. What kind of Hunchback version would you like to see?

(Post Script – Max’s Ryan’s movie is a going ahead as well as an  Esmeralda movie in the works)


These songs were judged based on how lame the song was musically and contextually. Originally I want to keep it to movie but I didn’t. Hunchback versions like Secret of the Hunchback, Jetlag, or Enchanted could have dominated this List but that a little unfair as they are very much the worst of the worst that everything about them is crap. So I’m limiting their amount. I pretty must keeping this movie version with one exception because it’s my list.

10.  A Guy like You, Disney

Gargoyles A Guy like you Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Gargoyles A Guy like you Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Compare to the other songs on this list, this is a masterpiece. However when you compare it to the other songs in the Disney movie, it’s really BAD. The song builds up Quasimodo’s confidence only to have it crash down right after this song.  However the way this done is by focusing on Quasimodo’s look and not his personality which is contrary to  whole point of everything in this movie.  However the music, singing and lyrics are all decent.

9. The Bells all Ring, Enchanted Tales

 Melody & Quasimodo, Enchanted Tales, Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Melody & Quasimodo, Enchanted Tales, Hunchback of Notre Dame

I once read a comment on this song that it lowers intelligence and yeah it’s pretty damn stupid. It comes out of nowhere and somehow this is the love song for Esmeralda and Quasimodo who just met.  But the bell imagery fits. So while it is indeed  very very stupid it’s harmless it won’t impact your intelligence too much.

8. Fa Fa Fa Fallen in Love, Hunchback II

Madeline and Quasimodo Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney 2 Sequel

Madeline and Quasimodo Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

This song is just a big ball of weird confusion. It is both pedantic and stupid and it proves it doesn’t understand the characters. First, it uses words like roundelay and madrigal but then it has lyrics that go “Oh, Wow”  and  has “Fa La La La” in the title whatever intelligence and cleverness it was trying to get out the big words is wasted.  But my annoyance with this song is  because it’s Quasimodo who have fallen in love and how big a deal it is that “Love has nailed him” and “Love’s derailed him.”  It really should be Madeline (the girl) who has been derailed. Quasimodo’s life goal has been to be love  so love can’t nail him or derail him when he has been working and hoping that this will happen to him.

7. Take your Cares and Toss Them, The Secret of the Hunchback

Gargoyles sing to Quasimodo,The Secret of the Hunchback picture image

Gargoyles sing to Quasimodo,The Secret of the Hunchback

One of the most infamous songs in The Secret of the Hunchback is the Gargoyles’ song. The Gargoyles’ song  is infamous because the gargoyles sing “doo-wa” in  a jazzy manner while wearing sunglasses and playing instruments. Oh it’s idiotic. The context is Quasimodo is imagining the gargoyles are cheering him up. So while it’s kinda of works in way  it just an excuse to get a singing gargoyle in the movie. The whole thing is a failure of execution but so is the rest of the movie.  I will say that this song does a better job of telling Quasimodo that he is awesome. In fact “you’re awesome” is an actual lyric. It’s lame but  given the movie it’s not surprising.

6. Frollo’s song, The Secret of the Hunchback

Frollo singing, The Secret of the Hunchback, picture image

Frollo singing, The Secret of the Hunchback

If Jafar and Gaston had a love child it would be this version’s  Frollo. In The Secret of the Hunchback, Frollo is the sheriff of Paris or something. His motivation is he wants the gold of Notre Dame and as this “villain song” implies he is going to use it to take over the world.  So yeah his motivations are generic and confused much like this song. Musically this song feels all over the place and ends with Frollo going very low which feels weird and out of place. But I give the singer some credit as he says “Forte” correctly, so that is something.

5. Si Tu Pouvais Voir en moi (If you could see inside me), Notre Dame de Paris (2001)

 Gio di Tonno as Quasimodo, Notre Dame de Paris Itlaian  version picture image

Gio di Tonno as Quasimodo, Notre Dame de Paris Italian version

While I do think another song Notre Dame de Paris is worst, I excuse it since it is a bridge song. This song was a bridge song before they turned it  into  Quasimodo’s judgmental song. This song was not original to the show. Originally it was a bridge song for a Frollo song but instead it’s Quasimodo singing about Esmeralda being shallow for not noticing his pure love and the other guys lustful intensions. The thing we got all that from “Belle” (one of the greatest hunchback songs ever)  and it’s just plain out of character for Quasimodo to sing those things. And considering it’s short and musically it’s only a few chords getting the character wrong is a major issue. And  to make matters worse this song doesn’t even have to exist as it’s a replacement song. I realllllllllly HATE this song.

4. Love is Everything, Jetlag

Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace

Love is Everything is ending song for the Jetlag  version and boy oh boy is it a lazy piece of exploitative deleted. Quasimodo sings about how love is awesome and he’s happy to be in love and to be loved Blah blah blah how many songs are like this? But they use the tune to “We Three Kings” which makes zero sense. At least it’s not a national anthem which some of the lazier Hunchback song use. Overall this song is lazy, stupid and boring.

3. Dance to the Music of Paris, Enchanted Tales

Melody, a.k.a Not Esmeralda,Enchanted Tales, Hunchback of Notre Dame  picture image

Melody, a.k.a Not Esmeralda, Enchanted Tales, Hunchback of Notre Dame

This song is the opening song for Enchanted Tales.  Unlike The Bells all Rings this song  attacks your intelligence. First  the song has no clue what time period the story takes place it. It uses the Can-Can as the melody. But this song is a  cesspool of horrific lyrics. Lyrics like “Oui Oui,” “ooo la la,” and “the food is delicious, it’s pure gastronomy but don’t ask what’s in it because it’s Paris mon ami.”  They also rhyme Rhythm with Rhythm.           They also repeat a TON of clips not in this part but throughout this version. This song is so complex in its awfulness that I can not even express it properly.

2. I’d Stick with you, Hunchback II


Quasimodo and Zephyr I'd Stick With You Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney Sequel 2 picture

Quasimodo and Zephyr I’d Stick With You Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

I’d Stick with you is a buddy  song between Quasimodo and Zephyr (Esmeralda & Phoebus’ son). It’s Zephyr posing a stupid scenario that if he was covered in glue would Quasimodo still be his friend. Oh My Goodness, is that Stupid. The song is just to show Madeline that Quasimodo is nice.  The song has this sing-song way about it makes you want to hit mute.  The lyrics are awful, half of them are set-ups so they can rhyme with “stick”.  It bad, really bad but there is one song that out stupids it.

1. Magic in your heart, Enchanted Tales

Melody, a.k.a Not Esmeralda in Jail awaiting death, Enchanted Tales, Hunchback of Notre Dame  picture image

Melody, a.k.a Not Esmeralda in Jail awaiting death, Enchanted Tales, Hunchback of Notre Dame

This song….this song…….(cries) what fuck is is this?  So ummmm, Melody a.k.a Not Esmeralda, has been arrested and sentenced to die and to make herself feel better she sings this uptempo abomination. She starts imagining that items in her cell came to life and start dancing around. Items like hay, iron bars, and stone blocks. She also gives instruments to mice.   Considering that she can make instruments come to life with annoying personalities, I find it hard to believe that this only her imagination. But the song has no purpose in a Hunchback version. I mean I guess it shows her character but Not Esmeralda never showed a personality other than blandly nice so there is no point to this. I mean she doesn’t seem at all concern that she is going to die.  The lyrics are crap, the visuals are stupid, context is shit, and the singing is grating.

Get all these movies and witness the awfulness yourself;

Disney/Sequel Blu-Ray

The Jetlag Version

Enchanted Tales

The Secret of the Hunchback
Notre Dame de Paris (Please Note- The song on the list isn’t in this version)


Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) gives Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) a drink, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) gives Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) a drink, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame

Much like the Jetlag version, the 1956 version of Hunchback follows the book pretty faithfully. Sure, they add things, remove things and combine things but this version is the most faithful  known movie version.

Anaykh craved on the wall, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Anaykh craved on the wall, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame


It starts with the theme of Anankh which they says means as “evil destiny.” Bit heavy-handed but at least it’s there in the movie.


Frollo (Alain Cuny) stares while Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) dances, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo (Alain Cuny) stares while Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) dances, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame

From there the movie follows the book. We have the Feast of Fools, Gringoire’s failed morality play, Esmeralda dances, Frollo is a preist who stares, Quasimodo is named King of Fools, Clopin begs, the kidnapping, Gringoire and Esmeralda are married, Phoebus is a sort of jerk, Frollo practices alchemy Djali spells, and we get that vault ending where after Esmeralda dies and placed into the vault at MountFaucon Quasimodo goes in and lays down beside her to die.


Frollo (Alain Cuny) and Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida), 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame, picture image

Frollo (Alain Cuny) and Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida), 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame


Pretty much the plot of the book is let intact. Of course there are somethings that were changed. First one, no Sister Gudule and Esmeralda is a Romani. Not the  biggest change as movie versions either don’t use this plot or handles it poorly. The second is that Frollo’s confession jail scene and the red door scene are merged. Personally, I love the jail scene it gives Frollo more characterization and the 56 Frollo would have been enhanced by it but again not a big deal I just wish it had been there.


THe Court of Miracles carry Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) out of Notre Dame, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

THe Court of Miracles carry Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) out of Notre Dame, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame

However one change that is big is the suspension of Sanctuary. In the book Frollo tells Gringoire that  Sanctuary is going to be suspended so that Esmeralda can be his power but this was a lie. However is turned into  reality when the Court of Miracles fell for it and rallied to save Esmeralda but the King thought that they wanted her death and then suspended it. In this version Frollo gets the King to suspended it and the Court tries to save her.  So the beggar are not tricked they try to save and they ultimately fail.

Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) dies, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) dies, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame


Unlike other  versions this is the first known version where Esmeralda dies. However unlike the book her death is different. As the Court of Miracles attacks Notre Dame and Quasimodo defends it, Esmeralda goes to the door and meets the Court. They triumphantly carry her out but then the King’s guard fire arrow at them. Esmeralda turns to run back inside Notre Dame but she is shot by an arrow and dies.

Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) dances, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) dances, 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame


It’s admirable that this version follows the book pretty faithfully but like also like the Jetlag version it’s plague with problems that hinders the overall quality of the  movie.



Next Article for the 1956 version- the character starting with Esmeralda.

Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) with Phoebus (Jean Danet), 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) with Phoebus (Jean Danet), 1956 Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda and Gringoire Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Gringoire

The Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame gets a pass on execution because it maintains the most of the original plot of the book which is rare to see with a movie adaptation of The Hunchback. It’s admirable that the production team did it but there is no excuse for just how lifeless and lazy the Jetlag version is. The nicest thing I can say about it is that the Jetlag version is dull, everything about it is dull; the characters, the colors, the songs, everything. It’s not an overall bad movie and but it’s not that enjoyable either. The only reason I would recommend watching it is to see the plot left pretty much intact but there is no depth or joy to this movie.

Next Version up for Review – It’s a secret. I’m also going to take a brief hiatus from my Hunchback movie reviews till January 8th. I’ll still post everyday but fewer articles.

There one big major glaring plot-hole in the Jetlag version of the Hunhcback of Notre Dame .

Frollo attack while Esmeralda and Phoebus embrace, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo attack while Esmeralda and Phoebus embrace, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame

During the ill-fate meeting of Esmeralda and Phoebus, after Phoebus is stab by Frollo, Frollo rips Esmeralda’s necklace off and throws it in the river where it drift down to Quasimodo who seems to be in the general area during the stabbing.

Quasimodo holding Esmeralda's Necklace, Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo holding Esmeralda’s Necklace, Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame

Why was he there? The film makes no indication of him following either Esmeralda or Frollo. Was he out taking a midnight scroll?  In the words of the Nostalia Critc  “Explain Movie, Explain.”

Esmeralda tells Quasimodo about Frollo Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda tells Quasimodo about Frollo

Now when Esmeralda realizes that Frollo is the one who stabbed Phoebus she runs to tell Quasimodo who doesn’t believe her. But When Quasimodo confronts Frollo at the end on bridge he says that he saw him stab the captain.

Frollo threatening Esmeralda, Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo threatening Esmeralda, Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame

So Quasimodo saw Frollo stab Phoebus but didn’t believe it? Or he saw it but didn’t know it was Frollo but we never see him come to the realization that Frollo did it? In fact, we never see Quasimodo realize that Frollo is no longer a nice person and inflicting pain on Esmeralda, the woman he loves.

Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge

In the book Quasimodo sees Frollo laughing at a dying Esmeralda and throws him off Notre Dame but he does it in a fit of rage but never quite understood why he did it. In the Jetlag version he sees Frollo trying to kill Esmeralda and he all like ‘yeah I saw you stab that guy even though I never really thought about it or seemed to even care about that incident, so you’re bad guy now it’s time to get wet and inconvenienced’ and over the bridge he goes. Got to wonder how high that bridge was, I mean Frollo’s comeuppance is getting wet whereas Quasimodo and Esmeralda may get to live happy ever after but they are chased out Paris and are basically criminals. But then again searching for logic or a deeper meaning to things in the Jetlag version is pointless as it was rushed, not thought out and lazy.

Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace Esmeralda in Sanctuary Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo and Esmeralda embrace Esmeralda in Sanctuary

Next Jetlag Article – The Epic Conclusion

Gringoire balancing a chair Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Gringoire balancing a chair Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame

Despite all of its negatives, the Jetlag version has one major positive that seems to eclipse the all negatives and that its adherence to the original plot of the book albeit with a happy ending and no deaths.

Frollo attack while Esmeralda and Phoebus embrace, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo attack while Esmeralda and Phoebus embrace, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame

A lot of the plot point from the original book are let in tact. Like Frollo as Priest and he starts off kind, there is the kidnapped attempt, Phoebus is a cad who tries to seduce Esmeralda even though he has a fiancée, Fleur de Lys, and does get stab by Frollo, Gringoire’s character is large let intact, Quasimodo is deaf etc.

Esmeralda, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda, Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Coming off the heels of the Disney movie which is very different than the book, to watch this version despite its lazy execution is very refreshing. However since Disney is a big company they couldn’t make Hunchback accurate to the book without offending people whereas Jetlag is a smaller company so they don’t have that concern. But more that Jetlag is a American-Japanese company so a lot the hang ups on making Frollo a lusty priest didn’t really apply. This also explain why Esmeralda has an anime look to her.

Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo throws Frollo off a bridge

Hunchback was Jetlag’s last production under the name GoodTimes before GoodTimes turned in a new company. This version of Hunchback came out on April 30th 1996. So it beat the Disney version but it’s release was meant to capitalize off of it. However, in direct competition to Disney movie the Jetlag version’s saving grace is that it maintain the plot whereas Disney didn’t and most people seem to forgive the laziness and the slow pacing of the Jetlag version because of this. If there was a film version that had good execution and maintain the plot of book than this version would fade into more obscurity. There are some version that come close but there is also something missing.

Next Jetlag article (almost done) – a major Plot hole

Esmeralda tells Quasimodo about Frollo Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda tells Quasimodo about Frollo

Like most of the other elements in the Jetlag version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame the animation is just lazy. But more than that it’s dull and joyless.

Quaismodo Jetlag The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quaismodo Jetlag The Hunchback of Notre Dame

First, the colors. They’re dull and muddy. If it was meant to be stylistic, it failed but I don’t think it was. I think the color story was done quickly and without much thought.

Baby Quaismodo, Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame   picture image

Baby Quaismodo, Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame

Second, the repeat animation. Quite often in this movie the animation will repeat frames of animation for what seems like an eon. It does this because it has to padded out the story. The movie also does this with still frames. The effect of this method is sheer boredom. It’s almost painful to have to sit there a watch baby Quasimodo wiggling around for a few seconds.

Esmeralda twirling, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Jetlag picture image

Esmeralda twirling, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Jetlag

Three, the movement of the characters. It’s awkward, weird and sort of jolty. Nothing looks smooth or fluid. Also the lip sync is bad. It gets very annoying. In fact at one point Fleur de Lys is talking but nothing in coming out of her mouth. This could be the dub cutting dialogue or repeat animation. Take your pick, either choice is the result of laziness.

Esmeralda and Gringoire Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Gringoire

More than that the screen composition and framing is just really dull and not interesting to look at. It just feels lazy, rushed and joyless which just further the boredom that this movie brings on.

Tormented Frollo Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Tormented Frollo Jetlag Hunchback of Notre Dame

The animation is just so soulless. There is not joy or style in it and it really makes the movie feel so much longer that 40 minutes.

Next Jetlag Article – Plot Adherence

Esmeralda & Phoebus Kiss while Frollo attacks Jetlag version Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda & Phoebus Kiss while Frollo attacks