Last time we looked at the Hunchback episode of Wishbone
, we looked at the parallel story in which Wishbone’s human friend, Sam, helps an underdog to play hockey. But how is the Hunchback retelling portion of the episode?
First off, due to the format of Wishbone the retelling of any of any the classic stories the show tells is severely abridged. The Notre Dame section is only about 10 minutes in length. There are only three principle characters; Quasimodo, Frollo, and Esmeralda. However Phoebus is mention but only as Esmeralda’s boyfriend.

Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame
The first and longest part of the Hunchback segment is Quasimodo (played by Wishbone) is saying that he should get out more and bam a second later he is at the Feast of Fools and crowned the “Prince of Fools.” (That’s a new one)

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame
The crowd laughs at him and makes quips at his ugliness but then we meet Esmeralda. She dances as both Quasimodo and Frollo watch. She stops when she see Quasimodo’s face and runs off. Frollo then yells at Quasimodo by telling expository dialogue about how they know each other.

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame
Frollo and Quasimodo then go into a tavern where the see Esmeralda dancing. Frollo watches her intently. He then tells Quasimodo to get her for him. As she leaves, Qausimodo approaches her and tells her to come with him or Frollo will hurt him. Just then Frollo comes up behind Esmeralda and tries to grab her. But she faints and Frollo runs off leaving Qausmodo to take the blame.

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame
The next time we go back to the Hunchback story, Quasimodo is on the pillory asking for water. Esmeralda walks up to Quasimodo and gives him water and Quasimodo is thankful.

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Frollo (Sean Hennigan), The Hunchdog of Notre Dame
The last segment of the story is the big rescue. Wishbone explains that Frollo attacked Esmeralda’s boyfriend but she is accused of the crime and is sentenced to death. As she brought up the gallows, Frollo stops her and tells her that he can save her if she accepts him but she rejects him.

Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame
Quasimodo watches on but relieve that he can do something. He leaps down and bits the pant leg of the hang man. As he does Esmeralda removes the rope from her neck (I guess her hands were not tied).

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena) and Wishbone as Quasimodo, The Hunchdog of Notre Dame
The two run towards Notre Dame but Frollo tries to stop them but fails. The two make it inside the cathedral and Esmeralda telling Quasimodo that “he is truly beautiful”. The End
And that is it. It’s very short and really only have like only 4 scenes and yet it still better than most made for video hunchback versions.
Next Wishbone article – Review of the Hunchback segment

Esmeralda (Lanell Pena), The Hunchdog of Notre Dame