When I say I’d Stick With You is the worse song in the movie I mean it, but it may not be the stupidest. Which is odd considering the lyrics of Fa la la la Fallen In Love, which based on the title, it qualifies as the stupidest song of the movie.

Gargoyles Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Gargoyles Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Gargoyles Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney 2
So the song is about how Quasimodo has fallen in love, that’s it. The song starts with the Gargoyles lamenting that their “boy” has grown (their boy is like 27) and in love but their lament is a fake because they’re happy that “Love has nailed him” then the crowd joins in about have love has “derailed him“. (Didn’t this happen more to Madeline???)

Gargoyles Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Madeline and Quasimodo plus crowd Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Madeline and Quasimodo Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney
Musically the song isn’t bad, it has a jovial and whimsical tone. The lyrics are one of the problems with this song. First off the song is called Fa la la la Fallen In Love and those are the bulk of lyrics. This is just stupid! But I think the “Oh Wow” lines are stupider. Now here the big problem, I can’t write this song off as completely stupid (and that pains me). The song uses a lot of word that I didn’t know. Like roundelay and madrigal. Roundelay is 1) a song in which a phrase, line, or the like, is continually repeated 2) the music for such a song 3) a dance in a circle; round dance. And Madrigal 1) a secular part song without instrumental accompaniment, usually for four to six voices, making abundant use of contrapuntal imitation, popular especially in the 16th and 17th centuries 2) a lyric poem suitable for being set to music, usually short and often of amatory character, especially fashionable in the 16th century and later, in Italy, France, England, etc 3) any part song. However both words are anachronism, I mean if your going to use pedantic words they should at least be fashionable to the setting. It’s funny that a song in a sequel would use GRE type words and be called Fa la la la Fallen, use that title as a Roundlay and use the line “Oh Wow” it’s mind boggling to say the least.

Madeline and Quasimodo Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Madeline and Quasimodo Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Madeline and Quasimodo Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney
I have another issue with the song. The song seems incredulous to the fact that Quasimodo could have fallen in love in the first place. Which is insane since Quasimodo wants to be in love because he think it looks nice. And this isn’t the first time Quasimodo has “fallen in love” remember Esmeralda, she broke his heart (or ripped it). The purpose of this song seems to be that a hard-hearted people has fallen in love which is evident in the lines “Love has nailed him” and “Love’s derailed him.” It seem more suited to Madeline and not Quasimodo. I mean Madeline as to overcome low self-esteem and has to get past Quasimodo’s deformity. What did Quasimodo have to do? Stare and listen to her. And further more why does the crowd care? When did Quasimodo become the Darling of Paris? Because the Darling of Paris is Esmeralda and is a 1917 Hunchback film version starring Theda Bara.

Madeline and Quasimodo Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Ariel & Jasmine’s Love Child Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Circle Dance (Roundelay) Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney
Fa la la la Fallen In Love is a dumb little song that uses big words for the sake of alliteration, which makes a level of sense because Quasimodo and Madeline’s relationship is founded alliteration as well lies but still it’s stupid. And no amount of smart and big words can help save it from it’s stupid title.

Madeline and Quasimodo Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Madeline and Quasimodo Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney

Divine Intervention End of Fa la la la Fallen In Love Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney
Next Time – I’m Gonna Love You ( a.k.a Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Vanity Project)

Jennifer Love Hewitt singing I’m Gonna Love you Hunchback of Notre Dame II Disney