Jean Danet as Phoebus,1956 Hunchback  of Notre dame  picture image

Jean Danet as Phoebus,1956 Hunchback of Notre dame

Phoebus is a character that can fulfill many different niches. He can be a jerk or the love interest pending on the direction the version is taking.

The 1956 version of Phoebus is different, he is a sort of jerk but he does in fact care.

Jean Danet as Phoebus & Gina Lollobrigida as Esmeralda,1956 Hunchback  of Notre dame  picture image

Jean Danet as Phoebus & Gina Lollobrigida as Esmeralda,1956 Hunchback of Notre dame

We first see Phoebus when he rescues Esmeralda from Quasimodo. He is, naturally, instantly attractive to her and proceeds to take her to an inn.  After he pays for the room Esmeralda runs off. This really doesn’t bother him all that much. The owner of the inn says that Esmeralda is too beautiful and wild  which is the kind of woman Phoebus always dreamed of.

Jean Danet as Phoebus & Anthony Quinn as Quasimodo, 1956 Hunchback  of Notre dame  picture image

Jean Danet as Phoebus & Anthony Quinn as Quasimodo, 1956 Hunchback of Notre dame

So it would seem that maybe Phoebus and Esmeralda could have worked out in this version if things had gone differently. I mean, yeah, he is engaged to Fleur de Lys and he seems to  like her enough. But Phoebus does tell Quasimodo that he wished he could have saved Esmeralda. So he does care for Esmeralda even if he is going to be with Fleur de Lys.

Jean Danet as Phoebus & Danielle Dumont as Fleur de Lys, 1956 Hunchback  of Notre dame picture image

Jean Danet as Phoebus & Danielle Dumont as Fleur de Lys, 1956 Hunchback of Notre dame

I could be reading into this a little too much or maybe I’m giving this Phoebus too much credit but it seems to me that Phoebus might have chosen Esmeralda and merely just settled for Fleur de Lys. I think if that was made more apparent in the film it would have given Phoebus a bit more pathos which makes sense as this movie has Anankh has its basis.

Plus it would make the audience connect more to him. However as it stands, two lines makes Phoebus a deeper  and more interesting character than Esmeralda, Quasimodo and Frollo  which is sad but still two lines isn’t enough make him sympathetic.

Jean Danet as Phoebus & Gina Lollobrigida as Esmeralda,1956 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Jean Danet as Phoebus & Gina Lollobrigida as Esmeralda,1956 Hunchback of Notre dame

Next Article on the 1956 version: Gringoire

Robert Hirsch as Gringoire, 1956 Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Robert Hirsch as Gringoire, 1956 Hunchback of Notre dame


I was reading an article on Moviefone about Movie monsters and love. The article looks at The Beast,  King Kong, The Phantom, The Wolf Man, Teen Wolf, Gill-Man, Swamp Thing, Shrek, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the Twilight boys and of course  Disney’s Quasimodo.

Esmeralda, Phoebus and Quaismodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda, Phoebus and Quaismodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

The write-up on Quasimodo and Esmeralda is basically the same old complaints with zero on incite to what the movie was trying to do.

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Quaismodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

The articles implies that Esmeralda is not in love with Quasimodo because he is ugly. I think that if Quasimodo was in fact good-looking or normal looking but had the same personally she still would not be in love him. She treats him like a child. She supports, him and wants him to succeed but while she like his kindness she doesn’t find it a turn on. Esmeralda seems to like confidence,  dry wit and kindness. Quasi doesn’t have have the first two traits at all.

Phoebus Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame sun god picture image apollo

Phoebus explaining his name Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Article also calls Phoebus vain? What? How do you figure? Is it because he say’s his name mean “Sun God?” Because he sounded more self-mocking than egoistical.

Esmeralda, Phoebus, and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo accepts Esmeralda and Phoebus as a couple Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

But I find it amazing that the general public are so quick to bring up the fact that Esmeralda does not fall in love with Quasimodo. The movie does several things which I have mentioned over and over (read here) to get the audience on the couple’s side. They share their first scene together, the have the snarky Disney couple trope, they have the same personality, they treat each like people not angels or devils, their animals have the same coloration. What else can this movie do? Did Quasimodo have to marry them? Because he did that but it was cut from the movie. He did join their hands and looks happy for them.

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre dame picture image

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre dame

I don’t want to say this movie is subtle but when it comes to getting that Esmeralda and Phoebus are perfect for each other, people either are in denial or really do just perceive Esmeralda as shallow when she doesn’t actually do anything really shallow  except fall in love with a guy that is like herself. But perhaps the main reason for people’s general denial of acceptance of this couple is because many people can relate to the protagonist and in him getting the girl  it gives us the viewers hope that we too can reach our goals.

Quaismodo Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quaismodo Bells of Notre dame reprise Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

However I will point that Quasimodo’s main goal was to be accepted by society which he was in the end. His mission from the start was to spend a day outside without fear not to fall in love. One could make the point that his goal changed when he met Esmeralda but it really just seemed that his attachment got twisted into love by the gargoyles and an overall love of love. He was never really in love with Esmeralda he was in love with a perception of her based on that it was his time talking  to a  female and she was nice to him. His affection for her was not a deep love it was a strong friendship.

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

I’m sorry to rant like this but it just so annoying that people complain about this so much.

Some background; When I was sorting out the pictures from the Asian Tour  I decided to make a sexy/romantic folder which I put into folder 20. It’s an accident that this folder coincides with Valentine’s day, but it seems appropriate doesn’t it?













Still from the Crocus City performances in Moscow.

Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn), 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn), 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Gotta say the 1956 version of Quasimodo was quite a disappointment. For a version that works so hard to maintain the plot of the book it really failed with Quasimodo’s character.

Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) & Frollo (Alain Cuny), 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) & Frollo (Alain Cuny), 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame


First off this Quasimodo isn’t a Hunchback, he is a slouch-back. He stands up fairly straight. I’m not sure if was this was the director trying to make Quasimodo more human or Anthony Quinn being lazy. My guess this was the director’s decision and I don’t agree.

You can’t really have the Hunchback of Notre Dame without the Hunch. If the director wanted to humanize Quasimodo he could have done it with the make-up but I think he missed the point. The point of Quasimodo is he the most human character but he looks like a monster. Having him not have the hunch takes away a big part of his character instead of being deformed he is just ugly.  Although in the pillory scene you do see a hunch,  too bad it disappears when he puts his shirt back on.


Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) giving flowers to Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) giving flowers to Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame


That is not it though, Quasimodo’s personality is very watered down to point where I’m not quite sure if he has one. He makes comments about people being bad but he spends most of his time mumbling and giggling. He just comes off a childish but with zero charm or interest.

You don’t feel for him; his pain, his love, his despair, nothing. So when we get the the original ending to the book in a movie you can’t feel anything because you have sent two hours not feeling anything for the emotional core of the movie.


Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) laying down next to Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) laying down next to Esmeralda (Gina Lollobrigida) 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The movie tries to make you feel for Quasimodo but due the performance you really can’t connect with this Quasimodo and that does weaken the second half of the movie. It’s like all the pieces are there to make an good Quasimodo but they don’t connect right and we’re left with a  half-form Quasimodo.

Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) on the Pillory 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) on the Pillory 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame


The only good thing to come from this Quasimodo is after Esmeralda gives him water he says ‘beautiful” or “Belle” and that inspired one of the greatest Hunchback songs ever.

Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) with a cat, 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo (Anthony Quinn) with a cat, 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame


Also why is Quasimodo holding a cat? What’s up with Hunchback versions instering cats into shots?

Next 1956 Article – Frollo

Frollo (Alain Cuny),  1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame  picture image

Frollo (Alain Cuny), 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame

I have playing League of Legends recently. So here are some the game’s champions as Quasimodo, Frollo, Phoebus and Esmeralda in the Belle pose from Notre Dame de Paris.

League of  Legend Champions in the Belle set up picture image

League of Legend Champions in the Belle set up


Quasimodo – Yorick (he’s a hunchback)
Frollo – Swain (he’s old looking)
Phoebus – Garen (he’s a knight)
Esmeralda – Sona (she a musician who actually make other champion dance)


The Hunch Marquee, The Critic picture image

The Hunch Marquee, The Critic

Since Today is the Feast of Fools/The Epiphany which is the day the Hunchback starts on, I thought I would take a break from Silly Sunday and review one most outstanding and most beautiful versions of Hunchback. Unfortunately this version is the shortest and it really is just a reference in a TV show but the shear masterpiece of this makes it more than a mere reference it’s a classic version on to it’s self.

Quasimodo with the Citizen of Paris in Hunch, The Critic picture image

Quasimodo with the Citizen of Paris in Hunch, The Critic

Of course I’m refereeing to musical version to from The Critic. In the episode Jay Sherman gets tickets to Andrew Lloyd Webber’s newest musical “Hunch.”

Quasimodo on the Pillory in Hunch, The Critic picture image

Quasimodo on the Pillory in Hunch, The Critic

This version centers more around Quasimodo and the citizens of Paris. It opens with Quasimodo tied to the pillory and the citizens blaming all their problems on Quasimodo.

Quasimodo and Esmeralda in Hunch, The Critic picture image

Quasimodo and Esmeralda in Hunch, The Critic

But Quasimodo takes it in stride and meets the lovely, innocent and kind Esmeralda. Quasimodo and her meet for a romantic picnic where they fall in love.

Quasimodo in Hunch, The Critic picture image

Quasimodo in Hunch, The Critic

However a misunderstanding occurs and Quasimodo is let alone in his stone deaf world. The silence is broken by the toll from the bells.

Jay Sherman is the luck audience member, The Critic picture image

Jay Sherman is the luck audience member, The Critic

A bell in then lower into the audience where one lucky person is blessed to be the bell’s clapper.

Jay Sherman, The Critic picture image

Jay Sherman, The Critic

It is in this moment that Quasimodo gets the courage to save day and wins the respect and acceptance of the people of Paris.

Quasimodo with the Citizen of Paris in Hunch, The Critic picture image

Quasimodo with the Citizen of Paris in Hunch, The Critic

This musical has lot of memorable numbers and brilliant lyrics. It also make full use of all the wonderful word-play and sight gags that can be done with the word “Hunch.” It’s quite apparent that Disney saw this fantastic and was like “let’s copy this” but Disney fails to capture the power, the magic and the overall spectacle of this timeless version. Even the beloved Notre Dame de Paris pales in comparison the the majesty of Hunch. Clearly Hunch is the most amazing and genius rendering on Victor Hugo’s novel ever made and it’s worthy everyone love and adoration.

Watch the Glory of it here

or enjoy it as it was ment to be view on a TV


What New Year’s Resolution would the characters from The Hunchback Notre Dame make?

Hunchback of Notre Dame Character Illustration by Francois Joseph Aime De Lemud

Hunchback of Notre Dame Character Illustration by Francois Joseph Aime De Lemud

Quasimodo – Enjoy Life More
Esmeralda – Get a Handsome Boyfriend
Frollo – Stalk her less
Gringoire – Get my tragic tale of woe published
Phoebus -Cheat on my Girlfriend less
Clopin -Get Organize
Djali – Learn a new word
Fleur de Lys – Spend more time with the loved ones
Jehan – Resolutions are too much work
Gudule -Find my Baby
Notre Dame – Go to Church more