Frollo drinks a green martini cocktail Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Frollo doesn't care for Green Cocktails


So I’m not a big drinker but I recently found a cocktail called an Esmeralda (though there are a lot of cocktails using that name). Anyway the cocktail that I found has Tequila (1.5), Angostura (Dash), Lime Juice (1 oz) and Honey (1 tbsp). I know it’s not related to Hugo’s Esmeralda but it sounds interesting. Though I have to wonder what would a cocktail inspired by the Hunchback Notre Dame Characters be like? Makes me wish I knew more abou t mixology.

I guess a “Frollo” would be dark, bitter & maybe with a hint chocolate (though we could just make a Mad Monk*), an “Esmeralda”  would be Fruity (or maybe we should call it a “Gypsy Girl”), and a “Phoebus” would be some kind of beer-like drink (he doesn’t strike me as the cocktail-type). I have no idea what a Quasimodo, Clopin, Gringore, Djali or a Fleur de Lys** would be like.

What do you think? What would a Hunchback inspired Cocktail be like? Someone out there must know more about mixology than me. ^^

*A Mad Monk is Frangelico (Hazel) (1 oz), Peppermint Schnapps (1 oz) hot chocolate, hot coffee and whipped cream.
**Actually there is a Fleur de Lys cocktail, it’s Stoli Raspberry Vodka(3.oz) and Cointreau (2oz)(Orange Liqueur) (which sounds nice to me ^^)

More Pictures of the Asian Tour.

Ian Carlyle as Clopin Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour picture image

Ian Carlyle as Clopin Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour

Dancer Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour picture image

Dancer Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour

Jane-Lily Young as Fleur de Lys Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour picture image

Jane-Lily Young as Fleur de Lys Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo & Candice Parise as Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour picture image

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo & Candice Parise as Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour

Robert Marien as Frollo Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour picture image

Robert Marien as Frollo Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour picture image

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour

Dennis Ten Vergert as Gringoire Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour picture image

Dennis Ten Vergert as GringoireNotre Dame de Paris Asian Tour

Finale Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour picture image

Finale Notre Dame de Paris Asian Tour

Der Glockner von notre Dame German Musical of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Der Glockner von notre Dame German Musical of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Cast Poster of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Cast Poster of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame








Der Glöckner von Notre Dame has a lot of differences from the Disney Film; some small some big. Here are the major differences in a nutshell (in no real order);

Jens Janke as Clopin in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Jens Janke as Clopin in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


Clopin with Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Clopin with Puppet Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame









No Djali or Achilles, Esmeralda dies, Quasimodo kills Frollo, Frollo was a Priest, Phoebus starts off somewhat of a philander, the gargoyles are 100% imaginary, the gargoyles have different names (Antoine, Charles and Loni opposed to Victor, Hugo and Laverne), the story is told as flashback by Clopin as an old beggar man who doesn’t use puppets, Esmeralda is shown out of Notre Dame rather than Quasimodo holding her while climbing down, The Court of Miracles Song is replace by a dance number, the archdeacon brings a wounded Phoebus to Quasimodo and Out There is split between two songs.


Frollo and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Frollo and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


Frollo and Quasimodo Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image

Frollo and Qausimodo Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney









Some of these differences don’t add too much but some add a great deal because some of these differences add Character Development. Quasimodo gets an arch in the stage version. Like in the Disney movie Quasimodo starts off naive, he wants to see the world for himself despite what Frollo tells him, however in Glöckner Quasimodo does not come off as gentle as he does in the movie and his emotions are more intense. This gives way for more interesting character development. Also in the movie Quaismodo claims to believe Frollo only out of fear for Frollo not because he actually believes him. In Glöckner it seems that he fully trusts Frollo  at the beginning, they even make a point of  mentioning Quasimodo lying to Frollo for the first time at the end of Act I when Quasimodo denies knowledge of Esmeralda’s escape to Frollo. Quasimodo’s trust in Frollo makes Quasimodo killing Frollo at the end all the more dramatic.


Quasimodo, Esmeralda and Phoebus performing Weil du Liebst Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo, Esmeralda and Phoebus performing Weil du Liebst Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Phoebus and Esmeralda Kiss Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Phoebus and Esmeralda Kiss Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







It’s not just Quasimodo to get a character development Phoebus gets an arch too. He starts off as a guy who just wants to have fun and views his new position as a path for “Rest and Recreation.” But through interactions with Esmeralda he learns that he would rather be “good’ than do what his boss tells him i.e burning an innocent family to death. Esmeralda doesn’t exactly get character development but her backstory  about of how she gets into trouble and is forced to move around because she expresses her opinion without a filter makes her at least a little more human and flawed. Disney’s Esmeralda was just too perfect, some goes for Disney Phoebus.

Norbert Lamla as Frollo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Norbert Lamla as Frollo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame









However I don feel that Frollo’s backstory was unnecessary (Frollo’s background as a Priest). I know what Glöckner was trying to do and as a fan of the book I do appreciate that they tried to make Frollo like he was in the book but it didn’t really add to any character development or an arch. To my knowledge Frollo being a former Priest  was only mentioned once. I guess it adds a single shade of a backstory to him but most megalomaniacal people in power position don’t really need a reason to think they are better than most people. Plus why would someone who was once a Priest decide that the best way to cleanse to the world (or in this case Paris) of vice and sin was to promote genocide and corporal punishment? If anything Glöckner’s Frollo being a Priest adds further questions to his character and backstory. At least Disney’s Frollo was just a megalomaniacal mad man who has power and was having a control issue.

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame image picture

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda reading Quasimodo's palm Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame







I do think a lot of changes between the film and stage version were good and added something that was missing from the original Disney film. However adding things from the book  to make a compromise between the book and the Disney film really didn’t work that well. Maybe had the spent some more time developing Frollo it could have worked but it really didn’t.


Next time – Conclusion

Esmeralda Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

More Pictures of the Asian Tour Cast of Notre Dame de Paris, Enjoy

Dennis Ten Vergert as Gringoire Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Dennis Ten Vergert as Gringoire Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Refugees Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris image picture

Refugees Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmerealda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmerealda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Matt Laurent as Quaismodo & Robert Marien as Frollo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Matt Laurent as Quaismodo & Robert Marien as Frollo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Lilly-Jane Young as Fleur de Lys Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Lilly-Jane Young as Fleur de Lys Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Stephen Webb as Phoebus Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Stephen Webb as Phoebus Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Asian Tour Cast Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Asian Tour Cast Notre Dame de Paris

Denis Lavant in Tuvalu as Anton picture image

Denis Lavant in Tuvalu as Anton

I Saw Tuvalu on a whim and though it was an odd movie but I enjoyed it. Who wouldn’t like a movie that is german expressionism revival about a love triangle sets in a collapsing bathhouse and that is a practically silent film. No seriously as odd as this film is it’s very enjoyable but one thing that struck me while watching it was Denis Lavant, who played the lead. Watching him in Tuvalu convinced me that he would make the perfect Quasimodo.

Denis Lavant picture image

Denis Lavant

Why would he make a perfect Quasimodo? First Lavant has made career on his unique face. A unique face is a plus for a Quasimodo. He’s not just some pretty-boy that put a heap of make-up on. Lavant’s natural roughness would add to Quasimodo’s pathos and make it feel more natural.  Second he has the ability to act without speaking which I think a person playing Quasimodo should have given that Quasimodo is a psychically demanding role.

Denis Lavant picture image

Denis Lavant

In my mind Denis Lavant was born to play Quasimodo. Watch Tuvalu or another one of Denis Lavant’s movies and see if you agree. I recommend watching Tuvalu though to really get a understanding of Lavant’s potent as Quasimodo.

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame image picture

Esmeralda and Quasimodo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

I’ve made no secrets that I love costumes but I got to say the costumes in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame do nothing for me. For the most part they are pretty generic. The costumes were design by Sue Blane of Rocky Horror fame but I feel like there was little to no real effort put into them.


Frollo and Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Frollo and Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

My first problem is the use of colors. Costumes used in musicals  can help identify the characters and colors are a great way to do this. When colors are used like that they can add a style to the overall look of the show. Some examples are  Romeo and Juliet where Montagues are in Blue and Capulets are in Red. Notre Dame de Paris also does a good job of using colors to distinguish the characters Esmeralda- Green, Quasimodo- Red, Frollo- Black ect. In Glöckner Quasimodo wears red but so does Esmeralda, Clopin wears brown, Frollo wears Black and Purple, Gargoyles in grayish taupe, Phoebus is wears Dark Blue and Gold? So the colors they wear do not make characters stand out from each other.


Judy Weiss as Esmeralda in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Judy Weiss as Esmeralda in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

A second problem is the details on the costumes. It not that they’re badly done, it’s just that, if you’re sitting in the audience of the show you’re not going to see them. Little details don’t work in musicals. So the lace on Esmeralda’s Blouse and embroidery on her corset  are lost to the audience. All the costumes I’m sure are lovely up close but it’s wasted from the audience’s perceptive.


Quasimodo with Antoine, Charles and Loni Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo with Antoine, Charles and Loni Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

The one costume(s) that I like are the a gargoyles, at least they have a sense of drama and design to them. Quasimodo is hardly ugly, Esmeralda looks like she threw together a renaissance fair costume from her closet, Phoebus looks more like a musketeer than Burgundian  Knight, the Archdeacon’s costume looks way too modern and Frollo’s costume just looks like they copied  Frollo’s costume from the 1939 version, fitting given that Disney copied that movie but kind of lazy. Clopin has two costumes, the beggar and the King of Gypsies, and yet I don’t get a true sense of personality from either one. There is just no cohesion to these costumes, no style no real personality that makes these costume feel like they belong to the show.

Esmeralda and Clopin Tanz auf dem Seil Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Clopin Tanz auf dem Seil Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Next Time – Stage vs Film

Der Glockner von notre Dame German Musical of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Der Glockner von notre Dame German Musical of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Cast Poster of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Cast Poster of Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

In honor of my 200th post I decided to do something special. So I made a Comic entitled Quasimodo’s Date. Enjoy.

Quasimodo's Date Comic Made by The Hunchblog

Comic made by me, if you wish to post it somewhere else, please give the Hunchblog credit.

Another round of picture from the  Asian Tour Cast of Notre Dame de Paris. Enjoy the pictures

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Gringoire during the Court of Miracles Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture

Gringoire during the Court of Miracles Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

The Cast of the Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

The Cast of the Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris