On 2/12/12 Lindsay Ellis (Nostalgia Chick) released a list of the Top Ten Hottest Animated guy. The list was compiled with a survey she conducted on her Facebook page and Twitter with women writing in their top pick of the Hottest animated guy from 1995-2002. And the character that came at number 10 was Disney’s Frollo.

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo singing Hellfire Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Now Ellis suggested that women prefer character to physical appearance. And these characters are usually “projects”, men women can change. And with the case of Frollo he is the most sexual overt Disney character and yet very put off by it, making him relatable and yet torture. But given the fact that he kills people he is also a bad boy. And the mere fact that people generally think that if Frollo could fulfill his sexual desire this would cure him of his obsession and genocidal tendencies, which wouldn’t happen but this adds to the sexual fantasy.

Frollo Hunchback of Notre Dame groping Esmeralda Disney picture image

Frollo groping Esmeralda


Now given that Frollo was the villain and villains are never meant to be attractive it’s interesting to mention that Frollo was the only villain to make this list. Maybe this is because of the Disney villains, he’s the most interesting and has the most characterization.


Phoebus Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Phoebus Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

Quasimodo gazing at Esmeralda Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image

Quasimodo gazing at Esmeralda

I do have to wonder if Disney had handle Phoebus’ character differently would be have made the list? Phoebus could have easily been a bad boy who gets reformed, I mean he did in the book. And given that women aren’t has put off by looks, if Quasimodo was more tormented could he have made the list? My guess, Phoebus yes but Quaismodo no. Disney would have never, never made him tortured, Quasimodo was suppose to  be gentle, kind and innocence which are majors turns off. But it’s also might help that Frollo that he was in a power position, he can burned all of Paris and meets no opposition from anyone, except justice freaks Phoebus and Esmeralda.

Frollo Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney picture image

Frollo Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney

Would I have sited Disney Frollo as one the “Hottest Animated Guys”? Gotta say no, I wouldn’t, I like him as a character but I don’t find him “Hot”  at all.

Not that anyone at Thatguy needs me to drive traffic to them but here is the link to the video, you can find out who else is one the list and who is #1

This is the eighth part of my review on the music of Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Wie aus Stein

Drew Sarich as Quasimodo in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Drew Sarich as Quasimodo in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


Wie aus Stein is Quasimodo’s despair song. The song is lifted from the movie when the gargoyles are trying to convince Quaismodo to save Esmeralda who is moments away from death. In the  musical this scene occurs the night before Esmeralda is to be sentenced and instead of a short scene between the gargoyles and Quasimodo, we have a song.

This song is Quasimodo at his most angry and his most broken-hearted. He is clearly angry at the gargoyles as they don’t understand his pain as they’re made of stone and he wishes he was like them. He regrets his emotions and wishes they would go away. I really can’t not imagine the Disney movie Quasimodo getting this angry and morose. Plus it’s nice to hear Quasimodo really telling off the gargoyles.

The title Wie aus Stein (Made of Stone) is taken from the original book when Quasimodo mournfully asks why he wasn’t made of stone. He’s not exactly angry in the book but more sad that he is in love with Esmeralda and can’t really do anything about it.

Musically this song is great it has  wonderful tension and drama. Quasimodo voice moves though  these soft parts  like suppressing rage and parts him fully expressing his rage with great power in his voice.  Quasimodo’s angry and despair really come though.

I really enjoy this song, it’s a great way to showcase the singer for Quasimodo. I find this song oddly additive and it’s one of my favorites from the show.

Watch a video clip of Wie aus Stein here



Ann Christin Elverum as Esmeralda singing Einmal Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Ann Christin Elverum as Esmeralda singing Einmal Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


Einmal (Once) is the song Someday which was created as a second option for the song used in the “Esmeralda Prayer” sequence in the movie. However Someday was used as the credit song which had two pop song recording.

Einmal occurs after Frollo gives Esmeralda his ultimatum in jail (Be Mine or Die). Esmeralda considers taking it if only to save Phoebus. Phoebus tells her she should do it for herself, so she can live. Esmeralda  says she doesn’t consider a life with Frollo living. She then sings along with Phoebus and eventually with Clopin and the ensemble about how she hopes the world will learn after countless war and  bloodshed to live and not to hate.

Unlike Someday, Einmal’s lyrics are less soft and gentle. In Someday. Esmeralda sings about the world becoming more mature and in Einmal she sings about the world learning after making mistakes. The song ends as Esmeralda about to be put to death which makes this song all the more poignant and dramatic as Esmeralda dying wish for the world.


Judy Weiss as Esmeralda singing Einmal Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Judy Weiss as Esmeralda singing Einmal Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


Muscially it’s a pretty song and while I like the inclusion of Phoebus, Clopin and the crowd, this means Esmeralda does not get a solo song of her own, which I find a bit sad.  But as the song stands on it’s own merits, it is quite lovely and powerful with the overlays of singing.  And like Wie aus Stein it’s high on my list of favorites from the show.

Watch a video clip of Einmal here


A Final Thought on these songs;
Wie aus and Einmal are very nice counterpoints to each other in both mood and meaning. In Wie aus Stein we have Quasimodo who is depairing in life and in Einmal we have Esmeralda who has hope as she about to die. It a just a nice example of selfness vs altruism in the show, and I love contrast.


Next Time – The Grand Finale,

Molten Lead Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Molten Lead Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


In the Spirit of Valentine’s Day I want to pick Fan-Art that was romantic in nature but then I saw this;

Notre Dame Pick Up Lines by Samahatter

Notre Dame Pick Up Lines by Samahatter

It was so silly and on point that I had to post it this week. Art by SamaHatter. I also like the mixing of the Hunchback sources as inspiration for how the guys look also I love the cute style.

This is the seventh part of my review on the music of Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Weil du liebst

Quasimodo, Phoebus and the Gargoyles Der Glöckner von Notre Dame image picture

Quasimodo, Phoebus and the Gargoyles Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Weil du liebst (Because/Out of Love) occurs after Frollo makes his threat against Esmeralda and the Court of Miracle while Phoebus is trying to convince Quasimodo to leave Notre Dame and help warn her.

Unlike the Disney movie, Phoebus is softer and more understanding with Quasimodo’s hesitation. Phoebus understands why Quasimodo does not want to leave and he tells him it because of the love that he must do it. It also interesting to mention that Phoebus has not solidify a romance with Esmeralda yet. Unlike the Disney movie, it’s the Archdeacon who asks Quasimodo to hide Phoebus. So Phoebus is being a bit more altruistic here.

Also I want to point out that Phoebus was a jerk in this scene in the Disney movie. He told Quasimodo that he owns Esmeralda for helping him. However Esmeralda helped Quaismodo from the crowd partly because she pulled on stage and she had a sense of guilt about it and Quasimodo already repay her when he helped her escape Notre Dame, so he actually owns her nothing, bad argument Phoebus. This scene/song is a VAST improvement to the Disney counterpart.

Musically this song uses a bit from Ein bißchen  Freude at the beginning but it turns gentle and sweet. The gargoyles get in on that song and help convince Quasimodo to help.

It’s a nice song but I feel that it exists more for the reprise than the set-up.

Tanz der Zigeuner

Dance of the Gypsies Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Dance of the Gypsies Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Tanz der Zigeuner (Dance of the Gypsies) replaces the song “Court of Miracles” from the movie. On it’s own it’s a fun little instrumental dance number that provides levity before the show gets dark.

Musically it sounds like Gypsy music with the melody from Tanz auf dem Seil. I just wish this could have existed along side Court of Miracles  since it was one my favorites from the movie. Oh well, can’t have everything I suppose. Still it a nice addition to the show and I enjoy it.

Weil du liebst (Reprise)

Quasimodo, Esmeralda and Phoebus performing  Weil du Liebst Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo, Esmeralda and Phoebus performing Weil du Liebst Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Weil du liebst Reprise a.k.a Esmeralda & Phoebus are in love and Quasimodo gets the shaft. So after Phoebus and Quasimodo warn the Gypsies, Phoebus and Esmeralda decide to leave Paris together. While Esmeralda and Phoebus declare their love Quaismodo watches them heartbroken.

The song gives Phoebus and Esmeralda a love song which was sorely missed from the movie but in this song the love story has a complexity. Neither of them ever envisioned being in love. The song also works to contrast against Quasimodo’s heartbreak better than in the movie. In the movie Phoebus and Esmeralda kiss and Quasimodo thinks of Heaven’s Light and he rips up an Ace of Hearts playing card. In this song Quasimodo pain is more felt though his singing. But then against Quasimodo in the show is a bit more angry and less “boyish”. However the presentation of Phoebus and Esmeralda singing lovingly against  Quasimodo’s pain could have worked in the movie as the focus doesn’t leave Quasimodo which was very important from the Disney movie directors (eye-roll) and it doesn’t kill the pace as they sing this before fleeing which makes more sense than a wedding.

Musically the song uses Weil du liebst, Das Licht des Himmels and a touch of Draußen at the end.

I really enjoy this song it provided enough levity and yet angst before the ball drops completely on the angst.

Next Time- Wie aus Stein & Einmal

Ann Christin Elverum as Esmeralda singing Einmal Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Ann Christin Elverum as Esmeralda singing Einmal Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Benjamin Lacombe is a French artist who has illustrated several books his latest is Notre Dame de Paris which was released November 30th 2011. His work has a gothic anime feel  that I find appealing but I’m not sure why. I’ve seen stuff akin to it but there is something about his work that I find appealing maybe it’s the use of color or the composition. Currently the book is only available in French. Other work by Benjamin Lacombe

Click the link to buy  Benjamin Lacombe’s Notre-Dame de Paris Part 1 from Amazon France

And now some pictures;

Benjamin Lacombe' s Cover of Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Benjamin Lacombe' s Cover of Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame and Paris by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Notre Dame and Paris by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

Esmeralda by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Esmeralda by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

Quasimodo by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Quasimodo by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

Esmeralda and Djali by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Esmeralda and Djali by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris

Esmeralda by Benjamin Lacombe Notre Dame de Paris picture image

More Pictures of the Asian Tour cast of Notre Dame de Paris for everyone. Please Enjoy!

Dennis Ten Vergert as Gringoire Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Dennis Ten Vergert as Gringoire Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour of Notre Dame de Paris Pictures image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour of Notre Dame de Paris

Stephen Webb as Phoebus and Lily-Jane Young as Fleur de Lys Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Stephen Webb as Phoebus and Lily-Jane Young as Fleur de Lys Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Robert Marien as Frollo and Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Robert Marien as Frollo and Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda and Dennis Ten Vergert as Gringoire Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda and Dennis Ten Vergert as Gringoire Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Cadice Parise as Esmeralda performing Court of Miracles Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Cadice Parise as Esmeralda performing Court of Miracles Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda and Matt Laurent performing the Pagan Ave Maria Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda and Matt Laurent performing the Pagan Ave Maria Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo and Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo and Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Dancers performing Attack on Notre Dame Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Dancers performing Attack on Notre Dame Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Comment if you like these Notre Dame de Paris Picture Posts. ^_~

I’ve  found a ton of pictures from the Asian Tour Cast  but in an effort to keep my sanity I’m going to post them over a series of posts, so Enjoy!

Dennis Ten Vergert as Gringoire Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Dennis Ten Vergert as Gringoire Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Parisv

Ian Carlyle as Clopin Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Candice Parise as Esmeralda Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Stephen Webb as Phoebus and Lily-Jane Young as Fleur de Lys Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Stephen Webb as Phoebus and Lily-Jane Young as Fleur de Lys Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Dancer Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Dancer Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Court of Miracles Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris  picture image

Court of Miracles Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris


Stephen Webb as Phoebus Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Stephen Webb as Phoebus Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Robert Marien as Frollo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Robert Marien as Frollo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris picture image

Matt Laurent as Quasimodo Asian Tour Notre Dame de Paris

I was doing some research at work a few days ago on Russian Animation and I found these pictures (which have nothing to do with Russian Animation.) In fact these pictures are concept art by Rowland B. Wilson. Wilson created production art for Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame as well as The Little Mermaid, Tarzan and Hercules.


Quasimodo by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quasimodo by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda and Djali by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda and Djali by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Frollo by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Frollo by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Gargoyle by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Gargoyle by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Rats by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Rats by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Bats by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Bats by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Pigeons by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame pictures image

Pigeons by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Birds by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Birds by Rowland B. Wilson Disney the Hunchback of Notre Dame

This is the fifth part of my review on the music of Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


Esmeralda saving Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda saving Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


Esmeralda is the closing number of Act 1 so it’s high on drama and plot.  This song takes place when Frollo is searching for Esmeralda and Phoebus realizes  that he would rather be “good than smart”, (morality over career ambition) and he disobeys Frollo.  After he stands up to Frollo, Frollo condemn his to death and Phoebus flees with Esmeralda’s help.  Frollo then begins to burn down Paris for Esmeralda while Quasimodo worries.

Musically this song is  the melody that Clopin and Esmeralda sing in Tanz auf dem Seil and Draußen. However there are other melodies floating around in this piece and therefore it have more of  mash-up feel.

Frollo and Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Frollo and Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

What I like about this song is that it speaks to the basic plot of Hunchback, three men one women. There is another famous Notre Dame song like this, mmm but it’s name escapes me, what could it be? The inclusion of song is needed to get the point of what Esmeralda does to this cross-section of men, granted it’s different than in the book or the Disney movie especially with regards to Phoebus. Phoebus in the Disney movie didn’t have any character development, he started morally good and ended morally good. In the Book he is a philander but after his meeting with Esmeralda and getting stabbed by Frollo be commits himself to his fiancee Fleur de Lys. In this musical he starts off with career ambition and he wants to have a good time but after he meets with Esmeralda and is pushed by Frollo he decides to act in accordance with doing the right things, morally (ie. not burning innocents because the boss is crazy). Quasimodo here is worried about Esmeralda’s safety and Frollo wants her dead or to be his woman, either is fine. The point is this song shows that Esmeralda creates powerful emotions and with exception of Frollo the Disney version didn’t explored that part of the story.

Esmeralda Der Glöckner von Notre Dame image picture

Esmeralda Der Glöckner von Notre Dame


All in all Esmeralda is a very dramatic song that ends the first act perfectly with Phoebus falling into a river. Mmm that reminds me of another Hunchback musical where the first act ends with Phoebus getting injured, mmm which one was that?

Click here to watch a video of Esmeralda being performed on Stage

Note – this song made my list of the top Ten Best Hunchback song which was my fist squidoo lens. Click Here to go there now

Next time – Trommeln in der Stadt & Ein Mann wie du

Mob Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Mob Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

This the fourth part of my review on the music of Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Das Licht des Himmels

Drew Sarich as Quasimodo in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Drew Sarich as Quasimodo in Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Das Licht des Himmels (Heaven’s Light) is identical to the Disney version. The minor difference is that a used piano during the part where Quasimodo calls Esmeralda an angel. That’s it. It’s still sweet and is a good counter to Quasimodo’s bitterness of his unrequited love.

Das Feuer der Hölle

Norbert Lamla as Frollo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Norbert Lamla as Frollo Der Glöckner von Notre Dame

Here’s a question for all of you, What do like about Hellfire in the original Disney movie? Is it the song itself? Tony Jay’s singing? The Animation? Or the fact that this song about hell and lust was produced under the Mouse?  And when those things like the animation, Tony Jay and the Disney movie context are removed is the song still as awesome?  I would like to say yes but this version is not my favorite, there is something about the way Norbert Lamla sings it that just devoid of the emotional intensity that Jay gave it. I’m not saying Lamla is a not a good singer because he is. I think he maybe trying to mimic Jay’s performance. Maybe this is number is more amazing on stage than it sung.  Though from what I’ve read the stage re-creates the Disney Hellfire sequence. But it just doesn’t compare to the Disney version but it couldn’t have been better in it’s own right.

Next Time – End of Act 1 Esmeralda

Esmeralda saving Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame picture image

Esmeralda saving Phoebus Der Glöckner von Notre Dame