Today’s Question is Who would win in a cat-fight, Esmeralda or Fleur de Lys? To answer this excellent question we must first identify who are the Fleur de Lys and Esmeralda in question. Since Fleur de Lys gets the most characterization in the musical Notre Dame de Paris version we’ll choose that one and for consistency well take out cue from that Esmeralda as well.

Okay we have are Fighters, Let’s look at the stats;

Esmeralda vs Fleur de Lys Notre Dame de Paris

Esmeralda vs Fleur de Lys

Neither of them have good strength. Esmeralda has excellent dexterity and agility that helps her evade attacks. She has excellent charisma but doesn’t help in this fight. Fleur de Lys has a Constitution so she can endure a fight longer. She also has high stats in wisdom, perception and luck.

Mmm… they seem to be  evenly matched. However we can’t forget personalities. Esmeralda is sweet and I don’t think she much of a fighter and Fleur de Lys is  a ruthless, calculating bitch. She strikes me as someone who fights dirty while that notion wouldn’t even cross Esmeralda’s mind.

I would say that the winner would be Fleur de Lys, Esmeralda won’t even know what hit her.

Every now and again I get hits from people searching odd questions. So I’m going to start answering your searched questions. I’m going to answer these questions with the all the academic-ness/pedantic-ness I can muster (it’s more fun that way)

Today’s Question: Why is Esmeralda so stupid?

This isn’t actually a “stupid” question like the Big Bird Question but let’s answer it.

19th Century Illustration of Esmeralda with Dj

19th Century Illustration of Esmeralda with Dj


So to answer this question we have decided which Esmeralda is the question referring to. I doubt it’s Disney’s as she is considered to be “Street smart”, my guess this question is refering to the book.

Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wiertz

Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wiertz


Is Esmeralda stupid in the book? Well she is and she isn’t, first let’s explain why she is  not stupid. Esmeralda is smart enough to know that dancing in front of  Notre Dame is profitable. She also knew enough that doing things like fortuning telling would get her into trouble so she never did it.   She also is smart enough to know that people are amused by novel tricks and teaches a few to her goat Djali. I’m not sure how easy it to train a Goat to do tricks but if it’s not smart than it’s talented. She also taught Djali how to spell “Phoebus” which means she need to know how to read at least somewhat and in the 15th the literacy rate was significantly lower. So she at least a smart performer and had some practicality even if these trick are her undoing.

Painting of Esmeralda and Sachette by Nicolas-Eustache Maurin

Painting of Esmeralda and Sachette by Nicolas-Eustache Maurin


Now here is the real question, are her actions that are considered  stupid actually naivety? The answer is yes, she is “worldly” as she traveled around Europe but she was sheltered by her group. As result she is very naive. She truly believed Phoebus’ lies because she never dealt with men and she believed it at the end when she mistakingly reveled herself to the soldiers that were sent to arrest her, that Phoebus would help. Arguably this is her stupidest move as it results in not just her death, but her mother’s, Frollo’s and Quasimodo’s deaths as well.


Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wilhelm Marstrand

Painting of Esmeralda and Djali by Wilhelm Marstrand


So while Esmeralda isn’t exactly the brightest bulb in the package she’s not exactly “so stupid” just a bit of a “Dum Dum”. Her stupidity is the result of being young and immature. Can you really say you did nothing stupid at 16?


If you search an odd question and find the Hunchblog (and I notice it) I’ll answer it or better yet leave a comment with your weird/odd questions and I’ll answer them in a post. The weirder the better. Normal questions  are welcome too.