Episode 20: The Evil Queen

Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White & Lana Parrilla as Regina Season 2 Episode 20 The Evil Queen, ABC Once Upon a Time picture image

Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White & Lana Parrilla as Regina

Poor Queen Regina, no one likes her. In this episode Regina wants Snow White dead, of course, and hates that the subjects prefer Snow to her. Rumpelstiltskin disguises her as commoner to learn about the common people and kill Snow. However Regina and Snow hang out and Snow thinks there is good in her that is until Snow sees the village Regina has slaughtered and takes it all back.  Regina then decides she doesn’t want her people to love her but fear her for she is The Evil Queen.

A lot in Storybrooke this episode. It’s introduced that the curse has a fail-safe trigger that will destroy everything. Regina plans on using it and having her and Henry escape back to the Enchanted Forest.  Regina and Hook, who has double crossed Greg and Tamara go adventuring to get it down in the dragon pit. However it was a super double cross as Hook only did it so that the fail-safe will kill Rumpelstiltskin.  And they take away Regina.

While that is happening Emma is suspicious of Tamara  and Henry overhears and wants to restart Operation Cobra or now Preying Mantis.  Emma and Henry break into to Tamara and Neal’s room but Neal catches him and call Emma out her lie detector power, thank you Neal.  

This episode was more of the alright to average range. The show is trying to do a lot to get the plot to the season finale and set-up the next season. The magical doomsday for Storybrooke seems like straight out left field and Greg and Tamara are weird as villains.   Greg has some motivation but Tamara doesn’t so far.


Episode 21: Second Star to the Right

Dylan Schmidt as Baelfire & Freya Tingley as Wendy Darling Season 2 Episode 21 Second Star to the Right, ABC Once Upon a Time picture image

Dylan Schmidt as Baelfire & Freya Tingley as Wendy Darling

I was wrong and yet I was sort of right. Baelfire was not Peter Pan, though he did go to Neverland and was Lost Boy for a time. In the character past after Baelfire went through the portal he went to Edwardian London, sure ok, wardrobe goes to Maine, Beans go to London. There he was an orphan till he met Wendy Darling and is taken in by the Darling. Baelfire learns that Wendy is being visited by a shadow and it takes her away. When she returns in the morning she says the shadow let her go because it only wants boys and it will come for one her brothers. Baelfire doesn’t want the Darling family ruined and so he gets taken away. He arrives in Neverland but gets away from the shadow and Hook saves him.

Still a lot going on in Storybrooke but the main thing is Greg and Tamara are torturing Regina. Turns out they are working for someone to get rid of magic in the “world without magic” but also Greg wants to know where is his father is. Rumpelstiltskin gives Snow a spell so that she can see thing through Regina’s eyes, but all see senses is pain and the smell of fish.

Emma, Baelfire/Neal, Snow and Charming all converge of the canary.  Snow and Charming save Regina but Greg gives them the slip. Tamara confronts Neal and Emma. Neal gets shot and then goes through a portal as Tamara threw a magic bean at them. Emma is heartbroken as she believes Neal won’t survive the portal and a gunshot wound. Also Tamara and Greg get away with the trigger to Storybrooke destruction.      

While I don’t love the story of Peter Pan, I do like that there is a somewhat nefarious tone to the story.  Pan’s shadow is near demonic taking boys away in the dead of night. Though he doesn’t like girls. Though it’s weird because Neal says the World Sans Magic wasn’t his right stop way back in episode 14 but it was. He just went to Neverland too afterwards. Would have sucked for Rumpelstiltskin if Neal was dead in the real world the whole time, very convenient.  

This was an ok episode. Lots of stuff happening though Tamara and Greg are not as enjoyable as Cora or Hook. They are weak bad guys.  Really they just seem like zealots, and no one likes a zealot least of all a boring zealot. But the episode was engaging aside from them. I love that Neal called BS on Emma’s on again off again lie detector.



Episode 22: And Straight on till Morning

Colin O'Donoghue as Captain Hook & Dylan Schmidt as Baelfire Season 2 Episode 22 And Straight on till Morning, ABC Once Upon a Time picture image

Colin O’Donoghue as Captain Hook & Dylan Schmidt as Baelfire

The character’s past involves Baelfire’s involvement with Hook and the lost boy pursuing him. As it turns out Peter Pan is a bit of some demi-god who controls Neverland, you don’t leave unless Pan lets you. Baelfire and Hook are bonding nicely till Baelfire learns that it was Hook who took his mother away even though Milah and Hook had plan on going back for Baelfire one day. Baelfire leaves Hook and that is how he becomes a Lost Boy but he is not the boy Pan is REALLY after, Peter Pan is really after Henry, who now is apparently some child of prophecy or something. Man everyone wants this kid.    

In Storybrooke, Tamara and Greg activate the trigger but Hook, is having second thoughts as he doesn’t want to die. The people come up with a plan THAT Regina will hold off the trigger as long as she can while everyone escapes back to the forest with a bean portal. Things go awry and everyone thinks they will die but together Emma and Regina stop the trigger.

Rumpelstiltskin learns that the Blue fairy fixed the whole cursed persona thing so the Dwarf and Belle are cured, wow that whole Belle as bad girl plot really went far.  Also apparently Tamara and Greg’s goal were to bring Henry to Neverland.

The season  ends with Rumpelstiltskin, Emma, Regina, Snow White, Charming and Hook going through a bean portal to Neverland. 

Also everyone thinks Neal is dead but Mulan, Aurora and Phillip save him.  Wow, Aurora and Mulan saved Phillip off screen huh?   

This episode was ok, not real conclusion to any storyline but set-up for next season. It’s really dumb that ALL the character think Neal is dead. Like why do automatically assume that. Because it’s most dramatic?

Season 2 was more smaller stories than a long goal narration so it felt more choppy than season 1 but it wasn’t bad. It had some strong episodes and even the lower episodes felt better than the lower episode in season 1. So while no ultimate conclusion was reached in season 2 it definitely made you want to continue to season 3.

Episode 17: Welcome to Storybrooke

Lana Parrilla as Regina & Benjamin Stockham as Young Owen Season 2 Episode17, Welcome to Storybrooke, ABC Once Upon a Time picture image

Lana Parrilla as Regina & Benjamin Stockham as Young Owen

With Cora now gone there needs to be a new bad guy, and fortunately they have been introduced. This episode pertains to Storybrooke’s formation even though only Regina knows about it and two campers are a little suspect. See a father and son from New Jersey were camping in Maine when Storybrooke appeared around them. Regina gets bored quickly with how everyone acts the same and no stands up to her. It’s only the outsiders Kurt and Owen who pose any interest to Regina. Basically she takes a liking to young Owen and wants him to stay even if that means by arresting his dad. Regina does managed to arrested Kurt but Owen runs off. When Owen returns with the police but he can no longer see Storybrooke as it’s cloaked or shielded, point is no one can get in unless they are Fairytale people while the curse is active.

In Storybrooke. Regina wants revenge on Snow, Rumpelstiltskin tells Regina to get over it as it will cost her Henry. But Regina has a new curse in mind that will make Henry love and will get rid of Snow White. Meanwhile Snow is in a state of deep depression over what she did to Cora. Henry demands Emma and Charming be honest with him but he can’t believe Snow would hurt anyone.  Henry then thinks he can blow up the magic to stop all this but Regina tells him he can’t but burns the scroll so she can cast the curse.

Snow then asks Regina to kill her as she can’t live with herself. Regina takes her heart but notices a black spot and gleefully tells Snow she will get everything she wants and puts Snow’s heart back. This is all recorded but Greg Mendall who is really little Owen.

So Storybrooke was “founded” in 1983 but the 80’s just missed it as it still in its 2010 styling. Just in case you missed 1983-ness of the setting Owen mentions Return of the Jedi and has a ROTJ blanket. Even his name is a Star Wars reference. Anyway episode was ok. It show why Regina wanted to be a mother and set-up Greg/Owen’s motivation. However it does raise one question, you would THINK Regina should have been suspicious of who Henry was if he could get into Storybrooke. Unless she got him and that negates the shield thing.

This episode wasn’t as good as previous episode but at it’s best ot was just ok. It was somewhat boring in parts.                      


Episode 18: Selfless, Brave and True

Eion Bailey as August Booth & Sonequa Martin-Green as Tamara Season 2 Episode 18, Selfless Brave True, ABC Once Upon a Time picture image

Eion Bailey as August Booth & Sonequa Martin-Green as Tamara

Gotta be honest this was a weaker than average episode even though some notable things happen. For instance we learn that the “her” that keeps calling Greg is really Tamara, Neal’s fiancee and her being with him was a ploy. Tamara has some plan involving magic. She also has a history with August as they went to same magical guy in Hong Kong and Tamara killed him.

August is also fully wooden because his motivations have always been selfish but at the end right  thing before he dies, Tamara tried and killed him because he was going to warn Storybrooke,  the Blue Fairy turns into a real boy again and yes he is a boy and he forgot what the warning was.    
Also in addition to being a weak episode the effect work to make August look wooden are really bad. It’s hard to take seriously. Either makeup or a combination or makeup and effects would look better but it was hard to watch puppet August.

Episode 19: Lacey

Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin & Emilie de Ravin as Lacey Season 2 Episode 19, Lacey ABC Once Upon a Time picture image

Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin & Emilie de Ravin as Lacey

The episodes send the plot in an odd direction. Regina uses some spell to revert Belle to her cursed self, which didn’t exist, since had amnesia in psych ward. So Belle is now called Lacey, a barfly who hustles people at pool. Sure, Snow White is a caring, sweet  teacher and Jiminy is a therapist, while bookish sees the good in everyone Belle is a bad girl with a drinking problem, sure  this makes sense.  Anyway the point of this episode is to show that Rumpelstiltskin can try and change. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, sort of depends on who is he with. So while Belle shows the good in Rumpelstiltskin, Lacey likes the bad Dark one.

Also Tamara reveals she has a captive Hook. Emma is introduced to the magic bean crop and Regina finds it.  

In the character’s past Robin Hood steals from Rumpelstiltskin and Rumple tortures him, as he does. Belle frees him and Rumple gets mad and decides he going to track down the thief and kill him to prove a point to Belle. Turns out Robin stole from Rumpelstiltskin to save his dying pregnant wife. Rumpelstiltskin then spares him and Belle feels vindicated, as she does.

Not sure why Regina bother with reverting Belle to her cursed form. What good did that do her?  We also see that bow that never misses its target again and Robin Hood is introduced.   It’s was an ok episode but Rumpelstiltskin is pretty much the best character, so episode centering around him are mostly always a bit better.  

Side Note – Trying three episodes  at a time since there is two weeks left in March. Since I want to caught up and string these post along for another year,  there will be two posts of OUAT a week now, once on Mondays and once on Thursday.  The exception will be weeks where the seasons ends, which mean post will be once a week on Thursdays.

Episode 15: The Queen is Dead

Bailee Madison as Young Snow White & Rena Sofer as Queen Eva Season 2 Episode 15 The Queen is Dead ABC Once Upon a Time picture image

Bailee Madison as Young Snow White & Rena Sofer as Queen Eva

We got that three story structure in this episode, so let’s just start with Character’s past. This one centers on young Snow White. Snow White’s mother, Queen Eva is dying and Snow White ventures to find the Blue Fairy. The Blue fairy says the only way to restore the queen’s life is for someone else to die in her place and gives Snow a candle that will switch the lives. Very Game of Thrones. However young Snow can’t bring herself to do it and Snow’s kind mother dies. Turns out that Eva was poisoned by Cora who also disguised herself as the Blue Fairy to test Snow White and to lead Snow on a path of darkness. It also seems like Eva and Cora have a little bit of a history.

In New York, everyone is awkwardly trying to bond and then Hook stabs Rumpelstiltskin with a poison tipped Hook. Rumpelstiltskin  says he will die unless they can make it back to Storybrooke. Neal/Baelfire says that the fastest way is to steal Hook’s boat and says he can captain it. Basically Neall did go to Neverland! Was he Peter Pan? Seems like it? Would make sense though Pan learning to sail a Pirate boat? Seems a little off. Maybe he was rouge lost boy? Don’t know  I asked that question back in episode 4.  Also Emma meets Neal’s fiancee Tamara.

The trouble is back in Storybrooke, Regina and Cora are after Rumpelstiltskin’s dagger. Snow calls Emma asking Rumpelstiltskin to reveal the location of the dagger. He tells them and they find in the clock tower of the library but Cora and Regina show up and threaten one Snow’s former loyal servant Johanna. Snow trades the dagger for Johanna’s life but Cora kills  Johanna anyway. Snow then vows to kill Cora for what she did to both Johanna and her mother as she just learned of Cora’s manipulations and murder of her mom.

First off, there is a huge Star Wars reference. Snow White/Mary Margaret says the classic Leia line to Mother Superior, “Help Me Mother Superior, you’re my only hope.

Generally, I liked this episode. It was good to see a young Snow White be the focus of an episode and yet more character motivations in play.                  


Episode 16: The Miller’s Daughter

Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin & Rose McGowan as Cora Season 2 Episode 16 Miller's Daughter ABC Once Upon a Time picture image

Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin & Rose McGowan as Cora

This has to be one of the strongest episodes yet.  It explores Cora’s backstory and her rise of a Miller’s daughter to royalty and her lust for power.  So in the character’s past, Cora is a Miller’s daughter or more specifically the Miller’s daughter from the Rumpelstiltskin story. She is delivering flour to the King but Princess Eva trips and her and forced to kneel and apologize for doing nothing wrong.

Cora attends a ball for the hand of Prince Henry, who is being whored out for a wealthy alliance. Cora tells the king that she can spin straw into gold. So he locks up in a tower and should she produce gold she can marry Henry. Rumpelstiltskin shows up and offers to spin the straw into gold for her if she gives him her first born. She agrees but on the condition that he teaches her how spin gold instead, he agrees. Their lessons gets a bit sexually charged but she masters the process.

Cora and Henry become engaged but he is fifth in line to be King which doesn’t suit Cora. Her and Rumpelstiltskin are also having an affair. Rumpelstiltskin offers her love and asks her to run off with him. They amend their contract so that she would own him his child and he teaches her how to remove hearts so she can kill the king. She instead removes her heart as “love is weakness” and tells Rumplestiltskin she will not be going with him and any child she have will not be his.    

In Storybrooke, Rumpelstiltskin is dying and Cora seems like she wants the power of the Dark one. Rumpelstiltskin manipulates Snow to use that candle to exchange his life for Cora’s and tells her that the heart is in the vault. Snow manipulates Regina to give Cora’s heart back so that Cora will finally be able to love her.  Right before Cora is about to kill Rumpelstiltskin, Regina restores Cora’s heart thus killing her and saving Rumpelstiltskin.   
Both plot were great, one of exciting and somewhat suspenseful and the other was intriguing. Personally I prefered Cora’s and Rumpelstiltskin’s past. It was great to see what motivated Cora to her icy yet power hungry persona and also it gave the reason behind Rumpelstiltskin and Cora’s relationship which has been  hinted at for a while.   It does beg the question is Rumpelstiltskin Regina’s father?  If Cora was pregnant in that instance, which it vaguely hints at it   would make Regina Baelfire’s half sister and Henry’s aunt. But there is not clear indicator as of yet how much time passed between Rumplestiltskin and Cora’s affair and Regina’s birth and with Cora now dead it could be hard to answer that question if it is indeed true though it’s probably not true. Anyway great episode, one my favorites so far.

Episode 13: Tiny

Jorge Garcia as Anton, Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White, Lee Arenberg as Grumpy and Josh Dallas as Charming Once Upon a Time Season 2 Episode 13 Tiny picture image

Jorge Garcia as Anton, Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White, Lee Arenberg as Grumpy and Josh Dallas as Charming

Ha!!!!!!! That is not what Logan Airport looks like, or I have been using the wrong terminal all this time. Also really a flight to Boston to New York? It’s not that far via car or bus, or train and then none of that take off the cloak Drama. Basically  Rumpelstiltskin is having cultural shock and he can’t use magic.

In the character’s past Prince James, Charming/David’s twin, and his lover Jacqueline a.k.a Jack are tasked with tricking a Giant, Anton, who has come to town. Anton is the giant from the compass episode.  He thinks they are friends but they just want the beans. James and Jack kill all the giants but Anton destroys all the beans and before the giant leader  dies, he gives Anton a new beanstalk seed that can grow more beans.  Also to prove James is more of a jerk, he lets Jack die.

In Storybrooke, Hook shows Snow, Charming and Leroy, a captured Anton, who is travel size.  Anton goes on a tear when he sees Charming/David. Regina and Hook decide to use Anton as a distraction and Regina makes him big. Charming offers himself for the town. Anton tries to crush him but the size mushroom wears off and Anton’s life is in danger. The town saves him and he welcomes him into the fairy/literature fold. Anton tells them about planting the bean to return to the enchanted forest but warns them that it’s what Cora wanted.


At end Snow tells Charming home is where Emma and Henry are and she doesn’t want to leave them. Greg also tells Belle that he saw magic too.  


This was not the strongest episode. It some ways it moved the plot and in other ways seemed to stall. Did the giant need a backstory and did it need a whole episode?  Let’s see where it leads but most of it felt like filler.  I do like the irony of a giant being an honorary dwarf at the end.


Episode 14: Manhattan

Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin Once Upon a Time Season 2 Episode 14 Mahhattan picture image

Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin

Confession time, this episode got spoiled for me BUT oh wow!  Amazing twist! You could not have predicted who the true identity of who Neil really was. It fits perfectly and does add to the drama.

The plot of this is fairly simple. Emma, Rumpelstiltskin  and Henry go to Manhattan to find Baelfire and oh boy do they find him quickly. Like Rumpelstiltskin’s globe pinpointed the building.  

So they find him but he takes off running, Rumpelstiltskin sends  Emma after him and to get Bae to speak to him. She catches him but it’s her baby daddy Neal a.k.a Baelfire.  Emma questions that if  his motivates for being with her and if they were part of the curse. He says no and he wants nothing to do with Rumpelstiltskin. Emma withholds the information that he has a son.

Emma reports back that she was unsuccessful and Rumpelstiltskin breaks in to Baelfire’s apartment. Rumpelstiltskin notices Emma acting weird and starts questioning her but Baelfire shows up to defend Emma against Rumpelstiltskin since Emma didn’t really keep her side of the bargain. When Baelfire see Henry he questions Henry’s age and it’s revealed to everyone else that he is the father.    

The character’s past portion is about Rumpelstiltskin pre-dark one and post. Rumpelstiltskin is excited to go to the front but while there he meets a seer. She tells him he will die and it will leave his son fatherless. Or rather his actions will lead his unborn son fatherless. And yes they do. Rumpelstiltskin meets her after becoming the Dark One and she tells him that he will reunite with his son but a boy will be his undoing. Rumpelstiltskin says we will have to kill this boy. The boy is Henry. Seems like invented conflict since Rumpelstiltskin’s motivation have been his son the whole time so it seems a little out of character for him to now want to kill his grandson but we’ll see where this goes. Character’s personality change so much in this show that it COULD be in his character.

Also In Storybrooke, Cora, Regina, and Hook are on a quest to find Rumpelstiltskin’s dagger so that he will be the one to kill those who stand in Regina’s way of being the sole mommy of Henry. I guess that mean she’ll have to kill Rumpelstiltskin too since he have more of claim on Henry than she does. Does that close adoption thing mean nothing now? Did the curse break existing law? How did that law work? I mean Henry was born in Arizona. Someone MUST have brought Henry to Storybrooke  and yet no one could get into Storybrooke prior, unless they were related to the Fairy Tale world. We Know Rumpelstiltskin arranged it but did Regina go? She can leave since she wasn’t a victim of the curse. But Rumpelstiltskin couldn’t leave Storybrooke since he was a victim but he retained his memories. So many questions. How did they get into the town like pregnancy tests or coffee? Does the curse just make commodities appear?   

Also Gregg saw Regina use magic and sent “her” a video of it.

Despite raising all sorts of questions with this possession over Henry plot, this was a great episode. The drama from New York crew was on point. They rest of the episode did feel weak by comparison although that seer was kind of awesome.  She reminded of the Harpy in The Last Unicorn. I want to know how she got captured and why? Where is that episode?


Bonus Picture Time

The Seer Once Upon a Time Season 2 Episode 14 Mahhattan picture image

The Seer

Episode 11:  The Outsider

Emilie de Ravin as Belle Once Upon a Time Season 2 Episode 11 The Outsider picture image

Emilie de Ravin as Belle

Or how Mulan met Phillip. Actually this episode centers around Belle. In the character’s past Belle goes a monster hunting. She is encouraged to go by Dreamy who gives her some Fairy  Dust. Belle proves that books and knowledge are useful as she tracks down a fiery monster. Mulan is also tracking the monster but isn’t as good at tracking. Belle corners the monster but the monster asks Belle to save it so she uses the fairy dust to cure the monster who is really Philip. This is how Mulan meets Philip and at the end of the episode Regina captures Belle. It’s a good bridger episode as it showcases Belle as kick-ass yet compassion person of action and how she got captured by Regina.   

There is a lot going on in Storybrooke in this episode. Rumpelstiltskin figures out a way for him to leave the town. All that is needed is an object of GREAT personal importance and a potion. However Hook steals Rumpelstiltskin’s object, a cloak of Baelfire’s  and Belle tries to retrieve it and in the process frees Archie. Belle gets in a confrontation with Hook but Rumpelstiltskin comes and beats Hook up and Belle begs him to stop which he does.

Rumpelstiltskin is getting ready leave town at that cursed townline but as he says goodbye to Belle Hook shows up, shots Belle sending over the line making her forget everything. Rumpelstiltskin cures her wound with magic but as that is happening a car from Pennsylvania hits Hook and crashes.  Also Archie tells Emma and Henry that Regina was framed by Cora.

The character past was alright. It was good showcasing of Belle that was good mirroring of her actions in Storybrooke and helped established Mulan and Phillip.

The Storybrooke stuff was alright till the end, then it blew up. The redemption arcs are all well and good but between Rumpelstiltskin and Regina it’s getting repetitive. Henry and Belle should hang out more. The end with Hook, Belle losing her memory and some outsider literally crashing into town made this episode way better.  It will be interesting seeing Rumpelstiltskin move forward with Belle having so much amnesia.      


Also Snow and Charming are having drama again. She wants to settle in Storybrooke and get a house and Charming wants to try and go back to their world because if something is worth it you have fight for it but Snow is tired of fighting.  So much drama with these two.


Episode 12: In the Name of the Brother

Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin & Emilie de Ravin as Belle Once Upon a Time Season 2 Episode 12 In the Name of the Brother picture image

Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin & Emilie de Ravin as Belle

Sigh, it’s another Frankenstein episode. This one takes place  before and after the events of the first Frankenstein episode. It seems like Victor was the 2nd favorite child, out of two, and his dad doesn’t get his art erm science, so he is cutting him off. Rumpelstiltskin shows up and offers him money for learning about his science and sets him up with a heart. Victor tries get a body but his brother dies in the process and his brother becomes his monster.  

In Storybrooke everyone is freaking out. Rumpelstiltskin is trying to get Belle to remember  and also sets up a truce with Cora who wants her daughter’s love back. Cora also offers Rumpelstiltskin a globe thing that can locate his son.  Cora sneaks around Regina’s house then disguises herself as Henry. The two do make up but who knows what Cora REALLY wants.

The Outsider is brought to the E.R and everyone is freaking out that a normal dude could have seen Rumpelstiltskin using magic. Dr.Whale is having issues dealing with being a monster but Ruby convinces him to live with his past and he saves the guy’s life. Emma questions him and he said he didn’t see anything because he was texting but at the end of the episode it’s revealed that he may have seen something.  

Also Rumpelstiltskin is cashing in of the deal that Emma will do him a favor, it’s from the Cinderella episode. Wonder what she is up to? And what happened with Katherine and her love who is now the Gym teacher?  Anyway Rumpelstiltskin wants Emma to go with him to find Baelfire.  Does this mean a Roadtrip with Rumple???

DEAR GOD SHOW STOP IT! Emma’s lie detecting sucks. Stop making it a thing. Or Stop reminding me it’s a thing with it working sometime and not other. It’s such a plot crutch. Or did she not believe him?  Who is this Greg Mendell guy? And who is “her”? The so-called lady who keeps calling him.    

BUT wait there is more. So first thing, love that the Outsider’s ringtone was the Star Wars Theme. It was cute wink at Disney’s acquisition of Star Wars a few months before the episode aired.

Henry brings up a fair point that Frankenstein isn’t a Fairy tale character so they don’t know who else is in town, You know what else isn’t a Fairy Tale? Alice in Wonderland didn’t stop that one being in the book. Also where is Alice?   So does this mean Frankenstein’s world is not the “real” but some book world? Do all books dwell in the same world like fairy tale world? But if the book doesn’t have magic is the same as the really world? I’m confused. Rumpelstiltskin has no issue going to the “book world of Frankenstein” but only the curse/bean can go to the real world? But also is Neverland is separate?  Do all books have different worlds but Fairy Tales characters  live together except Mulan who is originally for a poem?  Hey Henry brought it up first? It just add so many more questions.
The episode was good for the most part. I’m not a fan of Frankenstein so Whale’s past and his conflict felt like filler. This episode seems to be trying to move the plot but it’s still setting itself up. It was good in parts, meh in parts and raised all sorts of confusion.

Episode 7: Child of the Moon

Meghan Ory as Ruby and Josh Dallas as Charming Once Upon a Time Season Episode 7 Child of the Moon picture image

Meghan Ory as Ruby and Josh Dallas as Charming

Oh, King George, you suck. This episode centers around Red/Ruby. In Storybrooke King George a.k.a Spencer, frames Ruby for murder. David doesn’t buy it and calls him out of him but Spencer burns Jefferson’s hat which was to get Mary Margaret/Snow White and Emma back.  

Also we learn the truth behind Henry and Aurora’s dream.  It’s really their soul being set to a netherworld. Mr Gold gives Henry a necklace to control his presence there and speaks a little with Aurora.

In the character’s past, Red meets more of her kind and  learns how control herself in the wolf form. However Red’s mother tries and makes her choose between her wolf side and human side, Red picks both facets of her being.

The CGs are still bad and I will still bring it up otherwise the episode was great. Red/Ruby is great character as she both strong yet very vulnerable in a believable way.    


Episode 8: Into the Deep

Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White & Josh Dallas as Charming Once Upon a Time Season 2 Episode 8 Into the Deep picture image

Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White & Josh Dallas as Charming

I really liked how this episode blended the two narratives of the Enchanted Forest and Storybrooke. So everyone figures out that since Henry and Aurora were under the sleeping curse and their souls go to that red room when they sleep, Henry can give info to Aurora to get Snow and Emma home, or rather how to deal with Cora. However as Aurora and Henry try and converse the Enchanted forest crew is attacked.  Aurora is then kidnapped and Cora gives them a deadline to turn over the compass or it’s bye-bye Aurora. Snow gets the idea that if she can go into a deep enough sleep she can enter the red room to speak to Henry. So they go Poppy hunting.

However in Storybrooke, Regina and Charming see burns on Henry’s arm and Charming decides that HE should get cursed too since he KNOWs Snow will find a way there. The two soul mates reunite in a hellish prison. Anyway the way to stop Cora is the way they stopped Rumpelstiltskin way back in the Cinderella episode with squid ink. Rumpelstiltskin says there is some in his old prison cell.

Back in the forest, Hook frees Aurora but Hook is a no good double traitor and takes Aurora’s heart and gives it to Cora. This means Cora can control Aurora’s words and actions.
I enjoyed this episode but there is  a lot going on. I mean it’s better than that Frankenstein filler episode.  It also had a good cliff-hanger. Not too much I can say about this episode.

Fran Fine (Fran Drescher) & Margaret (Nicholle Tom) in The Nanny S02x10 picture image

Fran Fine (Fran Drescher) & Margaret (Nicholle Tom) in The Nanny S02x10

Season 2 episode 10 of The Nanny entitled “The Whine Cellar” has a Hunchback reference. Fran Fine is throwing a party for her mother and when Margaret asks if they’ll be any boys her age there, Fran’s mother suggests they set her up with Cousin Irving who is “a nice boy with a wonderful personality.” Fran retorts with ” is he still ringing the bell at Notre dame?”

Watch the full episode here, reference starts at 1:42.