(disclaimer – This came out before IX even had a name so that date this theory/prediction and yet it still could happen if the story group wants it to happen since there was no plan and backstories change all the time in regards to the sequel trilogy)

Today I got a theory/prediction for Star Wars episode IX because everyone else does. I’m posting it here because I don’t have a reddit account and 4chan scares me so here we are. 

For the record, I, 110% totally believe this will totally happen in episode IX***

John Boyega as Finn, Star Wars; The Force Awakens picture image
John Boyega as Finn, Star Wars; The Force Awakens

This theory deals with the reveal of Finn’s father and it’s not Lando.  Clearly the sequel trilogy is having Finn follow Darby’s characterization  from Space Janitors. For those of you who don’t know what Space Janitors is, I feel so bad for you.  Go watch it. Or don’t, live your life, doesn’t matter. It’s all good.  

Brendan Halloran as Darby, Space Janitors picture image
Brendan Halloran as Darby, Space Janitors

Space Janitors was a web show that had three seasons, they are all on youtube. It was about Janitors working for the empire  who work on a death star like space station. Darby, the main character, wants nothing more than to be a type of person who the rebels would want to fire at, IE he is so low in the ranks the rebel ignore him.

Warning spoilers ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………at the end of the first season Darby learns the truth of his linage, in that he is the son of a high ranking rebel leader and his DNA code was change to protect him making him look human. In the third season Darby and his friends defect to to the rebels.

John Boyega as Finn, Star Wars; The Force Awakens picture image
John Boyega as Finn, Star Wars; The Force Awakens

An imperial janitor who defects to the rebels???? The sequel trilogy clearly copied this, just like the copied stuff from Space Balls in Last Jedi.

It will be revealed in Episode IX, that Finn is actually like Darby, an ectomorph,  or an Alien whose DNA has been changed to make them look human.

In Episode IX this was done by the First Order to adhere to conformity.  This is why there are no Aliens in the First Order except for Snoke because he needed to feel special. Finn’s father was a head of Resistance and thus he wasn’t lying when he said he was a big deal in the resistance.  It’s too perfect not to happen.  

Brendan Halloran as Darby, Space Janitors picture image
Brendan Halloran as Darby, Space Janitors

Who is Finn’s father? Watch Space Janitors, I don’t want to spoiler everything. Darby’s father is analogous  to  an awesome character in Star Wars and that is who Finn’s father truly is.  

***No I don’t this will happen, this is a joke. Please do not take this seriously. Although Space Janitors is quite good, watch that instead of Episode IX.  

Also Episode IX didn’t disprove this theory either since Finn has been given no backstory other than as a former storm trooper.

I’m still on the Star Wars actor casting, maybe next time I’ll do an anti-one, like an all Gungun casting, shudders.  


Mark Hamill picture image

Mark Hamill


As far as the different versions take on the role of Clopin they portray him in one of two ways, he’s either leader of Gypsies or leader of the beggars and thieves. Basically Clopin is combination of three characters from Book but MOSTLY he’s still the character of Clopin because that character just has more to do than the Duke of Egypt and the the other guy, whose name I have completely forgotten but know that he does have a name and there are three leaders of The Court of Miracles.  


Mark Hamill picture image

Mark Hamill


So as I was thinking about the Star Wars casting I really wanted to get my head out of the Sequel Trilogy even though I love it, yes I liked The Last Jedi, and then I thought of Mark Hamill and it was BOOM, he be so great as Clopin. It’s a dream casting that I never knew I always wanted.   


Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Star Wars The Force Awakens picture image

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Star Wars The Force Awakens


Hamill is most well known for his role as Luke Skywalker, really don’t I even need to say that  but he has had a long career and has been a very prominent voice actor including being consider one of the best Jokers ever. He was also in Castle in the Sky as a Villain. If you do know any about Hamill it’s that he loves to troll, in a jovial sense, and has  great sense of humor. I could really see Hamill playing Clopin with a delightful dark humor which is there but I think he could only improve of it.  


Mark Hamill picture image

Mark Hamill

This casting just so perfect that even if just vocal performance it would still be awesome but Mark Hamill would still kill it as live action role.

But what do you think? Would mark Hamill make a good Clopin?

Adam Driver picture image

Adam Driver

Frollo is an interesting character to cast because on the one hand we have the book which tells us that Frollo is 36. But the age of 36 is different in a modern setting  than it was in 1482 when the story is set or even in 1831 even the book was written. The book even tells us Frollo is in middle age or the winter of this life.  So most of the movie go for an older Frollo. Sometimes it a tad younger or sometime he looks like death, looking at you 1997 Richard Harris Frollo. But can we have both? Can we have a younger-ish Frollo who is believable at acting older or in someway austere and cold but passionate at the same time? Can we have a walking contradiction?


Yes! We can! And it’s Adam Driver!


Adam Driver as Kylo Ren, Star Wars The Force Awakens picture image

Adam Driver as Kylo Ren, Star Wars The Force Awakens

Driver is best known for playing Kylo Ren in the Sequel trilogy of Star Wars. He is a compelling character even if you don’t like that thing he did in The Force Awakens. Driver is just a very phenomenal actor who bring his A-game to every role and he has already played a priest in Silence, a very different story and character than Frollo. There is no doubt that Driver could excel at playing Frollo.


Adam Driver picture image

Adam Driver

Driver would be a young Frollo  but he does have a good look for the character already. He’s not a typically attractive, some people find him very attractive and some don’t see it at all.  He’s tall which helps, he has a narrow face with good angles, the perfect recipe for a Frollo.


Adam Driver picture image

Adam Driver


If this casting happen, I for one would be ecstatic, it just seems like a GREAT fit. What do you think? Would Adam Driver make a good Frollo?  Or no?

OT – I admit, I ship Reylo   

picture image


Daisy Ridley for Esmeralda was suggestion by Sky. At first this made me think of Ridley to play Fleur de Lys. As much as I love Ridley’s Rey, I do want to see Ridley playing a character like Fleur, maybe as a bitch maybe not. For whatever reason I have a soft-spot for Fleur. Sure in the book Fleur has blonde hair but so does Jehan and Quasimodo has red and Esmeralda has dark eyes, why get bogged down with colorition when other movies ignore them so much? Fleur de Lys could have brown hair why not?


Daisy Ridley picture image


Given Ridley’s star in on the raise it hard to see her accepting the role of Fleur where as  Esmeralda is a leading role. I could see her doing Fleur pending on other facets of the production like the director and if it was more of an ensemble piece.


Daisy Ridley picture image

Daisy Ridley

So let’s consider her for Esmeralda. The only way I could see her playing the role is if they did Esmeralda’s original backstory, as in she is French raised by Gypsies, even if they did not have the whole of the Sister Gudule plot in the movie.


Daisy Ridley as Mary Debenham from Murder on the Orient Express picture image

Daisy Ridley as Mary Debenham from Murder on the Orient Express

On the acting front I could Ridley playing the role even though she still fairly new and so far her biggest roles have been Rey in Star Wars and Mary Debenham  in Murder on the Orient Express. She also playing Ophelia in upcoming movie. Not sure how Ridley would play the role but my guess it would less overtly sexual than some other actresses and portrayals but you never know.


Daisy Ridley as Rey from Star Wars The Force Awakens picture image

Daisy Ridley as Rey from Star Wars The Force Awakens

Ridley has one big thing working for her as Esmeralda and that  is her sword and fighting ability. Ridley has done a lot of strength training and fight choreography for action scenes in Star wars. Those skills could translate into some nice dance choreography.


Daisy Ridley picture image

Daisy Ridley

I could see her going either way. As much as I think Daisy Ridley is cool person, she would not be my top pick for either role but if she were casted for either Esmeralda or Fleur  I would happy to see her grace a Hunchback version?

What do you people think? Ridley for Esmeralda? Ridley for Fleur de Lys? Or Neither? Or Both?

Tomorrow is May 4th (May Fourth be with you) but since Thursdays are an OUAT day, I’m doing a Star Wars post today! So here is a video pairing Hellfire with Star Wars: The Force Awakens.


So yeah, this combo wasn’t hard to find. There is a plethora of options from all across the Saga. I admit it I do like this pairing (Reylo) if it turns out not to happen I will rethink some aspects of The Force Awakens but as long as the story is good, it will be ok. I admit it, I kinda love the idea of this combination. Adam Driver good make a great Frollo.

BB-8 is awesome