Quaismodo and Hugo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame picture image

Quaismodo and Hugo Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame

I have decided that for the rest of the summer to suspended posting on Fridays Saturdays, and Sundays. So this means no more Fan-Art Fridays or Silly Sundays, or random Notre Dame de Paris stuff on Saturdays for a little while. I have been feeling burnt out for a while and feel the need for a slight break. I hope this break will allow me to get back on track with some better content as I’ve felt that my posts of late are  have been lower quality than I would like.

This is my 50oth Post and you know Quasimodo is going to Party.

Quasimodo celebrates  the Hunchblog's 500th post  picture image

Quasimodo celebrates the Hunchblog’s 500th post


So I thought I would go a little behind the scenes of the Hunchblog and share some of the names that were suggested to me by a friend for the Blog’s title. (I remember these because they are still on my cell phone) Enjoy

– Rollin’ with Frollo
– Frollo’s Draughts
– Frollo’s Promissory
– Frollo’s Fashion
– The Fashions of Notre Dame
– Dernier Cri de Notre Dame
– Huncnback, Allez
– Notre Dame de Cafe
– C’est la Notre Dame
– The Polish of Notre Dame
– Illuminations de Notre Dame
– Hunchback in Flames
– The Circus of Notre Dame
– Hunchback Spotting
– Assemblage of Notre Dame
– Frollo Files
– Blog of Notre Dame

Two Questions!
Which one of these is your favorite and did I make the right decision with The Hunchblog of Notre Dame?