Robert Marien as Froll & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo, World Tour Notre Dame de Paris Crocus City picture image

Robert Marien as Froll & Matt Laurent as Quasimodo, World Tour Notre Dame de Paris Crocus City

YAY, Korea is putting on a French Cast Production of Notre Dame de Paris in honor of the 10th anniversary of the show in Korea. This marks the like fourth run of the show in Asian country but it’s the fisrt time since 2005 that a production has been in its native.

The show will run at The Grand Theater, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts in Seoul from January 15th to February 27th 2015.

So here is the cast and if you have been following the Notre Dame de Paris recent cast ( or just in general) you will see some familiar faces.

Quasimodo – Matt Laurent & Angelo Del Vecchio

Frollo- Robert Marien & Jerome Collet

Esmeralda – Stephanie Bedard & Myriam Brosseau

Gringoire – Richard Charest & John Eyzen

Phoebus – Yvan Pedneault & John Eyzen

Fleur de Lys – Stephanie Schlesser & Myriam Brosseau

Clopin – Roddy Julienne, Gardy Fury & Angelo Del Vecchio

Also according to Matt Laurent’s site the show will also go to
Daeju, South Korea
Daejeon, South Korea
Kwanju, South Korea
Busan, South Korea
Ulsan, South Korea
Taipei, Taiwan

The World Tour Trio (Matt Laurent, Robert Marien and Yvan Pedneault) singing Belle to I guess an audience member in Taipei, Taiwan.  I


Today’s Horoscope for January 2nd 2013 was prophesied for the Hunchback of Notre Dame, the book.

Elicia MacKenzie as Fleur de Lys & Yvan Pedneault as Phobus, World Tour Cast Notre Dame de Paris, Crocus City picture image

Elicia MacKenzie as Fleur de Lys & Yvan Pedneault as Phobus, World Tour Cast Notre Dame de Paris, Crocus City

“Although he visited her occasionally, from a lingering  spark of common respect, he felt doubly embarrassed in Fleur-de-Ly’s presence: first, because by dint of distributing is love in all sorts of places he had very little left for her and next, because amid so many stately, starched, and modest dames he trembled continually lest lips, accustomed to oaths, should suddenly lose all restraint and break out into the language of the tavern. ” (Book 7, Chapter 1 On the Danger of Confiding a Secret a Goat)


The prophesy is clear: Be sure to be mindful of who you address today, or else.

More Happy Fun Picture of the World Tour Cast ay Crocus City

This just the beginning and I wasn’t even done with the Asian Tour pictures -_-

According to this is the cast list for the World Tour of Notre Dame de Paris, which has a lot of former cast members.

Alessandra Ferrari as Esmeralda picture image

Alessandra Ferrari as Esmeralda

Quasimodo – Matt Laurent
Esmeralda – Alessandra  Ferrari
Gringoire – Matteo Setti Richard Charest
Phoebus – Yvan Pedneault
Frollo – Robert Marien
Fleur de Lys – Elica MacKenzie
Clopin- Ian Carlyle